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Re: st: AW: variable number in variables window?

From   Jeph Herrin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: AW: variable number in variables window?
Date   Wed, 21 Oct 2009 10:20:43 -0400

Martin Weiss wrote:
> " Seems to me that the variables window could also (optionally)
> include a column with the value label."
> The new variables manager does exactly that, and you can also
> -describe- any variable to retrieve this information.

I am familiar with -describe-, not in the habit yet of using
the variables manager, but without the variable number the
latter still does not solve my problem.

> How would you split responsibilities between the variables window
> and the variables manager? I think the variables window is good as
> it is in its rather parsimonious state...

I would be fine using either one if it had the variable number.

I often work with datasets that have hundreds of variables,
for example, provided with a 20 page data collection instrument
(this is all clinical information) and I need to sort through
the 20 page form and figure out which variable corresponds to
which checkbox on the form. Items are grouped by clinical topic,
and the only hint I have about which variable corresponds to
which  item on the collection form is that the variables are in
the same order as the form.

Thus, I navigate the dataset by finding one variable I know,
with some less cryptic name (eg, "ab_cath_proc" for the "abstracted
cath procedure"), and then use that to find the variables that
are "near" it. I can -describe- this variable, with the -numbers-
option, to know where it is in the dataset, but then neither the
variables window nor the variables manager lets me look at
which variables are "around" it. I can -describe- the full dataset,
pausing when I get near the correct number, but then if I am trying
to work with these variables, this list scrolls off the screen very

The dataset I am working with at the moment has 732 variables. If
I could scroll to e.g. variable 234 in the variables window OR the
variables manager it would make my life so much easier.



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Jeph Herrin
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2009 15:35
An: [email protected]
Betreff: st: variable number in variables window?

Is there any way to persuade the variables window to
include a column with the variable number? I have datasets
with hundreds of variables, where this would be extremely
useful. It's not documented, as far as I can tell, but
maybe undocumented?

Seems to me that the variables window could also (optionally)
include a column with the value label.


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