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Re: st: take the age of one observation and attach it to its matching observation by id with events accruing over time intervals

From   Jeph Herrin <>
Subject   Re: st: take the age of one observation and attach it to its matching observation by id with events accruing over time intervals
Date   Fri, 16 Oct 2009 15:36:48 -0400

try using a merge:

 keep year spouse_id age
 ren spouse_id id
 ren age spouse_age
 sort year id
 save temp, replace

sort year id
merge 1:1 year id using temp
drop if _merge==2


Eric Fail wrote:
Dear all

After hours of reading and fiddling around I allow myself to write on the Statalist in the
hope that someone out there will take the time to help me.

What I want to do seem quite simple but I just can’t figure it out.

I simply want to take the age of one spouse and attach it to its matching spouse by id, so I
get a spouse_age at each observation.

I have read this thread where the
case is family’s, but as I don’t have continues id’s that tips doesn’t seem to work in my
case. Furthermore I have read Nicholas J. Cox’ Stata tip 51: Events in intervals. But I must
admit that I couldn’t figure it out from that description either. So now I try my luck here at
the Statalist.

I have a dataset like the one below, except the ‘goal_spouse_age’, that’s the variable I want
to create.

input str17   date            year     id   spouse_id age goal_spouse_age
             "01/01/2000"     2000      1         4    40    19
             "01/01/2001"     2001      1         4    41    20
             "01/01/2002"     2002      1         5    42    40
             "01/01/2000"     2000      2         6    24    24
             "01/01/2001"     2001      2         7    25    40
             "01/01/2000"     2000      3         8    20    16
             "01/01/2001"     2001      3         8    21    17
             "01/01/2002"     2002      3        11    22    44
             "01/01/2003"     2003      3         4    23    22
             "01/01/2000"     2000      4         1    19    40
             "01/01/2001"     2001      4         1    20    41
             "01/01/2002"     2002      5         1    40    42
             "01/01/2000"     2000      6         2    24    24
             "01/01/2001"     2001      7         2    40    25
             "01/01/2000"     2000      8         3    16    20
             "01/01/2001"     2001      8         3    17    21
             "01/01/2002"     2002     11         3    44    22
             "01/01/2003"     2003      4         3    22    23

Can anyone tell me what to do or what I should read to figure this out?

I have managed to count the numbers of spouse each observation has, by using the loop below,
thanks to Nicholas J. Cox’ description the thread mention above.

local N = _N
forvalues i = 1/`N' {
	egen tag = tag(spouse_id) ///
	if id == id[`i']
	count if tag
	replace count = r(N) in `i'
	drop tag

The next thing I need to do is to measure the length of the first two or three marriages the
observations have had. I mention this even I haven’t work very much on this part in the hope
that one of you guys out there have had s similar case or can direct me to somewhere where I
can read more about the specific case with events accruing over a time span.

Thanks in advance.

Eric Fail

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