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st: Problem with adding 3 numbers

From   "Kanter, Rebecca" <>
To   "" <>
Subject   st: Problem with adding 3 numbers
Date   Fri, 16 Oct 2009 22:27:45 -0400


I am trying to add three numbers (1-2 digit code for state plus 3 digit code for municipality + 4 digit code for locality). together unique for each state in a country. I have tried this various ways and each time, after the 1st state, STATA starts to round (I think) some of the numbers. I have tried this numerous ways. No state, municipality, or locality are missing. State is byte. Municipality and locality are strings (that I convert to numeric see below).

gen munloc=mun+loc
destring munloc, generate(test)
generate ent2=ent*10000000
generate claveloc=ent2+test

or whereby:
gen claveloc =((state*10000000)+ (mun2*10000))+loc2

****Anyway I try this, I get problems like this:

state      mun   loc             munloc  test        state2             claveloc
      2         001     0001    0010001 10001   20000000        20010000 (should be 20010001)
   ent  mun      loc        munloc              test               state2                claveloc
    2             001 0139      0010139 10139   20000000        20010140 (should be 20010139)

*Should be like this:

state             mun loc                 munloc        test                  state2    claveloc
1                     001       0001    0010001 10001   10000000        10010001

Can someone please help me get this to work correctly.

Thank you so much,

Rebecca M. Kanter
PhD Candidate
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of International Health
Center for Human Nutrition

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