There is some inconsistency here over whether you want to start at 13 or
Your -predict- command won't work. Second time around the inner loop,
ps`i' already exists.
There might be some conservative ill-ease at the data-dredging involved
but that's a separate issue.
Here's a guess at better code.
forvalues j=1/10 {
gen ps`j' = .
forvalues i=14/24 {
capture logit Y l(0/`j').X1 l(0/`j').X2 l(0/`j').X3
month if month==`i'
if _rc == 0 {
tempvar work
predict `work'
replace ps`j' = `work' if month == `i'
drop `work'
[email protected]
Ariel Linden
I have a basic question about structuring this nested forvalues loop
I have a panel data set and I want to focus on months 13 thru 24. In
loop I want to use the lagged values for all the prior months. So I have
which loops through the months 13 thru 24, and `j' that is intended to
increase the lag at each iteration.
For example month 14 should have 0/1 lag and month 24 should have 0/10
I would appreciate feedback as to if I wrote this correctly.
forvalues i=14/24 {
forvalues j=1/10 {
capture logit Y l(0/`j').X1 l(0/`j').X2 l(0/`j').X3 month if month==`i'
predict ps`i' if month == `i'
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