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RE: st: New version of -bmjcip- on SSC

From   "Newson, Roger B" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: New version of -bmjcip- on SSC
Date   Thu, 15 Oct 2009 11:18:36 +0100

The Stata 9 and Stata 10 versions of -bmjcip- can still be downloaded from my website (see my signature below). In Stata, you can type

net from

and select the subdirectory wstata9 or stata10, and download the version of bmjcip in that subdirectory. I have a policy of not depriving users of earlier Stata versions of anything they had before, and my website is arranged accordingly, with subdirectories corresponding to earlier versions of Stata.

However, this will not give you the latest improvements. And, as it happens, the latest improvements do not seem strictly to require Stata 11, or even Stata 10. I found this out just now by doing a quick downgrade of bmjcip.ado, bmjcip.sthlp (downgraded to bmjcip.hlp), and (the certification script). I  managed to run the downgraded under version control using the dolog9 module of the dologx package (which you can download from SSC if you are a Stata 11 user and from my website if you use Stata 9 or 10). This downgrade does everything the latest version does, except incorporating the improvements to the on-line help introduced in Stata 10 (which introduced .sthlp files to get through the most restrictive firewalls used by the Stata community) and Stat 11 (which introduced online .pdf manuals).

I have attached the downgrade to a separate email to John, and it is available to other users on request. The downgrade comes in a file, which you can extract to your Stata PERSONAL folder. (See on-line help for -adopath- to find more about PERSONAL and other folders.)

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any queries.

Best wishes


Roger B Newson BSc MSc DPhil
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Respiratory Epidemiology and Public Health Group
National Heart and Lung Institute
Imperial College London
Royal Brompton Campus
Room 33, Emmanuel Kaye Building
1B Manresa Road
London SW3 6LR
Tel: +44 (0)20 7352 8121 ext 3381
Fax: +44 (0)20 7351 8322
Email: [email protected] 
Web page:
Departmental Web page:

Opinions expressed are those of the author, not of the institution.

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of John LeBlanc
Sent: 14 October 2009 19:35
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: New version of -bmjcip- on SSC

This is a useful tool; however, I'm running Stata 9. Does this depend on 
Stata 11 or can it be revised for older versions?

John LeBlanc
Halifax NS

Newson, Roger B wrote:
> Thanks to Kit Baum, a new version of the -bmjcip- package is now available for download from SSC. In Stata, use the -ssc- command to do this, or -adoupdate- if you already have an old version.
> The -bmjcip- package is described as below on my website. The new version has slightly redefined the option -esub(rtfsuper)-, which causes exponents in decoded P-values and confidence limits to be reformatted as RTF superscripts. The RTF superscripts are now enclosed inside a pair of curly brackets { and }, so the superscripting will not apply to any text that the uset appends to the decoded P-values and confidence limits.
> Best wishes
> Roger
> Roger B Newson BSc MSc DPhil
> Lecturer in Medical Statistics
> Respiratory Epidemiology and Public Health Group
> National Heart and Lung Institute
> Imperial College London
> Royal Brompton Campus
> Room 33, Emmanuel Kaye Building
> 1B Manresa Road
> London SW3 6LR
> Tel: +44 (0)20 7352 8121 ext 3381
> Fax: +44 (0)20 7351 8322
> Email: [email protected] 
> Web page:
> Departmental Web page:
> Opinions expressed are those of the author, not of the institution.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> package bmjcip from
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>       bmjcip: Format confidence intervals and P-values for medical journals
>       bmjcip reformats a list of numeric variables, containing estimates
>       and/or confidence limits and/or P-values, to string variables,
>       containing the same values formatted for presentation in medical
>       journals.  The new string variables replace the old numeric
>       variables, and have the same names, variable labels, variable
>       characteristics, and positions in the dataset.  bmjcip is usually
>       used in output datasets (or resultssets) produced by the parmest
>       package, and the reformatted string variables are usually later
>       output using the listtex package, for input to Microsoft Word or
>       other word processors.  It requires the sdecode package in order to
>       work.  The sdecode, parmest and listtex packages can all be
>       downloaded from SSC.
>       Author: Roger Newson
>       Distribution-Date: 13october2009
>       Stata-Version: 11
> INSTALLATION FILES                                  (click here to install)
>       bmjcip.ado
>       bmjcip.sthlp
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> (click here to return to the previous screen)
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Regards, John LeBlanc



John C. LeBlanc, MD, MSc, FRCPC    

Associate Professor

Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Community Health and Epidemiology

Dalhousie University


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