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Re: st: Stata 9 on MacOS 10.6 (Snow Leopard)

From   "Eric A.Booth" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Stata 9 on MacOS 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Date   Sun, 11 Oct 2009 17:09:12 -0500

Stata 9 is a 32-bit application and SL has a 64-bit kernel, which is why you are probably hesitant about the upgrade. In reality, SL boots into 32-bit mode to maintain compatibility with non-64bit programs, you have to configure your machine to boot into 64- bit by pressing "6" and "4" when you boot the machine or by typing "boot-args="arch=x86_64" into Terminal.

I've never tried this with Stata 9--because I don't have a copy--but if you were in a situation where Stata 9 wouldn't work in SL, you can press Cmd + i to open the Info panel and change the setting to either (1) run in 32-bit mode or (2) run using Rosetta (which is used for programs built on the old PPC architecture rather than in Intel Universal Binary--I don't know which one Stata 9 uses).

I've got several programs running in 32-bit or Rosetta in SL without any problems after I pressed Cmd+i and changed their settings.

Also, another consideration is whether your machine is built recently enough that it has the 64-bit compatible firmware. If it's got the 32- bit firmware, you're not going to see any of the 32-bit to 64-bit conversion issues after switching to SL (and you won't get much of the performance boost out of SL, but it will still run). To see what kind of firmware you have, type the following into Terminal:

ioreg -l -p IODeviceTree | grep firmware-abi

If will display whether the EFI (firmware) is 32 or 64 bit compatible.


Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
Office: +979.845.6754

On Oct 11, 2009, at 9:29 AM, Davide Cantoni wrote:

Dear all,

I wonder if anyone has tried to run Stata 9 on Snow Leopard (MacOS
10.6), and if it runs smoothly. A lot of applications seem to have
minor or major troubles with the new system (LyX, SPSS 17 etc), so any
first-hand reports are highly appreciated.

Best, Davide

PS.: Why am I not using Stata 10, which is said to run fine on Snow
Leopard? Because of this issue of inputting a variable twice when
hitting the space bar
(, which
literally drives me mad.
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