I am using stata 10, and wanted to include a subscript in the x-axis
title of my twoway scatter graph, but the following is not working:
xtitle("Gestational period" "p{subscript:e}=...")
it simply displays "p{subscript:e}=..." rather than actually formatting
the "e" as a subscript
Does anyone have any ideas why it's not working and if there are
alternative methods for doing this?
Many thanks!
the full code for my graph is as follows:
capture program drop medplot
program define medplot
local k = 0
local grcomb = ""
foreach outcome of local 0 {
qui {
medsplit `outcome'
local k = `k' + 1
local varlab :var lab `outcome'
local title = proper(word("`varlab'",2)) + " " +
local ytitle `=subinstr("`varlab'", "Baby","",.)'
local ytitle `=subinstr("`ytitle'", "4-year","",.)'
local ytitle `=subinstr("`ytitle'", "6-year","",.)'
twoway (scatter mean00 T, msymbol(D) mcolor(gs5) c(l)
lcolor(gs5) lp(dash) ///
xscale(range(0.7 2.3)) xlab(1 2, valuelabel)
xtitle("Gestational period" " " "p{it:e}=" "pL=", size(medlarge)
margin(medsmall)) ///
ylab(#6) ytitle("Average `ytitle'",
size(medlarge) margin(medsmall)) ///
title("`title'", size(vlarge) margin(small)) ///
name(gr`k') nodraw legend(order (4 3 2 1)
row(1) margin(small))|| ///
(scatter mean01 T, msymbol(D) mcolor(gs5)
c(l) lcolor(gs5)) || ///
(scatter mean10 T, msymbol(D) mcolor(black)
c(l) lcolor(black) lp(dash))|| ///
(scatter mean11 T, msymbol(D) mcolor(black)
c(l) lcolor(black))
local grcomb = "`grcomb' gr`k'"
grc1leg `grcomb', c(3) leg(gr2)
gr drop `grcomb'
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