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Re: st: xtline with missing data
John McAdams <[email protected]> is using -xtline- to produce line graphs
using panel data with missing values in the variable being plotted:
> I have a panel data set, and am trying to use "xtline" to graph a variable
> over time for each panel unit. However, the variable is missing for some
> observations in some time periods.
> When I run "xtline", it does not leave gaps during the periods with
> missing data (it connects all the dots). This leaves one with the
> impression that there is in fact no missing data, which is not
> satisfactory.
> Is there a workaround to tell Stata not to connect dots when there is a
> missing data point in between? I tried adding an if statement to the
> xtline call (i.e., xtline variable if variable != .), but that didn't
> work.
> I'm running Stata 10/SE.
Martin Weiss <[email protected]> suggested the -cmissing(n)- option, but
then noticed that it had no effect.
The -xtline- command is marking out observations with missing values in the
variable to be plotted, thus defeating the -cmissing(n)- option.
We will change -xtline- to stop marking out missing values in the plotted
variable in a future ado-file update to Stata 11.
John (and other Stata 10 users) can download -xtline2- from my user site.
. net from http://www.stata.com/users/jpitblado
. net describe xtline2
. net install xtline2
[email protected]
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