set obs 20
gen industry=_n
gen industryalpha= /*
*/ rnormal()
expand 10
bys industry: gen firm=_n
gen firmalpha=rnormal()
expand 10
bys industry firm: /*
*/ gen year=_n
forv i=1/5{
gen x`i'=rnormal(0,`i')
gen y=10+2*x1+3*x2+4*x3 /*
*/ -4*x4+5*x5+firmalpha+ /*
*/ industryalpha+rnormal()
statsby, by(industry year) /*
*/ clear : reg y x?
list, noobs /*
*/ sepby(industry) /*
*/ he(30)
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Ferdinand
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2009 20:51
An: [email protected]
Betreff: st: Saving or generate variables for regression coefficients
I mean industry not company. There are many companies in each industry.
So, I regress:
By industry year: Y X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
My question: if there are 20 industries with 10 years of data in each
industry, I will have 200 sets of coefficients. How do I save those data or
generate variables for those coefficients?
Dear Statalist,
How can I save or generate variables for regression coefficients when I
regress data by company and year?
This is the command that I use:
By company year: regress Y X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
If there are 20 companies with 10 years of data each, I will have 200 sets
of coefficients. How do I save those data or generate variables for those
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