As Martin has explained, it is certainly possible. The reason most
people don't know about it is probably that in most cases it is a very
bad idea. That need not apply to your situation, but if I had 3000 odd
data files I would even more inclined than usual to automate everything.
[email protected]
Adrian Sayers
I was wondering if you might be able to help me?
I am trying to submit a command in a number of stages.
Basically i want stata to ask me a question, then i want to key the
response, and then i want stata to run a program. It sounds a little
pointless but i am trying read in 3000 odd data files plot them and then
trim the file to the relevant section.
di "What is the first day of data collection?"
Type 3
di "Day of first data collection = 3"
drop if day<3
I am wondering if this is possible.
i am using stata version 9.2
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