Statalist archive (ordered by date)
(last updated Sat Oct 31 21:40:07 2009)
- Re: st: NNT after stcox - survci
- Re: st: re hodrick prescott filter
- Re: st: NNT after stcox - survci
- Re: st: NNT after stcox - survci
- st: panel cointegration test for small T
- st: Interpreting Cox interaction-revisited
- st: Controll for unobserved heterogenity in panel data
- st: NNT after stcox
- st: Re: SUREG by year
- st: RE: lev command
- st: unit-root tests: xt-fisher, Hadri, ipshin
- st: ST: thanks
- st: lev command
- Re: st: Are the datasets in "Meta-Analysis in Stata" available
- Re: st: RE: Request for advice on simple summary tables for LaTeX
- st: RE: Request for advice on simple summary tables for LaTeX
- st: RE: Request for advice on simple summary tables for LaTeX
- st: Request for advice on simple summary tables for LaTeX
- Re: st: Roctab and binomial exact confidence interval
- Re: st: RE: Re: jeditors: Stata Journal to be indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index
- Re: st: Polychoric correlations
- Re: st: svy : heckman
- AW: st: Polychoric correlations
- st: Generalized partially linear models
- st: RE: _rivtest_ for waek intruments
- st: update betafit
- st: RE: Re: jeditors: Stata Journal to be indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index
- st: _rivtest_ for waek intruments
- st: RE: Roctab and binomial exact confidence interval
- st: ST: creating new variables from a long list
- st: AW: R2 in a regression with time and fixed effects
- st: AW: svy : heckman
- st: R2 in a regression with time and fixed effects
- st: AW: RE: AW: SUREG by year
- st: RE: AW: SUREG by year
- st: svy : heckman
- Re: AW: st: AW: Polychoric correlations
- AW: st: AW: Polychoric correlations
- Re: st: AW: Polychoric correlations
- st: Polychoric correlations
- st: AW: Polychoric correlations
- st: Roctab and binomial exact confidence interval
- AW: st: Can I produce a regression output with -outreg2- after -xtoverid2, noisily- ? and temporary names query.
- AW: st: RE: Qn about Command prvalue
- Re: st: RE: Qn about Command prvalue
- Re: st: Standard Errors of predicted logit transformation
- RE: st: Can I produce a regression output with -outreg2- after -xtoverid2, noisily- ? and temporary names query.
- Re: st: RE: Qn about Command prvalue
- Re: st: RE: Qn about Command prvalue
- Re: st: unit-root tests: xt-fisher, Hadri, ipshin
- st: Standard Errors of predicted logit transformation
- RE: st: dependent variables= mortality rates in GEE and sample size????
- Re: st: unit-root tests: xt-fisher, Hadri, ipshin
- st: Re: jeditors: Stata Journal to be indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index
- Re: st: ST: creating new variables from a long list
- Re: st: Stata Journal to be indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index
- Re: st: dependent variables= mortality rates in GEE and sample size????
- st: dependent variables= mortality rates in GEE and sample size????
- RE: st: Submitting a command in a couples of pieces
- st: RE: RE: ST: creating new variables from a long list
- st: RE: jeditors: Stata Journal to be indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index
- Re: st: Submitting a command in a couples of pieces
- RE: st: Submitting a command in a couples of pieces
- st: RE: jeditors: Stata Journal to be indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index
- Re: st: Submitting a command in a couples of pieces
- st: RE: ST: creating new variables from a long list
- st: unit-root tests: xt-fisher, Hadri, ipshin
- st: ST: creating new variables from a long list
- RE: st: Submitting a command in a couples of pieces
- Re: st: Submitting a command in a couples of pieces
- st: Stata Journal to be indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index
- Re: st: RE: Submitting a command in a couples of pieces
- Re: st: AW: AW: RE: AW: label problem in sts test
- st: re hodrick prescott filter
- st: "flat region resulting in a missing likelihood" in Stata 10 but not in Stata 9
- st: Submitting a command in a couples of pieces
- Re: st: RE: Submitting a command in a couples of pieces
- st: RE: Submitting a command in a couples of pieces
- Re: st: xtmixed with random slope - STATA 11 vs STATA 10
- st: AW: AW: Submitting a command in a couples of pieces
- st: Three-way panel estimation with lagged variables
- AW: st: reshape and merge
- Re: st: reshape and merge
- st: AW: Submitting a command in a couples of pieces
- st: Submitting a command in a couples of pieces
- st: reshape and merge
- RE: st: Keep value labels after -mvdecode-
- st: AW: AW: RE: AW: label problem in sts test
- st: AW: RE: AW: label problem in sts test
- st: RE: AW: label problem in sts test
- Re: st: issues about the consistency of parameter estimation
- AW: st: issues about the consistency of parameter estimation
- Re: st: issues about the consistency of parameter estimation
- AW: AW: st: AW: tabm with %'s
- Re: st: issues about the consistency of parameter estimation
- RE: st: RE: how to test the seasonal effect in monthly data and smooth that effect
- st: AW: label problem in sts test
- st: RE: label problem in sts test
- RE: AW: st: AW: tabm with %'s
- st: label problem in sts test
- Re: st: issues about the consistency of parameter estimation
- Re: AW: st: AW: tabm with %'s
- AW: st: RE: Qn about Command prvalue
- AW: st: AW: tabm with %'s
- st: AW: SUREG by year
- st: SUREG by year
- AW: st: AW: tabm with %'s
- Re: st: RE: Qn about Command prvalue
- Re: st: AW: tabm with %'s
- AW: st: AW: tabm with %'s
- st: tabm with %'s
- Re: st: RE: RE: probability question
- AW: st: RE: Qn about Command prvalue
- RE: st: RE: Qn about Command prvalue
- Re: st: RE: Qn about Command prvalue
- st: RE: Qn about Command prvalue
- AW: st: Save estimates in a data file
- Re: st: Save estimates in a data file
- Re: st: AW: Importing text file into Stata
- Re: st: AW: Adjust after regression involving categorical variables
- st: Qn about Command prvalue
- st: AW: Importing text file into Stata
- st: Importing text file into Stata
- st: AW: xtmixed with random slope - STATA 11 vs STATA 10
- AW: st: Can I produce a regression output with -outreg2- after -xtoverid2, noisily- ? and temporary names query.
- st: AW: Save estimates in a data file
- st: AW: tabm with %'s
- st: Multi-level models with time-dependent covariates at multple levels
- Re: st: RE: how to test the seasonal effect in monthly data and smooth that effect
- st: xtmixed with random slope - STATA 11 vs STATA 10
- st: Save estimates in a data file
- RE: st: Can I produce a regression output with -outreg2- after -xtoverid2, noisily- ? and temporary names query.
- st: tabm with %'s
- RE: st: Keep value labels after -mvdecode-
- st: Re: Backed up message stata list
- Re: st: Keep value labels after -mvdecode-
- st: RE: The varimax rotation
- st: The varimax rotation
- Re: st: RE: RE: probability question
- st: RE: RE: probability question
- Re: st: Can I produce a regression output with -outreg2- after -xtoverid2, noisily- ? and temporary names query.
- st: AW: Defining a value from which to start dynamic prediction
- AW: st: Can I produce a regression output with -outreg2- after -xtoverid2, noisily- ? and temporary names query.
- st: Defining a value from which to start dynamic prediction
- Re: st: RE: RE: probability question
- re: st: Adjust after regression involving categorical variables
- st: New -saveresults- package available from SSC
- st: hprescott
- st: Update to -viewresults- available from SSC
- st: New -saveresults- package available from SSC
- Re: st: xtmelogit with variable as fixed and random effect error r(3200)
- Re: st: probability question
- RE: st: probability question
- Re: st: probability question
- Re: st: probability question
- RE: st: probability question
- RE: st: Can I produce a regression output with -outreg2- after -xtoverid2, noisily- ? and temporary names query.
- Re: st: probability question
- st: New versions of -sdecode- and -bmjcip- on SSC
- Re: st: RE: RE: probability question
- Re: st: probability question
- st: RE: RE: probability question
- st: RE: probability question
- Re: st: probability question
- Re: st: probability question
- Re: AW: AW: st: add new record for individual in dataset
- Re: st: RE: probability question
- Re: st: probability question
- st: AW: RE: Problems adding large numbers
- Re: st: Can I produce a regression output with -outreg2- after -xtoverid2, noisily- ? and temporary names query.
- AW: st: Can I produce a regression output with -outreg2- after -xtoverid2, noisily- ? and temporary names query.
- st: RE: probability question
- st: RE: Problems adding large numbers
- Re: st: probability question
- Re: st: Adjust after regression involving categorical variables
- AW: AW: st: add new record for individual in dataset
- AW: st: AW: add new record for individual in dataset
- Re: AW: st: add new record for individual in dataset
- Re: st: AW: add new record for individual in dataset
- st: probability question
- st: AW: Adjust after regression involving categorical variables
- AW: AW: st: add new record for individual in dataset
- Re: AW: st: add new record for individual in dataset
- Re: st: AW: add new record for individual in dataset
- st: AW: AW: Problems adding large numbers
- AW: st: add new record for individual in dataset
- Re: st: add new record for individual in dataset
- st: Adjust after regression involving categorical variables
- st: AW: add new record for individual in dataset
- st: gzsave and zipsave
- st: AW: Problems adding large numbers
- st: Problems adding large numbers
- st: add new record for individual in dataset
- Re: st: xtmelogit with variable as fixed and random effect error r(3200)
- st: AW: RE: AW: Can I produce a regression output with -outreg2- after -xtoverid2, noisily- ? and temporary names query.
- st: RE: AW: Can I produce a regression output with -outreg2- after -xtoverid2, noisily- ? and temporary names query.
- st: AW: Can I produce a regression output with -outreg2- after -xtoverid2, noisily- ? and temporary names query.
- Re: st: issues about the consistency of parameter estimation
- st: Can I produce a regression output with -outreg2- after -xtoverid2, noisily- ? and temporary names query.
- st: recovering "factor loadings" after mds
- st: issues about the consistency of parameter estimation
- Re: st: AW: RE: levpet for service sector firms
- Re: st: AW: RE: levpet for service sector firms
- RE: st: AW: RE: levpet for service sector firms
- Re: st: Stata 11 error Stata matrices have not been cleared
- RE: st: Multilevel models (Multilevel mixed-effects model)
- Re: st: AW: RE: levpet for service sector firms
- Re: st: Multilevel models (Multilevel mixed-effects model)
- Re: st: AW: Probable bug in -zipfile-
- RE: st: AW: RE: levpet for service sector firms
- Re: st: AW: RE: levpet for service sector firms
- Re: st: AW: Stata 11 error Stata matrices have not been cleared
- Re: st: AW: Probable bug in -zipfile-
- RE: st: AW: RE: levpet for service sector firms
- st: AW: Stata 11 error Stata matrices have not been cleared
- Re: st: Variogram for longitudinal data
- st: Stata 11 error Stata matrices have not been cleared
- Re: st: Variogram for longitudinal data
- AW: st: AW: RE: levpet for service sector firms
- Re: st: AW: RE: levpet for service sector firms
- Re: st: RE: Variogram for longitudinal data
- RE: st: RE: Variogram for longitudinal data
- re: AW: st: AW: AW: string functions
- re: AW: st: AW: AW: string functions
- st: AW: RE: levpet for service sector firms
- AW: st: AW: AW: sum of many variables
- Re: st: Inappropriate lines joining up between individuals in twoway line graph
- Re: AW: st: AW: AW: string functions
- RE: st: AW: AW: sum of many variables
- Re: st: Variogram for longitudinal data
- st: RE: Variogram for longitudinal data
- Re: st: xtmelogit with variable as fixed and random effect error r(3200)
- st: RE: levpet for service sector firms
- RE: AW: st: AW: AW: string functions
- st: RE:New version of -listtex- on SSC
- st: AW: New version of -listtex- on SSC
- st: New version of -rtfutil- on SSC
- st: New version of -listtex- on SSC
- st: AW: Probable bug in -zipfile-
- st: AW: Probable bug in -zipfile-
- st: Probable bug in -zipfile-
- Re: AW: st: AW: AW: string functions
- st: AW: Multilevel models (Multilevel mixed-effects model)
- st: AW: Inappropriate lines joining up between individuals in twoway line graph
- Re: st: xtmelogit with variable as fixed and random effect error r(3200)
- st: Multilevel models (Multilevel mixed-effects model)
- st: Variogram for longitudinal data
- st: levpet for service sector firms
- st: Inappropriate lines joining up between individuals in twoway line graph
- st: xtmelogit with variable as fixed and random effect error r(3200)
- Re: st: RE: censored interval model
- st: censored interval model
- st: RE: censored interval model
- st: Update to -panels- available from SSC
- Re: st: AW: New -panels- package available from SSC
- st: RE: RE: graph interaction in survival analysis
- Re: st: problem of running xtlogit, fe
- Re: st: problem of running xtlogit, fe
- Re: st: AW: AW: sum of many variables
- Re: st: RE: How to do domain analysis in svy:reg or svy:glm?
- Re: st: AW: split single records into multiple episode records
- Re: st: RE: -joinby- doesn't recognize -using- dataset
- st: New package -listtab- on SSC
- st: New version of -bmjcip- on SSC
- Re: st: AW: AW: sum of many variables
- AW: st: AW: AW: sum of many variables
- Re: st: RE: How to do domain analysis in svy:reg or svy:glm?
- st: AW: AW: sum of many variables
- st: AW: sum of many variables
- st: sum of many variables
- RE: st: AW: AW: string functions
- st: RE: How to do domain analysis in svy:reg or svy:glm?
- RE: st: AW: New -panels- package available from SSC
- AW: st: AW: AW: string functions
- AW: st: AW: New -panels- package available from SSC
- Re: st: help on outreg2
- RE: st: AW: AW: string functions
- RE: st: -replace- does not create an exact copy
- RE: st: AW: New -panels- package available from SSC
- Re: st: AW: New -panels- package available from SSC
- Re: st: AW: New -panels- package available from SSC
- st: RE: graph interaction in survival analysis
- st: How to do domain analysis in svy:reg or svy:glm?
- Re: st: non-linear constraints panel dynamic estimation
- Re: AW: st: AW: AW: string functions
- AW: st: AW: AW: string functions
- Re: st: AW: AW: string functions
- AW: st: non-linear constraints panel dynamic estimation
- Re: st: non-linear constraints panel dynamic estimation
- st: AW: split single records into multiple episode records
- RE: st: non-linear constraints panel dynamic estimation
- RE: st: non-linear constraints panel dynamic estimation
- RE: st: non-linear constraints panel dynamic estimation
- Re: st: non-linear constraints panel dynamic estimation
- RE: st: non-linear constraints panel dynamic estimation
- st: AW: AW: string functions
- st: RE: string functions
- st: AW: string functions
- Re: st: Logout splits long value names across many cells in Excel
- Re: st: non-linear constraints panel dynamic estimation
- st: string functions
- st: non-linear constraints panel dynamic estimation
- st: AW: help on outreg2
- AW: st: AW: tagging observations where either x or y are true
- RE: st: tagging observations where either x or y are true
- RE: st: -joinby- doesn't recognize -using- dataset
- Re: st: AW: tagging observations where either x or y are true
- Re: st: -joinby- doesn't recognize -using- dataset
- Re: st: tagging observations where either x or y are true
- st: split single records into multiple episode records
- st: help on outreg2
- st: New version of -sdecode- on SSC
- RE: st: -replace- does not create an exact copy
- Re: st: Interaction analyse with gllamm
- st: Interaction analyse with gllamm
- Re: st: -replace- does not create an exact copy
- st: AW: -replace- does not create an exact copy
- st: RE: -joinby- doesn't recognize -using- dataset
- st: -joinby- doesn't recognize -using- dataset
- st: -replace- does not create an exact copy
- Re: st: tagging observations where either x or y are true
- st: AW: tagging observations where either x or y are true
- st: AW: tagging observations where either x or y are true
- st: tagging observations where either x or y are true
- AW: st: addition of variables in Stata 11
- RE: st: addition of variables in Stata 11
- Re: AW: st: addition of variables in Stata 11
- Re: st: addition of variables in Stata 11
- AW: st: addition of variables in Stata 11
- AW: st: addition of variables in Stata 11
- RE: st: addition of variables in Stata 11
- st: AW: addition of variables in Stata 11
- Re: st: addition of variables in Stata 11
- st: RE: addition of variables in Stata 11
- st: addition of variables in Stata 11
- Re: R: st: R: the sign of z statatistic after -ranksum-? (flag: Stata 9/2 SE)
- R: st: R: the sign of z statatistic after -ranksum-? (flag: Stata 9/2 SE)
- st: RE: AW: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
- st: RE: how to test the seasonal effect in monthly data and smooth that effect
- st:how to test the seasonal effect in monthly data and smooth that effect
- Re: st: R: the sign of z statatistic after -ranksum-? (flag: Stata 9/2 SE)
- st: R: the sign of z statatistic after -ranksum-? (flag: Stata 9/2 SE)
- st: RE: the sign of z statatistic after -ranksum-?
- st: the sign of z statatistic after -ranksum-?
- st: RE: graph interaction in survival analysis
- st: AW: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
- st: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
- st: re: ivreg2 question
- st: ivreg2 question
- st: R: R: RE: Problem with Left Truncation
- RE: st: RE: RE: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
- RE: st: RE: RE: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
- st: graph interaction in survival analysis
- RE: st: RE: RE: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
- RE: st: RE: RE: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
- RE: st: RE: AW: -graph combine- question
- Re: st: RE: RE: How to generate this variable please?
- RE: st: RE: RE: How to generate this variable please?
- RE: st: RE: AW: -graph combine- question
- st: FW: Just curious
- Re: st: RE: RE: How to generate this variable please?
- st: RE: RE: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
- st: RE: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
- st: R: RE: Problem with Left Truncation
- Re: st: Random walk simplex
- Re: st: RE: AW: -graph combine- question
- Re: R: st: R: Problem with Left Truncation
- st: RE: Problem with Left Truncation
- RE: st: R: Problem with Left Truncation
- R: st: R: Problem with Left Truncation
- st: AW: outreg2
- Re: st: -graph combine- question
- st: outreg2
- st: AW: fe questions
- st: fe questions
- Re: st: Bug in graph matrix?
- Re: st: R: Problem with Left Truncation
- st: R: Problem with Left Truncation
- st: RE: AW: -graph combine- question
- st: AW: -graph combine- question
- st: new version of proprcspline available
- st: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
- st: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
- st: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
- st: Random walk simplex
- st: -graph combine- question
- Re: st: Bug in graph matrix?
- Re: st: RE: RE: How to generate this variable please?
- st: RE: Re: Bug in StataIC/10.1
- RE: st: -freduse- error
- Re: st: -freduse- error
- st: AW: -freduse- error
- st: -freduse- error
- st: Problem with Left Truncation
- RE: st: how to manage estimation results
- st: re: Can Stata access the SGE_TASK_ID environment
- Re: st: how to manage estimation results
- Re: st: how to manage estimation results
- st: AW: how to manage estimation results
- st: AW: how to manage estimation results
- RE: st: re: re: Can Stata access the SGE_TASK_ID environment variable (from
- st: how to manage estimation results
- st: AW: Re: Bug in StataIC/10.1
- st: Re: Bug in StataIC/10.1
- AW: st: RE: RE: How to generate this variable please?
- Re: st: re: re: Can Stata access the SGE_TASK_ID environment variable (from
- AW: AW: st: row and column titles for graphs with the by option
- Re: AW: st: row and column titles for graphs with the by option
- Re: AW: st: row and column titles for graphs with the by option
- Re: st: RE: RE: How to generate this variable please?
- st: AW: Bug in graph matrix?
- AW: st: row and column titles for graphs with the by option
- Re: st: row and column titles for graphs with the by option
- st: Bug in graph matrix?
- Re: st: AW: New -panels- package available from SSC
- Re: st: re: re: Can Stata access the SGE_TASK_ID environment variable (from
- st: AW: New -panels- package available from SSC
- AW: st: RE: RE: How to generate this variable please?
- Re: st: censored random normal with a fixed mean and standard deviation
- Re: st: row and column titles for graphs with the by option
- Re: st: RE: RE: How to generate this variable please?
- Re: st: RE: row and column titles for graphs with the by option
- st: RE: RE: How to generate this variable please?
- st: RE: row and column titles for graphs with the by option
- st: RE: How to generate this variable please?
- st: row and column titles for graphs with the by option
- st: How to generate this variable please?
- st: New -panels- package available from SSC
- AW: AW: st: RE: creating expanded records with indicator variables, where different ID's reside in the same rows
- Re: AW: st: RE: creating expanded records with indicator variables, where different ID's reside in the same rows
- Re: st: curvilinearity with moderator
- st: curvilinearity with moderator
- Re: st: AW: AW: Saving or generate variables for regression coefficients
- st: AW: AW: Saving or generate variables for regression coefficients
- AW: st: RE: creating expanded records with indicator variables, where different ID's reside in the same rows
- st: AW: Saving or generate variables for regression coefficients
- Re: st: RE: creating expanded records with indicator variables, where different ID's reside in the same rows
- Re: st: RE: The not so humble pie
- st: AW: Saving or generate variables for regression coefficients
- st: Saving or generate variables for regression coefficients
- Re: st: RE: The not so humble pie
- st: AW: Saving or generate variables for regression coefficients
- st: Saving or generate variables for regression coefficients
- st: RE: RE: merging values of one variable to to the nearest value in another dataset (stata v10.1)
- Re: st: RE: The not so humble pie
- Re: st: Too much time to draw a graph
- RE: st: RE: creating expanded records with indicator variables, where different ID's reside in the same rows
- Re: st: creating expanded records with indicator variables, where different ID's reside in the same rows
- Re: st: RE: creating expanded records with indicator variables, where different ID's reside in the same rows
- st: AW: creating expanded records with indicator variables, where different ID's reside in the same rows
- st: RE: creating expanded records with indicator variables, where different ID's reside in the same rows
- st: creating expanded records with indicator variables, where different ID's reside in the same rows
- Re: st: how to combine Murphy-Topel correction with Newey-Westcorrection???
- st: RE: The not so humble pie
- Re: st: curvilinearity with moderator
- Re: st: how to combine Murphy-Topel correction with Newey-West correction???
- st: The not so humble pie
- st: St: -dtobit- after -bitobit- Stata 10.1 or Stata 11
- st: how to combine Murphy-Topel correction with Newey-West correction???
- st: twoway_parea, restricted applicability
- Re: st: probability weighting in -xtlogit, re-
- Re: st: AW: variable number in variables window?
- st: probability weighting in -xtlogit, re-
- Re: st: Cumulative probabilities
- Re: st: superrows for tabout
- Re: st: Event Study Methodology using a GARCH Model
- st: The reason why too much time was needed to draw a graph.
- Re: st: Event Study Methodology using a GARCH Model
- st: AW: "Estimates diverging" error message in -xtlogit, pa-
- Re: st: Cumulative probabilities
- st: AW: variable number in variables window?
- st: "Estimates diverging" error message in -xtlogit, pa-
- st: variable number in variables window?
- Re: st: Event Study Methodology using a GARCH Model
- Re: st: Cumulative probabilities
- st: RE: AW: tsset for GARCH estimation with repeating dates
- Re: st: AW: tsset for GARCH estimation with repeating dates
- st: AW: tsset for GARCH estimation with repeating dates
- st: tsset for GARCH estimation with repeating dates
- Re: st: Cumulative probabilities
- RE: st: curvilinearity with moderator
- st: stcrreg and basecif
- st: curvilinearity with moderator
- Re: st: lost dta-file after contract command
- st: superrows for tabout
- Re: st: AW: Adjustes estimate in stratas using gllamm
- RE: st: Reading the output of xtmelogit
- AW: st: AW: Adjustes estimate in stratas using gllamm
- Re: st: AW: Too much time to draw a graph
- Re: st: AW: Adjustes estimate in stratas using gllamm
- st: AW: Adjustes estimate in stratas using gllamm
- st: Adjustes estimate in stratas using gllamm
- st: AW: Too much time to draw a graph
- Re: st: Elements of Statistical Learning
- st: RE: Too much time to draw a graph
- st: RE: Too much time to draw a graph
- st: Too much time to draw a graph
- RE: st: Reading the output of xtmelogit
- Re: st: Error message after inteff: unexpected end of file (error occurred while loading logit_cd.ado)
- Re: st: Reading the output of xtmelogit
- st: Uncorrelated observations
- Re: st: Is a "merge, if" possible?
- st: Reading the output of xtmelogit
- Re: st: Error message after inteff: unexpected end of file (error occurred while loading logit_cd.ado)
- st: RE: Is a "merge, if" possible?
- st: Error message after inteff: unexpected end of file (error occurred while loading logit_cd.ado)
- st: Is a "merge, if" possible?
- st: RE: RE: merging values of one variable to to the nearest value in another dataset (stata v10.1)
- st: RE: merging values of one variable to to the nearest value in another dataset (stata v10.1)
- st: merging values of one variable to to the nearest value in another dataset (stata v10.1)
- Re: st: Interpreting Fairlie decomposition results
- RE: st: Elements of Statistical Learning
- st: getting standard deviations with multiply imputed data
- Re: st: Elements of Statistical Learning
- st: censored random normal with a fixed mean and standard deviation
- Re: st: Elements of Statistical Learning
- st: Elements of Statistical Learning
- st: RE: lost dta-file after contract command
- st: RE: lost dta-file after contract command
- st: lost dta-file after contract command
- st: Post-estimation commands for Multiple Imputation
- Re: st: AW: Regression by SIC and predicting different model
- st: Interpreting Fairlie decomposition results
- Re: st: identifying comparison groups with similar distributions along one metric
- Re: st: identifying comparison groups with similar distributions along one metric
- st: identifying comparison groups with similar distributions along one metric
- st: Cumulative probabilities
- st: Cumulative probabilities
- Re:st: stcrreg: startifications and median survival?
- Re: st: how to access e(b) and e(V)
- Re: st: how to access e(b) and e(V)
- st: AW: RE: AW: RE: combination foreach forvalues
- st: RE: AW: RE: combination foreach forvalues
- Re: st: orthogonal pairing of observations
- Re: st: how to access e(b) and e(V)
- st: AW: RE: combination foreach forvalues
- RE: st: how to access e(b) and e(V)
- Re: st: how to access e(b) and e(V)
- st: re: how to access e(b) and e(V)
- st: RE: RE: combination foreach forvalues
- st: RE: RE: how to access e(b) and e(V)
- st: RE: combination foreach forvalues
- st: AW: combination foreach forvalues
- st: RE: how to access e(b) and e(V)
- st: combination foreach forvalues
- Re: st: how to access e(b) and e(V)
- RE: st: Restricted Ranges in Stata's Multiple Imputation Procedures
- st: AW: how to access e(b) and e(V)
- st: AW: how to access e(b) and e(V)
- st: how to access e(b) and e(V)
- RE: st: Restricted Ranges in Stata's Multiple Imputation Procedures
- st: estat abond
- st: Event Study Methodology using a GARCH Model
- Re: AW: RE: st: RE: mim: reg command
- AW: RE: st: RE: mim: reg command
- st: AW: Regression by SIC and predicting different model
- Re: st: tmap problem -- extra lines
- st: Regression by SIC and predicting different model
- st: tmap problem -- extra lines
- Re: RE: st: RE: mim: reg command
- st: re: re: Can Stata access the SGE_TASK_ID environment variable (from
- st: re: Can Stata access the SGE_TASK_ID environment variable (from
- Re: st: orthogonal pairing of observations
- st: orthogonal pairing of observations
- Re: st: Can Stata access the SGE_TASK_ID environment variable (from Sun's Grid Engine) on linux?
- Re: st: Can Stata access the SGE_TASK_ID environment variable (from Sun's Grid Engine) on linux?
- Re: st: re: caption on a bar graph
- st: re: caption on a bar graph
- st: Can Stata access the SGE_TASK_ID environment variable (from Sun's Grid Engine) on linux?
- Re: st: AW: RE: Caption on a bar graph
- Re: st: Can STATA be used for interactive webb-based analyses
- Re: st: How to analyze repeated cross-sectional data in which units are not truly followed?
- Re: st: parea package
- st: How to analyze repeated cross-sectional data in which units are not truly followed?
- Re: st: Can STATA be used for interactive webb-based analyses
- st: Models for panel data in which two response variables have lagged, reciprocal effects on each other
- st: re: parea package
- Re: st: parea package
- Re: st: Restricted Ranges in Stata's Multiple Imputation Procedures
- RE: st: AW: RE: Caption on a bar graph
- st: RE: AW: suest followed by hausman
- st: AW: RE: AW: suest followed by hausman
- st: suest followed by hausman
- AW: st: AW: RE: Caption on a bar graph
- st: AW: suest followed by hausman
- Re: st: AW: RE: Caption on a bar graph
- Re: st: Restricted Ranges in Stata's Multiple Imputation Procedures
- st: AW: RE: Caption on a bar graph
- st: RE: Caption on a bar graph
- st: Updated -gzsave- and -zipsave- packages
- st: Re: Two postings to SSC
- Re: st: Can STATA be used for interactive webb-based analyses
- st: Restricted Ranges in Stata's Multiple Imputation Procedures
- [no subject]
- Re: st: scatter line and reshape question
- Re: st: scatter line and reshape question
- Re: st: scatter line and reshape question
- st: re: Venn diagram
- st: Caption on a bar graph
- RE: st: After mlogit: Graphing predicted probabilities for transition between 2 subgroups
- Re: st: After mlogit: Graphing predicted probabilities for transition between 2 subgroups
- Re: st: After mlogit: Graphing predicted probabilities for transition between 2 subgroups
- Re: st: boxcox and panel data?
- st: RE: boxcox and panel data?
- st: boxcox and panel data?
- Re: st: After mlogit: Graphing predicted probabilities for transition between 2 subgroups
- st: After mlogit: Graphing predicted probabilities for transition between 2 subgroups
- st: After mlogit: Graphing predicted probabilities for transition between 2 subgroups
- AW: st: SV: RE: Venn diagram
- Re: SV: st: SV: RE: Venn diagram
- SV: st: SV: RE: Venn diagram
- RE: st: SV: RE: Venn diagram
- Re: st: RE: automatic coding so that legends assume the label variables
- Re: st: calculating the confidence intervals for the difference in predicted values
- Re: st: SV: RE: Venn diagram
- Re: st: calculating the confidence intervals for the difference in predicted values
- st: SV: RE: Venn diagram
- Re: st: calculating the confidence intervals for the difference in predicted values
- st: calculating the confidence intervals for the difference in predicted values
- Re: st: scatter line and reshape question
- st: endogeneity and overidentification results differ clustered standard errors are used with -ivregress 2SLS- vs -ivreg 2SLS-
- st: scatter line and reshape question
- Re: st: mean of a distribution
- Re: st: RE: automatic coding so that legends assume the label variables
- Re: st: RE: automatic coding so that legends assume the label variables
- Re: st: allocation of cache memory in Stata
- st: RE: automatic coding so that legends assume the label variables
- Re: st: infixing numbers in exponential format
- st: automatic coding so that legends assume the label variables
- st: RE: infixing numbers in exponential format
- RE: st: RE: mim: reg command
- Re: st: infixing numbers in exponential format
- st: infixing numbers in exponential format
- AW: st: RE: mean of a distribution
- RE: st: RE: mean of a distribution
- Re: st: RE: mean of a distribution
- st: RE: mean of a distribution
- st: AW: mean of a distribution
- st: mean of a distribution
- st: AW: R: Simulation using Stata (flag: 9.2/SE version)
- st: R: Simulation using Stata (flag: 9.2/SE version)
- st: RE: re: x and y axis in the middle
- st: RE: take the age of one observation and attach it to its matching observation by id with events accruing over time intervals
- st: R: Simulation using Stata (flag: 9.2/SE version)
- st: re: x and y axis in the middle
- st: RE: Re: x and y axis in the middle
- RE: st: Problem with adding 3 numbers
- st: re: Generate postscript output of analyses and graphs in chronological
- st: Generate postscript output of analyses and graphs in chronological order
- st: Re: x and y axis in the middle
- st: allocation of cache memory in Stata
- st: Constructing the variance-covariance matrix, Sigma, after -xtmixed-
- st: correct command for nlogit and constraints
- Re: st: R: RE: R: RE: R: Simulation using Stata (flag: 9.2/SE version)
- Re: st: RE: about the missing values
- Re: st: RE: re: x and y axis in the middle
- Re: st: RE: about the missing values
- st: RE: R: RE: R: Simulation using Stata (flag: 9.2/SE version)
- st: R: RE: R: RE: R: Simulation using Stata (flag: 9.2/SE version)
- st: R: Simulation using Stata (flag: 9.2/SE version)
- st: R: RE: R: Simulation using Stata (flag: 9.2/SE version)
- st: RE: about the missing values
- Re: st: RE: about the missing values
- st: RE: R: Simulation using Stata (flag: 9.2/SE version)
- st: re: x and y axis in the middle
- st: stata.com, stata-press.com
- st: RE: re: x and y axis in the middle
- st: about the missing values
- RE: st: RE: about the missing values
- st: x and y axis in the middle
- RE: st: Problem with adding 3 numbers
- Re: st: Problem with adding 3 numbers
- st: Problem with adding 3 numbers
- st: standard errors using MARGINS
- st: Simulation using Stata
- Re: st: Can STATA be used for interactive webb-based analyses
- Re: st: Can STATA be used for interactive webb-based analyses
- Re: st: Can STATA be used for interactive webb-based analyses
- Re: st: take the age of one observation and attach it to its matching observation by id with events accruing over time intervals
- Re: st: Can STATA be used for interactive webb-based analyses
- Re: st: take the age of one observation and attach it to its matching observation by id with events accruing over time intervals
- Re: st: take the age of one observation and attach it to its matching observation by id with events accruing over time intervals
- Re: st: take the age of one observation and attach it to its matching observation by id with events accruing over time intervals
- st: take the age of one observation and attach it to its matching observation by id with events accruing over time intervals
- Re: st: re: Error with MIM installed command
- Re: st: re: Stata license rules
- RE: st: RE: mim: reg command
- Re: st: Can STATA be used for interactive webb-based analyses
- st: RE: Venn diagram
- Re: st: re: Stata license rules
- st: Venn diagram
- st: re: Stata license rules
- Re: st: AW: Graph: Colouring table cells based on conditions or data distribution
- RE: st: AW: Graph: Colouring table cells based on conditions or data distribution
- AW: st: AW: Graph: Colouring table cells based on conditions or data distribution
- Re: st: Stata License Rules
- Re: st: AW: Graph: Colouring table cells based on conditions or data distribution
- RE: st: AW: Graph: Colouring table cells based on conditions or data distribution
- st: simultaneous fixed and between effects
- st: RE: AW: interactions for xtmelogit models
- st: update fmlogit available
- Re: st: Can STATA be used for interactive webb-based analyses
- Re: st: AW: Graph: Colouring table cells based on conditions or data distribution
- st: AW: interactions for xtmelogit models
- Re: st: Can STATA be used for interactive webb-based analyses
- st: interactions for xtmelogit models
- AW: st: AW: Graph: Colouring table cells based on conditions or data distribution
- Re: Re: st: Using the 2008 American National Election Study with Stata v.11
- Re: st: Can STATA be used for interactive webb-based analyses
- st: AW: Re: STATA tsgraph help
- st: Re: STATA tsgraph help
- Re: st: Can STATA be used for interactive webb-based analyses
- RE: st: AW: Graph: Colouring table cells based on conditions or data distribution
- AW: st: AW: Graph: Colouring table cells based on conditions or data distribution
- RE: st: AW: Graph: Colouring table cells based on conditions or data distribution
- Re: st: Can STATA be used for interactive webb-based analyses
- AW: st: RE: PE-test
- RE: st: AW: Graph: Colouring table cells based on conditions or data distribution
- Re: st: RE: PE-test
- st: Can STATA be used for interactive webb-based analyses
- Re: st: AW: Graph: Colouring table cells based on conditions or data distribution
- st: AW: xtmelogit
- R: Re: st: How to open a .dat file in stata?
- st: AW: Graph: Colouring table cells based on conditions or data distribution
- AW: Re: st: How to open a .dat file in stata?
- st: Re: st: How to open a .dat file in stata?
- st: Re: st: How to open a .dat file in stata?
- st: How to open a .dat file in stata?
- st: xtmelogit
- Re: st: reshaping data
- st: reshaping data
- Re: st: Stata License Rules
- [no subject]
- Re: st: Standard Error of a Wald Estimator and -nlcom-
- Re: st: Standard Error of a Wald Estimator and -nlcom-
- Re: st: Standard Error of a Wald Estimator and -nlcom-
- Re: st: Stata License Rules
- Re: st: Stata License Rules
- st: Stata License Rules
- st: RE: re: how to form a vector for each line
- st: re: how to form a vector for each line
- Re: st: standard errors using MARGINS
- st: AW: RE: AW: How to form a vector for each line
- st: RE: AW: How to form a vector for each line
- st: RE: PE-test
- st: RE: -tabstat- with c(count) format options
- st: User-Written Programs for Imputed Data and Descriptive Stats
- Re: st: Using the 2008 American National Election Study with Stata v.11
- Re: st: Standard Error of a Wald Estimator and -nlcom-
- st: standard errors using MARGINS
- st: Esther Philip is out of the office attending an all day conference.
- Re: st: Logical condition
- AW: st: AW: Logical condition
- Re: st: RE: Shrinkage factor
- Re: st: AW: Logical condition
- Re: st: AW: Logical condition
- st: PE-test
- Re: st: RE: Shrinkage factor
- Re: st: Standard Error of a Wald Estimator and -nlcom-
- Re: st: RE: Shrinkage factor
- Re: st: RE: Shrinkage factor
- Re: st: Using the 2008 American National Election Study with Stata v.11
- st: matwrite for mac
- Re: st: RE: Shrinkage factor
- Re: Re: st: Using the 2008 American National Election Study with Stata v.11
- AW: st: AW: creating two groups with identical distribution of one variable
- st: AW: How to form a vector for each line
- Re: st: AW: creating two groups with identical distribution of one variable
- st: How to form a vector for each line
- Re: st: New version of -bmjcip- on SSC
- RE: st: New version of -bmjcip- on SSC
- Re: Re: st: Using the 2008 American National Election Study with Stata v.11
- Re: st: RE: Shrinkage factor
- Re: st: RE: Shrinkage factor
- Re: st: Using the 2008 American National Election Study with Stata v.11
- st: re: standard error of a Wald estimator and -nlcom-
- Re: RE: st: RE: Shrinkage factor
- st: Standard Error of a Wald Estimator and -nlcom-
- st: Repeated Cross Sectional Data and Conditional Logit (e.g., -asclogit-)
- Re: RE: st: RE: Shrinkage factor
- st: Panel Factor Models using -dfactor- or other method?
- RE: st: Are the datasets in "Meta-Analysis in Stata" available for download?
- RE: st: Factor models in panel data (was: Factor models)
- Re: st: creating two groups with identical distribution of one variable
- st: release: multiple graphs -> single PDF
- st: AW: creating two groups with identical distribution of one variable
- st: creating two groups with identical distribution of one variable
- st: Using the 2008 American National Election Study with Stata v.11
- st: AW: Logical condition
- st: Logical condition
- Re: st: stcrreg: startifications and median survival?
- st: -tabstat- with c(count) format options
- Re: st: stcrreg: startifications and median survival?
- st: re: overlapping observations in panel
- Re: st: New version of -bmjcip- on SSC
- st: re: overlapping observations in panel
- Re: st: RE: Shrinkage factor
- st: Overlapping observations in a panel
- Re: st: stcrreg: startifications and median survival?
- RE: st: RE: Shrinkage factor
- Re: st: RE: Shrinkage factor
- st: RE: Re: RE: Re: -pieplot- available from SSC
- st: RE: Shrinkage factor
- st: Shrinkage factor
- Re: st: Logout splits long value names across many cells in Excel
- Re: st: Logout splits long value names across many cells in Excel
- st: Re: RE: Re: -pieplot- available from SSC
- st: RE: Re: -pieplot- available from SSC
- st: Re: -pieplot- available from SSC
- st: Use of pie charts
- AW: st: AW: reshaping mixed monthly & annual data
- st: RE: Keep value labels after -mvdecode-
- st: Keep value labels after -mvdecode-
- re: st: AW: reshaping mixed monthly & annual data
- st: inclusion of dummy variables in hausman test
- Re: st: very low log-likelihood value in (intreg)
- Re: st: very low log-likelihood value in (intreg)
- Re: st: foreach loop over a column
- st: -pieplot- available from SSC
- st: Re: parea pkg
- Re: st: Any source for NHANES in Stata format
- st: RE: AW: RE: Extract Year from String
- st: AW: reshaping mixed monthly & annual data
- st: reshaping mixed monthly & annual data
- st: Any source for NHANES in Stata format
- Re: st: very low log-likelihood value in (intreg)
- RE: st: PAREA - solved by Oct update
- Re: st: AW: Changing the ID
- st: AW: Changing the ID
- st: AW: Changing the ID
- st: Changing the ID
- st: New version of -bmjcip- on SSC
- st: New version of -rtfutil- on SSC
- st: stcrreg: startifications and median survival?
- st: Logout splits long value names across many cells in Excel
- Re: st: Naming estimates from -eststo- and -bysort-
- Re: st: very low log-likelihood value in (intreg)
- Re: Re: Re: st: How to find a matching sample for a specified sample based on some standards?
- Re: st: foreach loop over a column
- st: Naming estimates from -eststo- and -bysort-
- re: st: foreach loop over a column
- st: RE: foreach loop over a column
- st: RE: foreach loop over a column
- st: foreach loop over a column
- st: Update to -estout- available from SSC
- st: very low log-likelihood value in (intreg)
- RE: st: parea package
- st: AW: AW: RE: Extract Year from String
- st: AW: RE: Extract Year from String
- st: RE: Extract Year from String
- Re: st: Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon power analysis
- Re: st: Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon power analysis
- st: Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 20:59:06 +0200
- Re: st: Cluster-correlated robust variance estimator for M regression
- st: RE: Test equality of marginal effects in multinomial logit
- st: RE: Extract Year from String
- Re: st: Extract Year from String
- st: RE: Extract Year from String
- Re: st: Cluster-correlated robust variance estimator for M regression
- st: Extract Year from String
- st: correcting for autocorrelation with suest
- Re: st: Cluster-correlated robust variance estimator for M regression
- Re: Re: st: How to find a matching sample for a specified sample based on some standards?
- Re: st: Interaction with squared variable
- Re: AW: st: AW: Interaction with squared variable
- st: Cluster-correlated robust variance estimator for M regression
- AW: st: AW: Interaction with squared variable
- AW: AW: st: AW: Hello listers
- Re: st: AW: Interaction with squared variable
- RE: AW: st: AW: Hello listers
- st: AW: Interaction with squared variable
- st: AW: Interaction with squared variable
- Re: AW: st: AW: Hello listers
- AW: st: AW: Hello listers
- st: Interaction with squared variable
- st: AW: Interaction with squared variable
- Re: st: AW: Hello listers
- st: AW: Hello listers
- st: Hello listers
- Re: Re: st: How to find a matching sample for a specified sample based on some standards?
- Re: st: parea package
- Re: st: AW: Are the datasets in "Meta-Analysis in Stata" available for download?
- AW: st: AW: Are the datasets in "Meta-Analysis in Stata" available for download?
- Re: st: AW: Are the datasets in "Meta-Analysis in Stata" available for download?
- st: AW: parea package
- st: AW: Are the datasets in "Meta-Analysis in Stata" available for download?
- Re: st: How to find a matching sample for a specified sample based on some standards?
- st: Are the datasets in "Meta-Analysis in Stata" available for download?
- st: RE: 3 issues multiple firm obs per year, bounded dependent variable and odd independent variable
- st: RE: using a string variable with use and save command
- st: parea package
- st: How to find a matching sample for a specified sample based on some standards?
- AW: st: using a string variable with use and save command
- Re: st: using a string variable with use and save command
- Re: st: collinearity/non-convergence problem with -asclogit- command
- Re: st: using a string variable with use and save command
- Re: st: collinearity/non-convergence problem with -asclogit- command
- st: p-value for Stratified Cox regression
- st: using a string variable with use and save command
- st: 3 issues multiple firm obs per year, bounded dependent variable and odd independent variable
- Re: st: collinearity/non-convergence problem with -asclogit- command
- Re: st: collinearity/non-convergence problem with -asclogit- command
- st: collinearity/non-convergence problem with -asclogit- command
- st: Use of 'test' on first stage of xtivreg
- st: RE: RE: RE: Instrumental variables and panel data
- st: RE: RE: Instrumental variables and panel data
- st: Test equality of marginal effects in multinomial logit
- RE: st: How to implement Wald estimator (for IV that is a ratio of coefficients)?
- Re: st: Comparing model fit of logistic regressions with robust standard errors
- Re: st: How to implement Wald estimator (for IV that is a ratio of coefficients)?
- RE: st: clustering with xtabond2
- Re: Re: st: Comparing model fit of logistic regressions with robust standard errors
- Re: Re: st: Comparing model fit of logistic regressions with robust standard errors
- st: Fw: AW: drop command & missing values
- st: Re: AW: drop command & missing values
- AW: st: How to implement Wald estimator (for IV that is a ratio of coefficients)?
- st: AW: Re: AW: drop command & missing values
- st: RE: Re: AW: drop command & missing values
- RE: st: How to implement Wald estimator (for IV that is a ratio of coefficients)?
- AW: st: How to implement Wald estimator (for IV that is a ratio of coefficients)?
- RE: st: How to implement Wald estimator (for IV that is a ratio of coefficients)?
- RE: st: How to implement Wald estimator (for IV that is a ratio of coefficients)?
- AW: st: AW: Comparing model fit of logistic regressions with robust standard errors
- Re: st: clustering with xtabond2
- st: AW: drop command & missing values
- Re: st: AW: Comparing model fit of logistic regressions with robust standard errors
- st: AW: Comparing model fit of logistic regressions with robust standard errors
- Re: st: clustering with xtabond2
- Re: st: clustering with xtabond2
- Re: st: Comparing model fit of logistic regressions with robust standard errors
- st: drop command & missing values
- st: Comparing model fit of logistic regressions with robust standard errors
- Re: st: drop command & missing values
- st: AW: drop command & missing values
- st: drop command & missing values
- st: clustering with xtabond2
- Re: st: RE: -expand-, -expandcl-, and -set mem-; limit to the number of obs?
- Re: st: How to implement Wald estimator (for IV that is a ratio of coefficients)?
- Re: st: RE: -expand-, -expandcl-, and -set mem-; limit to the number of obs?
- Re: st: Stata 9 on MacOS 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
- AW: st: How to implement Wald estimator (for IV that is a ratio of coefficients)?
- Re: st: How to implement Wald estimator (for IV that is a ratio of coefficients)?
- AW: st: RE: AW: finding date occurrences within a specified range, searching in multiple variables
- RE: st: RE: AW: finding date occurrences within a specified range, searching in multiple variables
- st: RE: RE: Tsgraph with multiple y axis
- st: RE: Boxplots
- st: AW: margeff
- st: margeff
- st: Stata 9 on MacOS 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
- Re: st: How to implement Wald estimator (for IV that is a ratio of coefficients)?
- st: Re: boxplots
- st: RE: Tsgraph with multiple y axis
- st: Tsgraph with multiple y axis
- st: RE: -expand-, -expandcl-, and -set mem-; limit to the number of obs?
- st: RE: RE: downloading data
- st: -expand-, -expandcl-, and -set mem-; limit to the number of obs?
- st: RE: downloading data
- Re: st: Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon power analysis
- st: RE: downloading data
- st: downloading data
- RE: st: RE: Boxplots
- RE: st: RE: Boxplots
- Re: st: How to implement Wald estimator (for IV that is a ratio of coefficients)?
- Re: st: Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon power analysis
- st: RE: Boxplots
- st: Boxplots
- Re: AW: st: Saving results
- AW: st: Saving results
- Re: st: prediction of model using svy-commands
- st: AW: Saving results
- Re: st: Saving results
- st: AW: Saving results
- st: Saving results
- st: AUTO: Arne Bueschemann ist außer Haus (Rückkehr am 26.10.2009)
- Re: st: prediction of model using svy-commands
- Re: st: An alternative for -micombine- to use MI data with -xtlogit-
- Re: st: missing standard errors
- Re: st: How to implement Wald estimator (for IV that is a ratio of coefficients)?
- Re: st: missing standard errors
- Re: st: RE: saving correlation matrix
- st: How to implement Wald estimator (for IV that is a ratio of coefficients)?
- Re: st: RE: Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon power analysis
- st: RE: Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon power analysis
- st: missing standard errors
- st: RE: saving correlation matrix
- st: saving correlation matrix
- Re: st: prediction of model using svy-commands
- st: Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon power analysis
- AW: st: RE: AW: finding date occurrences within a specified range, searching in multiple variables
- AW: st: AW: finding date occurrences within a specified range, searching in multiple variables
- AW: st: RE: AW: finding date occurrences within a specified range, searching in multiple variables
- AW: st: AW: finding date occurrences within a specified range, searching in multiple variables
- Re: st: RE: AW: finding date occurrences within a specified range, searching in multiple variables
- Re: st: AW: finding date occurrences within a specified range, searching in multiple variables
- st: Upcoming NetCourses
- Re: st: prediction of model using svy-commands
- st: RE: AW: RE: AW: finding date occurrences within a specified range, searching in multiple variables
- st: AW: RE: AW: finding date occurrences within a specified range, searching in multiple variables
- st: RE: AW: finding date occurrences within a specified range, searching in multiple variables
- st: Join Longitudinal & survival data
- st: AW: finding date occurrences within a specified range, searching in multiple variables
- st: finding date occurrences within a specified range, searching in multiple variables
- st: AW: An alternative for -micombine- to use MI data with -xtlogit-
- Re: st: AW: egen(mean or suchlike) for a string variable
- st: An alternative for -micombine- to use MI data with -xtlogit-
- Re: st: Issues of Normality for Multiple Imputation with ICE
- AW: st: AW: egen(mean or suchlike) for a string variable
- RE: st: AW: egen(mean or suchlike) for a string variable
- Re: st: Issues of Normality for Multiple Imputation with ICE
- st: Issues of Normality for Multiple Imputation with ICE
- Re: Re: st: Clustering of secondary units in sampling design
- Re: st: AW: egen(mean or suchlike) for a string variable
- st: Re: joint test for group mean comparison tests
- RE: st: matrix subsetting
- st: xttobit and xtprobit heteroskedasticity
- Re: st: STATA help needed urgently
- st: AW: STATA help needed urgently
- st: STATA help needed urgently
- RE: st: difference between "Spearman" and "pwcorr / correlate"
- RE: AW: st: Stata Inbuilt commands
- Re: st: How to create an automatic numbering within stata
- st: Re: Decomposing logistic regression
- Re: AW: st: Stata Inbuilt commands
- Re: st: Re: Why include leads (in a model with lags)?
- Re: st: -syntax , option(varlist min=0)-?
- Re: st: difference between "Spearman" and "pwcorr / correlate"
- Re: st: -syntax , option(varlist min=0)-?
- st: RE: How to create an automatic numbering within stata
- Re: st: -syntax , option(varlist min=0)-?
- Re: st: -syntax , option(varlist min=0)-?
- Re: st: -syntax , option(varlist min=0)-?
- Re: st: How to create an automatic numbering within stata
- st: How to create an automatic numbering within stata
- Re: st: -syntax , option(varlist min=0)-?
- Re: st: matrix subsetting
- Re: AW: st: Stata Inbuilt commands
- st: -syntax , option(varlist min=0)-?
- Re: st: prediction of model using svy-commands
- Re: st: prediction of model using svy-commands
- RE: st: RE: Adjusting Range of Graph
- Re: st: RE: Adjusting Range of Graph
- RE: st: difference between "Spearman" and "pwcorr / correlate"
- RE: st: AW: egen(mean or suchlike) for a string variable
- RE: AW: st: Stata Inbuilt commands
- st: RE: Adjusting Range of Graph
- st: Adjusting Range of Graph
- RE: RE: st: ARIMA model errors
- st: RE: AW: AW: Fun with switching point
- RE: st: difference between "Spearman" and "pwcorr / correlate"
- RE: st: What is an integer for Stata?
- Re: RE: st: ARIMA model errors
- Re: st: What is an integer for Stata?
- RE: st: ARIMA model errors
- st: RE: joint test for group mean compariston tests
- Re: st: ARIMA model errors
- Re: st: simultaneous probit model
- st: joint test for group mean compariston tests
- AW: st: simultaneous probit model
- st: ARIMA model errors
- Re: st: simultaneous probit model
- st: RE: Instrumental variables and panel data
- st: RE: Stock and Yogo test for panel data
- Re: st: simultaneous probit model
- Re: st: AW: Fun with switching point
- st: New version of -bmjcip- on SSC
- Re: st: AW: simultaneous probit model
- Re: st: AW: simultaneous probit model
- AW: st: AW: simultaneous probit model
- Re: st: AW: simultaneous probit model
- st: New version of -rtfutil- on SSC
- Re: st: RE: AW: customising ranges of the axis in Kaplan Meier plot
- st: AW: simultaneous probit model
- st: simultaneous probit model
- Re: st: AW: egen(mean or suchlike) for a string variable
- AW: st: RE: identifyng records in a group that have a field with nearby values from another group
- Re: st: identifyng records in a group that have a field with nearby values from another group
- AW: st: identifyng records in a group that have a field with nearby values from another group
- Re: st: RE: identifyng records in a group that have a field with nearby values from another group
- Re: st: identifyng records in a group that have a field with nearby values from another group
- st: xtlogitrum
- Re: st: What is an integer for Stata?
- AW: st: AW: egen(mean or suchlike) for a string variable
- st: RE: matrix subsetting
- st: matrix subsetting
- Re: st: AW: egen(mean or suchlike) for a string variable
- st: AW: AW: Fun with switching point
- st: AW: Fun with switching point
- st: Stock and Yogo test for panel data
- st: AW: egen(mean or suchlike) for a string variable
- st: egen(mean or suchlike) for a string variable
- Re: st: Different results using stdes and stsum
- st: Fun with switching point
- Re: st: What is an integer for Stata?
- Re: st: Decomposing logistic regression
- Re: st: prediction of model using svy-commands
- Re: st: prediction of model using svy-commands
- Re: st: RE: st: C-statistic with -gologit2-
- st: prediction of model using svy-commands
- Re: st: Decomposing logistic regression
- Re: st: problem of running xtlogit, fe
- st: autofmt available from ssc
- Re: st: Decomposing logistic regression
- Re: st: What is an integer for Stata?
- st: problem of running xtlogit, fe
- st: What is an integer for Stata?
- RE: st: difference between "Spearman" and "pwcorr / correlate"
- Re: AW: st: Stata Inbuilt commands
- Re: st: Re: Error in stata manual on xtdpd?
- Re: st: difference between "Spearman" and "pwcorr / correlate"
- RE: st: RE: st: C-statistic with -gologit2-
- Re: st: Re: catching typos
- Re: st: identifyng records in a group that have a field with nearby values from another group
- st: RE: identifyng records in a group that have a field with nearby values from another group
- st: identifyng records in a group that have a field with nearby values from another group
- Re: st: RE: st: C-statistic with -gologit2-
- AW: st: AW: -date- creates missing values
- Re: st: AW: -date- creates missing values
- [no subject]
- st: Re: Error in stata manual on xtdpd?
- st: RE: st: C-statistic with -gologit2-
- AW: st: Extracting scalar from a vector
- Re: st: C-statistic with -gologit2-
- Re: st: gllamm and gologit
- Re:st: difference between "Spearman" and "pwcorr / correlate"
- Re: st: Extracting scalar from a vector
- Re: st: Extracting scalar from a vector
- st: AW: Extracting scalar from a vector
- st: Extracting scalar from a vector
- Re: st: Different results using stdes and stsum
- st: specifiy a multiple imputed dataset for "mim"
- Re: AW: st: Stata Inbuilt commands
- RE: st: difference between "Spearman" and "pwcorr / correlate"
- RE: st: RE: AW: customising ranges of the axis in Kaplan Meier plot
- AW: st: Stata Inbuilt commands
- Re: st: Stata Inbuilt commands
- st: RE: AW: counting members of groups in unbalanced panel data
- Re: st: displaying a subscript in a graph
- Re: st: R: a person-period multi-episode event history file
- st: AW: Stata Inbuilt commands
- st: Stata Inbuilt commands
- Re: st: C-statistic with -gologit2-
- Re: st: Different results using stdes and stsum
- Re: st: displaying a subscript in a graph
- Re: st: C-statistic with -gologit2-
- st: displaying a subscript in a graph
- Re: st: Decomposing logistic regression
- st: Different results using stdes and stsum
- Re: st: Decomposing logistic regression
- st: R: C-statistic with -gologit2-
- st: C-statistic with -gologit2-
- st: Moon-Perron Test
- Re: st: Decomposing logistic regression
- st: Decomposing logistic regression
- st: gllamm and gologit
- Re: st: difference between "Spearman" and "pwcorr / correlate"
- st: difference between "Spearman" and "pwcorr / correlate"
- Re: st: xtline with missing data
- RE: st: xtmelogit model fit
- st: RE: AW: xtmelogit model fit
- st: Instrumental variables and panel data
- st: AW: AW: xtline with missing data
- Re: st: Error in stata manual on xtdpd?
- st: AW: xtline with missing data
- st: xtline with missing data
- st: AW: Summing across variables
- Re: st: Summing across variables
- st: Error in stata manual on xtdpd?
- st: Summing across variables
- st: Re: catching typos
- st: RE: Re: catching typos
- Re: st: RE: AW: customising ranges of the axis in Kaplan Meier plot
- RE: st: RE: nested forvalues loop
- RE: st: RE: nested forvalues loop
- Re: st: RE: LIML xtivreg2
- Re: st: RE: nested forvalues loop
- st: RE: re: creating a variable from many variables
- st: R: a person-period multi-episode event history file
- Re: st: breaking execution of Stata
- Re: st: breaking execution of Stata
- Re: st: AW: value labels dropped unexpectedly
- Re: st: xtmelogit model fit
- st: AW: xtmelogit model fit
- st: xtmelogit model fit
- Re: st: breaking execution of Stata
- Re: st: breaking execution of Stata
- Re: st: breaking execution of Stata
- st: breaking execution of Stata
- st: RE: AW: customising ranges of the axis in Kaplan Meier plot
- st: customising ranges of the axis in Kaplan Meier plot
- Re: st: Recall: accessing results of margins/adjust
- st: AW: customising ranges of the axis in Kaplan Meier plot
- st: Stata 11 cursor stuck in results window
- AW: st: AW: Formatting tables with estpost & esttab
- Re: st: AW: Formatting tables with estpost & esttab
- st: Recall: accessing results of margins/adjust
- st: AW: creating a variable from many variables
- Re: st: re: creating a variable from many variables
- st: re: creating a variable from many variables
- st: creating a variable from many variables
- st: (implausably) large effects
- Re: st: mata optimize
- Re: st: mata optimize
- st: Job Opening at Harvard's Joint Center for Housing Studies
- Re: st: correlation estimates in gee
- Re: st: mata optimize
- Re: st: Using results of MI from -ice- with -micombine- for an -xtlogit- model
- Re: st: Number of values in Gaussian Normal Distribution
- RE: st: Proportion Meta-Analysis
- st: AW: value labels dropped unexpectedly
- st: mata optimize
- AW: st: Number of values in Gaussian Normal Distribution
- st: value labels dropped unexpectedly
- Re: st: Number of values in Gaussian Normal Distribution
- st: AW: -date- creates missing values
- Re: st: Panel zero-inflated poisson model
- st: value labels dropped unexpectedly
- st: -date- creates missing values
- st: AW: Panel zero-inflated poisson model
- st: Panel zero-inflated poisson model
- Re: st: re: memory allocation problem
- Re: st: RE: nested forvalues loop
- st: RE: nested forvalues loop
- st: Using results of MI from -ice- with -micombine- for an -xtlogit- model
- RE: st: AW: Formatting tables with estpost & esttab
- Re: st: AW: Formatting tables with estpost & esttab
- st: RE: xtabond2 and Sargan test
- Re: st: Return a specific bit from integer variable
- st: re: memory allocation problem
- Re: st: AW: AW: AW: Keep subsequent observations in panel data
- RE: st: RE: Keep subsequent observations in panel data
- st: RE: Quoted quotes solved
- Re: st: Clustering of secondary units in sampling design
- Re: st: RE: Keep subsequent observations in panel data
- st: Quoted quotes solved
- Re: st: RE: Not sorted error in forvalues loop
- st: RE: Not sorted error in forvalues loop
- st: RE: Not sorted error in forvalues loop
- st: Not sorted error in forvalues loop
- Re: st: psmatch2??
- Re: st: AW: Formatting tables with estpost & esttab
- AW: st: AW: Formatting tables with estpost & esttab
- st: AW: AW: AW: Keep subsequent observations in panel data
- st: AW: AW: Keep subsequent observations in panel data
- st: RE: AW: Keep subsequent observations in panel data
- Re: st: RE: re: return a specific bit from integer variable
- st: AW: Keep subsequent observations in panel data
- Re: st: Keep subsequent observations in panel data
- st: a person-period multi-episode event history file
- Re: st: question on margins and interaction between factor and continuous var
- st: Clustering of secondary units in sampling design
- Re: st: Return a specific bit from integer variable
- st: AW: Keep subsequent observations in panel data
- st: RE: Keep subsequent observations in panel data
- Re: st: RE: Quoted quotes
- RE: st: RE: Quoted quotes
- st: Keep subsequent observations in panel data
- Re: st: -collapse- with no observations?
- st: xtabond2 and Sargan test
- st: RE: Quoted quotes
- st: Quoted quotes
- AW: st: AW: Randomly assigning values with a specific distribution
- AW: st: Number of values in Gaussian Normal Distribution
- Re: st: Number of values in Gaussian Normal Distribution
- Re: st: AW: Randomly assigning values with a specific distribution
- AW: st: AW: Randomly assigning values with a specific distribution
- Re: st: Randomly assigning values with a specific distribution
- Re: st: Number of values in Gaussian Normal Distribution
- Re: st: AW: Randomly assigning values with a specific distribution
- st: AW: Randomly assigning values with a specific distribution
- st: Randomly assigning values with a specific distribution
- st: increasing memory available to Stata
- st: re: increasing memory available to Stata
- Re: st: create new variable from imputed variable; -ice-
- Re: st: Return results only from observations used in estimated model
- Re: st: Ai and Norton
- Re: st: increasing memory available to Stata
- st: question on margins and interaction between factor and continuous var
- st: Ai and Norton
- st: Return a specific bit from integer variable
- Re: st: AW: Return a specific bit from integer variable
- AW: st: AW: Return results only from observations used in estimated model
- Re: st: AW: Return results only from observations used in estimated model
- st: RE: LIML xtivreg2
- st: AW: re: increasing memory available to Stata
- st: AW: Return a specific bit from integer variable
- st: question: random-coefficient models with bernoulli-distributed coefficients
- st: Formatting tables with estpost & esttab
- st: Return results only from observations used in estimated model
- Re: st: create new variable from imputed variable; -ice-
- RE: st: re: Comparing variable values with a predefined list in other dataset
- st: Heckman Procedure for Panel Data
- st: re: return a specific bit from integer variable
- st: AW: Return results only from observations used in estimated model
- st: AW: Formatting tables with estpost & esttab
- st: Number of values in Gaussian Normal Distribution
- st: return code for replace
- st: xtabond2 not running in Unix
- Re: st: Number of values in Gaussian Normal Distribution
- AW: st: AW: Formatting tables with estpost & esttab
- R: st: R: test overdispersion xtpoisson
- st: AW: Formatting tables with estpost & esttab
- Re: st: R: test overdispersion xtpoisson
- Re: st: return code for replace
- st: AW: Ai and Norton
- Re: st: AW: Formatting tables with estpost & esttab
- st: test overdispersion
- AW: st: return code for replace
- st: New version of -rtfutil- on SSC
- Re: st: re: xtabond2 not running in Unix
- st: re: xtabond2 not running in Unix
- RE: st: AW: Return results only from observations used in estimated model
- st: no value for AR(2) test
- st: RE: nested forvalues loop
- st: RE: RE: nested forvalues loop
- st: RE: re: return a specific bit from integer variable
- st: create new variable from imputed variable; -ice-
- Re: st: Hierarchical model
- st: RE: Procedure stcox fails in Stata 10
- st: triprobit, mvprobit and suest
- Re: st: Hierarchical model
- Re: st: Hierarchical model
- Re: st: Need help for chi-square test with survey command
- st: RE: st: Comparing variable values with a predefined list in other dataset
- st: re: Comparing variable values with a predefined list in other dataset
- st: R: Which regression model to use for zero-inflated, non-normal outcome?
- st: R: test overdispersion xtpoisson
- RE: st: re: Comparing variable values with a predefined list in other dataset
- st: re: Comparing variable values with a predefined list in other dataset
- st: re: Comparing variable values with a predefined list in other dataset
- st: Which regression model to use for zero-inflated, non-normal outcome?
- RE: st: Comparing variable values with a predefined list in other dataset
- st: LIML xtivreg2
- st: test overdispersion xtpoisson
- st: using CDSIMEQ
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: Procedure stcox fails in Stata 10
- Re: st: RE: RE: Procedure stcox fails in Stata 10
- st: RE: RE: RE: Procedure stcox fails in Stata 10
- st: RE: RE: Procedure stcox fails in Stata 10
- Re: st: Procedure stcox fails in Stata 10
- st: RE: Procedure stcox fails in Stata 10
- st: RE: Procedure stcox fails in Stata 10
- Re: st: statistical significance of cut points in ordered logit
- st: Procedure stcox fails in Stata 10
- Re: st: statistical significance of cut points in ordered logit
- st: statistical significance of cut points in ordered logit
- Re: st: Comparing variable values with a predefined list in other dataset
- st: SSC Activity, Sep 2009
- st: Proportion Meta-Analysis
- Re: st: Hierarchical model
- st: Comparing variable values with a predefined list in other dataset
- st: psmatch2??
- Re: st: logout for twoway tabulate
- Re: st: Time series quadrature error
- RE: st: RE: Keeping trailing zeros when formatting a decimal
- st: logout for twoway tabulate
- Re: st: Time series quadrature error
- Re: st: weird margins
- Re: st: question: getting GMM working with a moment-evaluator program
- RE: st: RE: Keeping trailing zeros when formatting a decimal
- st: RE: -collapse- with no observations?
- st: RE: nested forvalues loop
- Re: st: Hierarchical model
- st: RE: nested forvalues loop
- st: nested forvalues loop
- st: RE: nested forvalues loop
- Re: st: AW: How to esttab some statistics below the respective coefficients when there are two estimates stores?
- [no subject]
- Re: st: Hierarchical model
- st: [Fwd: Hierarchical model]
- Re: st: -collapse- with no observations?
- st: Indirect and direct marginal effects in recursive biprobit
- st: stcurve after stcrreg
- st: AW: logout for twoway tabulate
- st: AW: counting members of groups in unbalanced panel data
- Re: st: weird margins
- st: logout for twoway tabulate
- st: AW: counting members of groups in unbalanced panel data
- Re: st: AW: counting members of groups in unbalanced panel data
- st: AW: counting members of groups in unbalanced panel data
- Re: st: Time series quadrature error
- st: counting members of groups in unbalanced panel data
- Re: st: question: getting GMM working with a moment-evaluator program
- AW: st: -collapse- with no observations?
- Re: st: -collapse- with no observations?
- st: AW: -collapse- with no observations?
- [no subject]
- st: correlation estimates in gee
- st: -collapse- with no observations?
- st: Hierarchical model
- st: AW: How to esttab some statistics below the respective coefficients when there are two estimates stores?
- st: How to esttab some statistics below the respective coefficients when there are two estimates stores?
- Re: st: Time series quadrature error
- Re: st: Time series quadrature error
- Re: st: Time series quadrature error
- st: Time series quadrature error
- Re: st: RE: Keeping trailing zeros when formatting a decimal
- Re: st: mi estimate and xtmixed: reporting of groups
- RE: st: RE: Keeping trailing zeros when formatting a decimal
- RE: st: RE: Keeping trailing zeros when formatting a decimal
- st: 1st stage coefficients when using cmp
- Re: st: question: getting GMM working with a moment-evaluator program
- Re: st: Why include leads (in a model with lags)?
- Re: st: re: one-sided p-value using test x1=x2
- st: weird margins
- st: Stata network approval (UNCLASSIFIED)
- Re: st: mi estimate and xtmixed: reporting of groups
- st: RE: Foreach Loop with anovaplot
- st: RE: Linking legend text to the value of a variable
- st: RE: Keeping trailing zeros when formatting a decimal
- Re: st: mi estimate and xtmixed: reporting of groups
- st: question: getting GMM working with a moment-evaluator program
- st: RE: Foreach Loop with anovaplot
- st: Foreach Loop with anovaplot
- RE: st: help with displaying appropriately formatted regression coefficients and p-values
- RE: st: Keeping trailing zeros when formatting a decimal
- RE: st: Keeping trailing zeros when formatting a decimal
- Re: st: Need help for chi-square test with survey command
- Re: st: Need help for chi-square test with survey command
- Re: st: Testing Linear Trade offs
- st: AW: help with displaying appropriately formatted regression coefficients and p-values
- Re: AW: st: AW: Keeping trailing zeros when formatting a decimal
- st: Testing Linear Trade offs
- AW: st: AW: Keeping trailing zeros when formatting a decimal
- AW: st: AW: constant in the suest command
- Re: st: AW: Keeping trailing zeros when formatting a decimal
- st: Linking legend text to the value of a variable
- st: help with displaying appropriately formatted regression coefficients and p-values
- RE: st: RE: stcrreg and Harrell's c index
- Re: st: AW: constant in the suest command
- st: AW: Keeping trailing zeros when formatting a decimal
- st: AW: constant in the suest command
- st: AW: Keeping trailing zeros when formatting a decimal
- st: constant in the suest command
- st: Keeping trailing zeros when formatting a decimal
- Re: st: RE: Support for negative time-format (duration)
- st: Re: Why include leads (in a model with lags)?
- st: Stata Journal, 9:3
- AW: AW: AW: st: line spacing in legend subtitle
- Re: AW: AW: st: line spacing in legend subtitle
- AW: AW: st: line spacing in legend subtitle
- Re: AW: st: line spacing in legend subtitle
- Re: st: no copy table in unix
- AW: st: line spacing in legend subtitle
- AW: st: line spacing in legend subtitle
- Re: st: line spacing in legend subtitle
- st: no copy table in unix
- st: line spacing in legend subtitle
- Re: st: metandi error: initial values not feasible
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