It seems you need to "look up" string values. One way to approach this
is as follows:
Outside your loop:
gen long obsno = _n
Inside your loop you find the smallest observation numbers satisfying
various conditions, e.g.
su obsno if idvar == "`i'" & idvar2 == 1 & idvar3 == 1, meanonly
local name1 = idvar2_name[`r(min)']
su obsno if idvar == "`i'" & idvar2 == 2 & idvar3 == 1, meanonly
local name2 = idvar2_name[`r(min)']
... legend(order(1 "`name1'" 2 "`name2'"))
The largest observation numbers will work as well. (By the way, I never
use repeated -label()- calls given scope to call -order()- once.)
[email protected]
Dorothy Bridges
I have a loop creating twoway graphs along the lines of the following:
levels idvar, local(ID)
foreach i of local ID{
di "`i'";
twoway (line yvar xvar if idvar=="`i'" & idvar2==1 & idvar3==1,
(line yvar xvar if idvar=="`i'" & idvar2==2 & idvar3==1, lpattern(dash))
(line yvar2 xvar2 if idvar=="`i'" & idvar2==1 & idvar3==1, color(navy)
yaxis(2) lpattern(dash))
And I would like the legend to be: legend(label(1 =idvar2_name if
idvar=="`i'" & idvar2==1 & idvar3==1) label(2 =idvar2_name if
idvar=="`i'" & idvar2==2 & idvar3==1))
How might I accomplish this? I found this
( in the
archive but couldn't quite get from there to where I would like to be.
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