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st: RE: RE: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
Date   Fri, 23 Oct 2009 19:41:02 +0200

" But also keep track of missing values too."

Very true, and an obvious omission in the rush this morning. As an
economist, I often fall prey to the notion of a perfect world, market, model
So here is my modified code that takes account of the missing thing. Note
that I voluntarily introduce the missingness with the -drop- command in the
middle of the code section...

set obs 40

gen country=_n
gen quarter=quarterly("1990:1", "YQ")

expand 68
bys country: /*
*/ replace quarter=quarter+_n-1
format quarter %tq

gen icrg=rnormal(10,100)

drop if runiform()<.1

//calculate mean
bys quarter: egen totalicrg= /*
*/ total(icrg)
bys quarter: egen numobs= /* 
 */ count(icrg)
//divide by # of countries-1
gen mymean=(totalicrg-icrg)/ /* 
 */ (numobs-1)

//10 random checks...

forv i=1/10{
	local a= 1+int(`c(N)'*runiform())
	l country quarter mymean in `a'
	su icrg if quarter==quarter[`a'] /* 
	*/ & country!=country[`a']


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
Sent: Freitag, 23. Oktober 2009 19:31
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: RE: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out

In words, you get 

1. the total of every value but one value 

2. the number of values - 1 

and divide. But also keep track of missing values too. 

[email protected] 

Martin Weiss

"Could you suggest a simple way of doing this?"

Taking a cue from Nick`s FAQ cited earlier:

set obs 40

gen country=_n  
gen quarter=quarterly("1990:1", "YQ")

expand 68
bys country: /* 
*/ replace quarter=quarter+_n-1
format quarter %tq

gen icrg=rnormal(10,100)

//calculate mean
bys quarter: egen totalicrg= /* 
*/ total(icrg)
//divide by # of countries-1
gen mymean=(totalicrg-icrg)/39

//10 random checks...

forv i=1/10{
	local a= 1+int(`c(N)'*runiform())
	l country quarter mymean in `a'
	su icrg if quarter==quarter[`a'] /* 
	*/ & country!=country[`a']


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von kokootchke
Gesendet: Freitag, 23. Oktober 2009 07:39
An: statalist
Betreff: st: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out

Dear all:

I have a panel dataset of 40 countries at quarterly frequency from 1990:1 to
2006:4. I would like to compute the average of a variable (called icrg) for
all countries in a given time period. My problem is that in doing this
computation, I would like to leave one country out of the calculation. 

For example, in period 1990:1 for Mexico, I would like to compute the
average of icrg for ALL other countries in this period EXCLUDING Mexico. 

Could you suggest a simple way of doing this?

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