Thanks to Kit Baum, a new version of the -sdecode- package is now available for download from SSC. In Stata, use the -ssc- command to do this, or -adoupdate- if you already have an old version.
The -sdecode- package is defined as below on my website. The new version has been updated to Stata Version 11. I have also added a -ftrim- option, specifying that output string values decoded using a format will be trimmed, and an option -esub()-, specifying that formatted output values containing an exponent (prefixed by "e-" or "e+") will be recoded to a TeX exponent, an RTF exponent, or a HTML exponent, superscripted appropriately. This will be helpful to users who want to output the decoded values to a table in a TeX, RTF or HTML document without manually reformatting the exponents.
Users of Stata Versions 10, 9, 8 or 7 can still download the Stata 10, 9 or 7 versions of -sdecode- by typing, in Stata,
net from net from
and selecting the most up-to-date version of -sdecode- compatible with their respective Stata versions.
Best wishes
Roger B Newson BSc MSc DPhil
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Respiratory Epidemiology and Public Health Group
National Heart and Lung Institute
Imperial College London
Royal Brompton Campus
Room 33, Emmanuel Kaye Building
1B Manresa Road
London SW3 6LR
Tel: +44 (0)20 7352 8121 ext 3381
Fax: +44 (0)20 7351 8322
Email: [email protected]
Web page:
Departmental Web page:
Opinions expressed are those of the author, not of the institution.
package sdecode from
sdecode: Decode a numeric variable to string, formatting unlabelled values
sdecode is an extended version of decode. It takes, as input, a numeric
variable, and generates, as output, a string variable, with values
corresponding to value labels of the numeric variable for labelled values,
and (optionally) formatted values of the numeric variable for unlabelled
values. The output string values therefore appear as the numeric input
values appear in output from the tabulate command. The output string
variable may replace the input numeric variable or be generated as a new
Author: Roger Newson
Distribution-Date: 20october2009
Stata-Version: 11
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