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RE: st: Proportion Meta-Analysis

From   "b. water" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Proportion Meta-Analysis
Date   Mon, 5 Oct 2009 20:52:20 +0000

hi paul,
nicola orsini (from karolinska institute) provided me with this back in 2005 (i used (and still do) stata 8.2, but should not make a difference if you are using stata 10). once you get the hang of it, you can adapt it to problem at hand:
 // suppose you have 4 studies
 input study cases total
 1 20 1000
 2 40 5000
 3 30 1500
 4 25 3300
 gen p = .
 gen se = .
 // get proportions and std errors
 forv i =1(1)4 {
 cii total[`i'] cases[`i']
 qui replace p = r(mean) in `i'
 qui replace se = r(se) in `i'
 // get the inverse variance-weighted proportion
 // use the official Stata -vwls- command
 gen cons =1
 vwls p cons, sd(se)
 // use the user written -metan- command
 // for fixed-effects meta-analysis
 metan p se, nograph fixed
 // for random-effects meta-analysis
 metan p se, nograph random

> Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 16:37:33 -0400
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: Proportion Meta-Analysis
> I am working on a meta-analysis where the outcome of interest is the
> percentage of couples who share the same trait. So, for each included
> study, I have the number of concordant couples (both have the trait)
> and am dividing it by the total number of couples. Is there anyway
> that Stata can do this type of proportion meta-analysis and produce an
> accompanying forest plot? I know Stata is capable of meta-analyses
> where odds ratios, etc. are used but couldn't find anything about this
> type. Thanks.
> Paul Reiter
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