Here's a solution that I believe you could adapt. I have made up my
list of valid codes and codes to be looked up, which are integer; they
could just as well be string values.
clear all
// create a table of valid codes
set obs 500
set seed 20091002
g codes = int(runiform()*1000)
sort codes
// tomata: Bill Gould from ssc
tomata codes
// look these up in the table
local look 50
g variable = int(runiform()*1000) in 1/`look'
tomata variable, nomiss
g foundit = . in 1/`look'
st_view(f=., ., "foundit")
// mm_posof(): Ben Jann from ssc, moremata
for(i=1; i<=rows(variable); i++) {
f[i] = (mm_posof(codes, variable[i]) > 0)
l foundit in 1/`look'
Kit Baum | Boston College Economics & DIW Berlin | http://ideas.repec.org/e/pba1.html
An Introduction to Stata Programming
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