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st: RE: Caption on a bar graph

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Caption on a bar graph
Date   Mon, 19 Oct 2009 16:38:58 +0100

I don't understand "underneath (or on top of, I guess)". 

It is easier to address problems reproduced with datasets everyone can
access and stripped of inessentials. 

With commands like these: 

. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)

. graph bar turn trunk , over(foreign) caption(whatever)

. graph bar turn trunk , over(foreign) caption(whatever, pos(12))

. graph bar turn trunk , over(foreign) caption(whatever, pos(12)

I can move the caption around. 

[email protected] 

Dorothy Bridges

My caption is appearing underneath (or on top of, I guess) the
category axis labels on my bar graph.  I can't fathom why (I've tried
specifying a different ring option, no luck).  My code is as follows:

graph bar seriesAG-seriesMNF, over(year, label(labsize(medium)))
percentages stack
graphregion(fcolor(white) lcolor(white) margin(zero))
plotregion(fcolor(white) lcolor(white) ilcolor(white))
title("xxxx",color(black) placement(west) justification(left)
caption("Sources: xxxx", size(vsmall) placement(west)
legend(cols(1) span position(3) stack region(lcolor(white)) title(" ",
order(10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) rowgap(7) keygap(1)
label(1 "Agriculture") label(2 "Mining, Oil & Gas") label(3
label(4 "Wholesale" "& Retail Trade") label(5 "Financial Services")
label(6 "Other Services") label(7 "Public Administration")
label(8 "Utilities") label(9 "Transport" "& Communication")
label(10 "Manufacturing"))
xsize(7.5) ysize(4.1)
ylabel(0 "0%" 20 "20%" 40 "40%" 60 "60%" 80 "80%" 100
"100%",glwidth(thin) glcolor(black) angle(horizontal) labsize(medium))

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