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Re: st: Hierarchical model

From   Evans Jadotte <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Hierarchical model
Date   Sat, 03 Oct 2009 16:53:11 +0200

Maarten buis wrote:
--- On Sat, 3/10/09, Evans Jadotte <[email protected]> wrote:
.xi: quietly xtmixed logequiv i.mpsex
mpage* i.sector non_farm
small_cattle large_cattle s_s_cattle shock_cattle dumland1
electricity landline piped_water road_access death d_rem
||cluster:, var

estimates store model1

.xi: quietly xtmixed logequiv i.mpsex mpage*
i.sector non_farm
small_cattle large_cattle s_s_cattle shock_cattle dumland1
electricity landline piped_water road_access death d_rem
i.hhtype ||strata:
||cluster:, var

. estimates store model2 . lrtest model1 model2
This test is a test of a null hypothesis on the edge of the parameter space (the strata level variance is >= 0, so 0 is on the edge of allowable values for that variance). Things get weird when you perform such a test, so be careful.
For more on this see: -help j_chibar-.
The last test strongly suggests that cluster is nested into
strata and that the latter should be in the model. I tried estimating the other way around (strata nested into cluster) just to check, and convergence failed. So, based on the
three-level model:

It appears you are trying to empirically determine the nesting
structure in your data. You should not need to do this as it
should be a-priori clear from the design of your study. If the
nesting is not strictly fixed by design you are probably dealing with a crossed random effects model. In any case the
nesting structure is determined by the design of your study and
is not an empirical question.
Hope this helps,

Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen

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Hi Maarten,

Thanks for your input. I must say in advance that I am relatively new in Stata and my knowledge is very limited, so any help would be much appreciated.

I tried the estimation (cluster nested into strata) just to validate the results from estimating cluster nested into strata. The nesting is strictly fixed by design so I believe it is not a crossed random effects model. To be more specific, "clusters" are in my study "villages or communities" while "strata" are "administrative regions", each of which includes various communities (something similar to a Länder in Germany). I understand now that the H0 for this lrtest implies:

Var(strata) = Cov(strata, cluster) = 0

In my model, I need Cov(strata, cluster) = 0, while Var(strata) > 0.

If one of the conditions of the H0 fails (in this case Var(strata) ≠ 0), what would be the procedure to follow? In fact, the result I am looking for Var(strata) > 0 and Cov(strata, cluster) = 0 is what I got.


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