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st: specifiy a multiple imputed dataset for "mim"

From   Thomas Lux <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: specifiy a multiple imputed dataset for "mim"
Date   Wed, 7 Oct 2009 15:10:12 +0000 (GMT)

Dear statalisters,

I have a dataset without imputed income and wealth. I want to combine it with multiple imputed wealth (5 imputations) generated by researcher A and multiple imputed income (5 imputations) generated by researcher B, because I want to do “mim: logistic”-analysis with the imputed income and wealth as independent variables.
Is it correct to store the combinations of main-data + imputed wealth + imputed income in 25 seperate datasets (5*5) before using mimstack?

Main data + wealth imputation A + income imputation A
Main data + wealth imputation A + income imputation B
Main data + wealth imputation A + income imputation C
Main data + wealth imputation B + income imputation A
Main data + wealth imputation B + income imputation B
Main data + wealth imputation B + income imputation C
And so on...

(I use stata 9.2)



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