Sorry, you will have to rephrase your request, I just do not understand your
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
[mailto:owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu] On Behalf Of Nirina F
Sent: Freitag, 23. Oktober 2009 19:52
To: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
Subject: Re: st: RE: RE: How to generate this variable please?
Dear Martin,
I am getting back to you again because I think we were doing this:
Example looking just at category 1 of tenure: say ten1 ten2 ten3 are
the percentages of tenure category 1 in year one, then you averaged
those 3 percentages which is sum(percentages)/3
How would we do it if we would like to get the percentage this way:
sum (frequency of tenure category in each of year 1 2 and 3)/sum
(total tenure in each year)
Thank you so very much again for your big help.
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Martin Weiss <martin.weiss1@gmx.de> wrote:
> <>
> Requires rocket science...
> *************
> use http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/hayashi/griliches76.dta, clear
> keep year tenure
> bys ye: gen countyear=_N //how many obs per year?
> levelsof tenure, loc(ten)
> foreach lev in `r(levels)'{ //get # for each tenure level
> bys year: egen number`lev'=total(tenure==`lev')
> }
> foreach lev of local ten{ //get percentages
> gen percent`lev'=number`lev'/countyear
> }
> drop num*
> compress
> tempfile myfile
> save `myfile', replace
> //postfile
> capture erase info.dta
> tempname hdle
> postfile `hdle' year /*
> */ tenure mean /*
> */ using info
> //complete records for 66 thru 71...
> forv y=67/70{
> foreach cat of local ten{
> su percent`cat' /*
> */ if inrange(year, `y'-1, `y'+1), /*
> */ mean
> capt assert r(mean)!=.
> if !_rc {
> post `hdle' (`y') (`cat') (`r(mean)')
> }
> }
> }
> postclose `hdle'
> //see results
> u info, clear
> gen lb=y-1
> gen ub=y+1
> order lb year ub /*
> */ tenure mean
> l, noo sepby(year) h(30)
> //restore to check calculations
> u `myfile', clear
> *************
> Martin
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
> [mailto:owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu] Im Auftrag von Nirina F
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2009 14:01
> An: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
> Betreff: Re: st: RE: RE: How to generate this variable please?
> Dear Martin,
> Thank you very much for your response.
> I think we can use this data as an example:
> use http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/hayashi/griliches76.dta
> We can use "year"(though there are not that many years here but we can
> see the average within -1 and +1 years (instead -3, +3).
> then we can consider variable "tenure" to be like "field" in my case.
> So now I would like to attribute for example to year 67 the average
> tenure category 1 in percent during the period of 66, 67, and 68.
> Best regards,
> Nirina
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 4:02 AM, Martin Weiss <martin.weiss1@gmx.de>
>> <>
>> " Now I get confused also with the data you created."
>> That was not my intention. It is always difficult to recreate a dataset
> from
>> descriptions given on Statalist, so you may want to show an excerpt of
> your
>> data. Sure, you cannot simply attach it, but you can use -input- to
> provide
>> a meaningful chunk of your data....
>> HTH
>> Martin
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
>> [mailto:owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu] Im Auftrag von Nirina F
>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2009 03:48
>> An: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
>> Betreff: Re: st: RE: RE: How to generate this variable please?
>> Thank you very much Martin for your response. I might have not been
>> clear. I am so sorry.
>> The mean that I would like to create is the mean of frequency (in
>> percentage actually not in absolute value) of just category 1 to start
>> with.
>> I am trying to find a data that could be used to make it easier
>> because I cannot send files on this list. Now I get confused also with
>> the data you created.
>> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Martin Weiss <martin.weiss1@gmx.de>
> wrote:
>>> <>
>>> The - forv y=1952/1998- should probably run as - forv y=1953/1997- for a
>>> three year window so no window gets "chopped"...
>>> HTH
>>> Martin
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
>>> [mailto:owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu] On Behalf Of Martin Weiss
>>> Sent: Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2009 23:52
>>> To: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
>>> Subject: st: RE: How to generate this variable please?
>>> <>
>>> Try this with no warranty :-)
>>> I do have a feeling there is some command, like moving average or
>> -rolling-,
>>> that can make this a little more elegant...
>>> **
>>> clear*
>>> set obs 51
>>> gen year=_n+1949
>>> expand 100
>>> gen byte category=irecode(runiform(), /*
>>> */ 0, .08, .16, .24, .32, .4, .48, /*
>>> */ .54, .62, .68, .78, .89 )
>>> compress
>>> capture erase info.dta
>>> tempname hdle
>>> postfile `hdle' year /*
>>> */ category mean /*
>>> */ using info
>>> levelsof category, local(mycats)
>>> qui forv y=1952/1998{
>>> foreach cat of local mycats{
>>> cou if inrange(year, `y'-3, `y'+3) & /*
>>> */ category==`cat'
>>> post `hdle' (`y') (`cat') (`r(N)')
>>> }
>>> }
>>> postclose `hdle'
>>> u info, clear
>>> gen lb=y-3
>>> gen ub=y+3
>>> order lb year ub /*
>>> */ category mean
>>> l, noobs sepby(year) h(30)
>>> **
>>> HTH
>>> Martin
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
>>> [mailto:owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu] On Behalf Of Nirina F
>>> Sent: Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2009 23:05
>>> To: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
>>> Subject: st: How to generate this variable please?
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am not even sure how to search in the help for this so I thought I
>>> would ask you.
>>> I have two variables year (1950 to 2000) and field. Field has
>>> different categories 1 for accounting, 2 for art 3 for biochemistry
>>> etc....until 12.
>>> I would like to have a variable that shows the mean of the frequency
>>> in accounting (category 1) for year -3 and +3. To be more explicit:
>>> for example, I studied in 1955. I would like to attribute to myself
>>> the average frequency of people who did accounting between 1952 and
>>> 1958 so that it will be an indicator for me on how popular accounting
>>> was around 1955. For year 1950, we can just look at +3, for year 2000,
>>> we can just look at -3 years.
>>> I am confused myself so I hope you understand what I mean.
>>> then I would like to do it for category 5 and 6 together of variable
>> Field.
>>> Thank you so very much in advance for your help,
>>> Nirina
>>> *
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> *
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