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st: AW: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
As Kit said, move to another provider! My research into Statalist issues
uncovered that 43% of Statalisters are on gmail, so there is no reason for
you not to be :-)
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von kokootchke
Gesendet: Samstag, 24. Oktober 2009 20:35
An: statalist
Betreff: st: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
<000901ca54a3$217ddea0$64799be0$@[email protected]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
MIME-Version: 1.0
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: RE: st: RE: RE: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member o=
> Date: Sat=2C 24 Oct 2009 14:11:34 +0200
> <>
> Am I the only one experiencing weird characters when reading messages fro=
> "kokootchke"=2C a.k.a Adrian? Like "=3D2C" and so on... Makes it difficul=
t to
> read them...
> Martin
Sorry about that=2C Martin and others. I don't know why that's happening
and I was not aware of this problem. If anyone has a suggestion (other
than moving this address to gmail=2C Kit! :P=A0 ) please let me know. I
will look into it and see if there's anything I can do to solve this
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of kokootchke
> Sent: Samstag=2C 24. Oktober 2009 06:37
> To: statalist
> Subject: RE: st: RE: RE: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member o=
> <000201ca5407$fdb4cfb0$f91e6f10$@[email protected]>
> Content-Type: text/plain=3B charset=3D"iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Thank you=3D2C Martin and NIck. Your suggestions worked beautifully. The =
> problem I had was that I think that Martin's code takes the average for a=
> l other countries.. but including ALL quarters across years (so=3D2C for =
all =3D
> first quarters=3D2C for all second quarters=3D2C etc. I think the code sh=
ould s=3D
> ay
>> bys country quarter: egen totalicrg=3D3D /*
>> */ total(icrg)
>> bys country quarter: egen numobs=3D3D /*
>> */ count(icrg)
> but other than that=3D2C everything worked perfectly.
> THanks a lot!
> Adrian
> ----------------------------------------
>> From: [email protected]
>> To: [email protected]
>> Subject: st: RE: RE: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
>> Date: Fri=3D2C 23 Oct 2009 19:41:02 +0200
>> <>
>> " But also keep track of missing values too."
>> Very true=3D2C and an obvious omission in the rush this morning. As an
>> economist=3D2C I often fall prey to the notion of a perfect world=3D2C m=
> =3D2C model
>> whatever...
>> So here is my modified code that takes account of the missing thing. Not=
>> that I voluntarily introduce the missingness with the -drop- command in =
> he
>> middle of the code section...
>> *******
>> clear*
>> set obs 40
>> gen country=3D3D_n
>> gen quarter=3D3Dquarterly("1990:1"=3D2C "YQ")
>> expand 68
>> bys country: /*
>> */ replace quarter=3D3Dquarter+_n-1
>> format quarter %tq
>> gen icrg=3D3Drnormal(10=3D2C100)
>> drop if runiform()<.1
>> //calculate mean
>> bys quarter: egen totalicrg=3D3D /*
>> */ total(icrg)
>> bys quarter: egen numobs=3D3D /*
>> */ count(icrg)
>> //divide by # of countries-1
>> gen mymean=3D3D(totalicrg-icrg)/ /*
>> */ (numobs-1)
>> //10 random checks...
>> forv i=3D3D1/10{
>> local a=3D3D 1+int(`c(N)'*runiform())
>> l country quarter mymean in `a'
>> su icrg if quarter=3D3D=3D3Dquarter[`a'] /*
>> */ & country!=3D3Dcountry[`a']
>> }
>> *******
>> HTH
>> Martin
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [email protected]
>> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
>> Sent: Freitag=3D2C 23. Oktober 2009 19:31
>> To: [email protected]
>> Subject: st: RE: AW: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
>> In words=3D2C you get
>> 1. the total of every value but one value
>> 2. the number of values - 1
>> and divide. But also keep track of missing values too.
>> Nick
>> [email protected]
>> Martin Weiss
>> "Could you suggest a simple way of doing this?"
>> Taking a cue from Nick`s FAQ cited earlier:
>> *************
>> clear*
>> set obs 40
>> gen country=3D3D_n
>> gen quarter=3D3Dquarterly("1990:1"=3D2C "YQ")
>> expand 68
>> bys country: /*
>> */ replace quarter=3D3Dquarter+_n-1
>> format quarter %tq
>> gen icrg=3D3Drnormal(10=3D2C100)
>> //calculate mean
>> bys quarter: egen totalicrg=3D3D /*
>> */ total(icrg)
>> //divide by # of countries-1
>> gen mymean=3D3D(totalicrg-icrg)/39
>> //10 random checks...
>> forv i=3D3D1/10{
>> local a=3D3D 1+int(`c(N)'*runiform())
>> l country quarter mymean in `a'
>> su icrg if quarter=3D3D=3D3Dquarter[`a'] /*
>> */ & country!=3D3Dcountry[`a']
>> }
>> *************
>> HTH
>> Martin
>> -----Urspr=3DFCngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: [email protected]
>> [mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von kokootchke
>> Gesendet: Freitag=3D2C 23. Oktober 2009 07:39
>> An: statalist
>> Betreff: st: Compute mean for groups leaving one member out
>> Dear all:
>> I have a panel dataset of 40 countries at quarterly frequency from 1990:=
> to
>> 2006:4. I would like to compute the average of a variable (called icrg) =
> or
>> all countries in a given time period. My problem is that in doing this
>> computation=3D2C I would like to leave one country out of the calculatio=
>> For example=3D2C in period 1990:1 for Mexico=3D2C I would like to comput=
e the
>> average of icrg for ALL other countries in this period EXCLUDING Mexico.
>> Could you suggest a simple way of doing this?
>> *
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> =3D20
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