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st: creating expanded records with indicator variables, where different ID's reside in the same rows

From   Michael McCulloch <[email protected]>
To   Statalist Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: creating expanded records with indicator variables, where different ID's reside in the same rows
Date   Wed, 21 Oct 2009 10:12:29 -0700

I have a data structure that has been gathered as follows, where each cell contains the subject ID if A is true, and similarly for B. Therefore, for subject 5, I have A=yes and B=yes, whereas for subjects 6 and 11, only B=yes.

5	5
6	11

I'd like to transform the data structure such that each row would have ID, and indicator variables for A and B.
id	A	B
5	1	1
6	0	1
11	0	1

I've tried an approach like this, where I create indicator variables but A and B, but am not sure how to "expand" from the data structure where different ID's reside in the same rows.
	. gen id1=a
	. gen id2=b
	. gen aa=1 if a!=.
	. gen bb=1 if b!=.

It also looks like -reshape- is not suitable because different ID's reside in the same rows.
Any advice would be appreciated.

Michael McCulloch
Pine Street Foundation
124 Pine Street
San Anselmo, CA 94960-2674
tel:	415-407-1357
fax: 	206-338-2391
[email protected]

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