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Re: st: Re: Error in stata manual on xtdpd?
On Wed, 7 Oct 2009, Hewan Belay wrote:
Dear Brian,
Thanks a lot for your response. I also have another question about the
manual--not so much an error but something I think would be very
impoortant to include. I understand that one of the critical advantages
of the system GMM dynamic panel data estimator
(Arellano-Bover/Blundell-Bond) over the difference GMM estimator
(Arellano-Bond) is that the former is able to identify the effects of
time-invariant explanatory variables, which the latter can not. It is
not mentioned anywhere in the description of xtdpd or xtdpdsys how to do
this. After asking around, I found out that the additional command
-hascons- in the xtdpd line is the way to be able to include
time-invariant regressors. However, the description for -hascons-
doesn't say so. (However, please do let me know if the above is not a
correct representation of -hascons-)
Many thanks!
-xtabond- does not allow for time-invariant regressors, because the
Arellano-Bond estimator only uses the difference equation, and
first-differencing will wipe out those time-invariant regressors.
-xtdpdsys- does allow for time-invariant regressors, because the
Arellano-Bover/Blundell-Bond estimator uses both the difference equation
and the level equation. The coefficients for time-invariant regressors
are identified by virtue of the fact that those variables still appear in
the level equation.
-hascons- in the xtdpd line is the way to be able to include
time-invariant regressors. However, the description for -hascons-
Yes, 'hascons' is needed with -xtdpd- to include time-invariant
regressors. To wit, you can see that
. webuse abdata
// make kbar time-invariant
. bysort id: gen kbar = sum(k)/_N
. by id: replace kbar = kbar[_N]
. xtdpdsys n w kbar, lags(1)
. xtdpd n L.n w kbar, div(w kbar) dgmmiv(n, lag(2 .)) ///
lgmmiv(n, lag(1)) hascons
produce the same results. Without the 'hascons' option, -xtdpd-, like
-xtabond-, would eliminate kbar from the model because D.kbar would be
identically zero in the difference equation and hence collinear with the
constant term.
Generally, the best way to learn -xtdpd- is to first fit a simpler model
using -xtabond- or -xtdpdsys-, then replicate that model using -xtdpd-.
The instrument summary at the bottom of the output of the first two
commands greatly helps in replicating results using -xtdpd-. Then once
you're sure a simpler form of your model is correctly specified with
-xtdpd-, you can go ahead and modify the model with -xtdpd-. -xtabond-
and -xtdpdsys- are 'convenience' commands implemented on top of -xtdpd-
that make fitting the most common DPD models easier.
-- Brian Poi
-- [email protected]
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