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RE: st: AW: RE: Caption on a bar graph

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: AW: RE: Caption on a bar graph
Date   Mon, 19 Oct 2009 18:48:28 +0100

To emphasise the same idea: 

1. We don't have your data. 

2. Even Stata experts like Martin can find it difficult to see what's problematic in a bunch of code. 

3. Thus our best chance is to work at a replica of your problem. It's easier if you set that up for us. If you want free help, as you do, it is better to make the question as easy as possible. 

I can see from your code that you have ten variables. I can't see how many categories of -year- you have. The following code sets up ten categories for ten years, and although the resulting graph is busy -- and alternatives spring to mind, but that is not the issue. But it does not show any overprinting. What's different about your real data? 

set obs 10 
gen whatever = _n 
forval i = 1/10 { 
	gen foobar`i' = uniform() 

graph bar foobar*, over(whatever, label(labsize(medium))) percentages stack ///
graphregion(fcolor(white) lcolor(white) margin(zero)) ///
plotregion(fcolor(white) lcolor(white) ilcolor(white)) /// 
title("title",color(black) placement(west) justification(left) size(large)) /// 
caption("caption", size(vsmall) placement(west) justification(left)) /// 
legend(cols(1) span position(3) stack region(lcolor(white)) title(" ", size(small)) /// 
order(10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) rowgap(7) keygap(1) ///
label(1 "Agriculture") label(2 "Mining, Oil & Gas") label(3 "Construction") /// 
label(4 "Wholesale" "& Retail Trade") label(5 "Financial Services") /// 
label(6 "Other Services") label(7 "Public Administration") /// 
label(8 "Utilities") label(9 "Transport" "& Communication") /// 
label(10 "Manufacturing")) /// 
xsize(7.5) ysize(4.1) ytitle("") /// 
ylabel(0 "0%" 20 "20%" 40 "40%" 60 "60%" 80 "80%" 100 "100%", ///
glwidth(thin) glcolor(black) angle(horizontal) labsize(medium))

[email protected] 

Martin Weiss

" I'd like to avoid using graph editor
if possible, given that I'll likely have to reproduce this graph later
		With different data."

Have you tried the recorder in the graph editor?

Dorothy Bridges

Thanks for looking into this.  When I say "on top of," I mean that the
text appears on the same line as the category axis labels ... that is,
they overlap.  In Nick's example, it would be as if the "whatever"
line ran into "domestic."   Like Martin, however, I can't create the
problem using the auto dataset.  I'd like to avoid using graph editor
if possible, given that I'll likely have to reproduce this graph later
with different data.  Maybe there's something strange in my long graph
code?  Thanks for your help ...

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Martin Weiss <[email protected]> 

> To echo Nick`s sentiment, I have now tried for some time to get Stata to
> behave "irrationally" with the -caption-, and have not succeeded, in spite
> of my honest attempts to reproduce the command provided by Dorothy as much
> as possible. As a last resort, she could still drag the thing around in
> graph editor...

Nick Cox

> I don't understand "underneath (or on top of, I guess)".
> It is easier to address problems reproduced with datasets everyone can
> access and stripped of inessentials.
> With commands like these:
> . sysuse auto
> (1978 Automobile Data)
> . graph bar turn trunk , over(foreign) caption(whatever)
> . graph bar turn trunk , over(foreign) caption(whatever, pos(12))
> . graph bar turn trunk , over(foreign) caption(whatever, pos(12)
> ring(0))
> I can move the caption around.

Dorothy Bridges

> My caption is appearing underneath (or on top of, I guess) the
> category axis labels on my bar graph.  I can't fathom why (I've tried
> specifying a different ring option, no luck).  My code is as follows:
> #delimit;
> graph bar seriesAG-seriesMNF, over(year, label(labsize(medium)))
> percentages stack
> graphregion(fcolor(white) lcolor(white) margin(zero))
> plotregion(fcolor(white) lcolor(white) ilcolor(white))
> title("xxxx",color(black) placement(west) justification(left)
> size(large))
> caption("Sources: xxxx", size(vsmall) placement(west)
> justification(left))
> legend(cols(1) span position(3) stack region(lcolor(white)) title(" ",
> size(small))
> order(10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) rowgap(7) keygap(1)
> label(1 "Agriculture") label(2 "Mining, Oil & Gas") label(3
> "Construction")
> label(4 "Wholesale" "& Retail Trade") label(5 "Financial Services")
> label(6 "Other Services") label(7 "Public Administration")
> label(8 "Utilities") label(9 "Transport" "& Communication")
> label(10 "Manufacturing"))
> xsize(7.5) ysize(4.1)
> ytitle("")
> ylabel(0 "0%" 20 "20%" 40 "40%" 60 "60%" 80 "80%" 100
> "100%",glwidth(thin) glcolor(black) angle(horizontal) labsize(medium))
> ;

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