You can select estimates to be tabulated using the * and ? wildcards.
For example, type
eststo clear
sysuse auto, clear
eststo regression: reg price weight mpg
quietly bysort foreign: eststo: estpost summarize price weight mpg
esttab est*, label nodepvar cells( mean(fmt(2)) sd(par fmt(2)) )
If you don't like the "est" prefix, you can change it using the
-prefix()- option in -eststo-. Example:
eststo clear
sysuse auto, clear
eststo regression: reg price weight mpg
quietly bysort foreign: eststo, prefix(descr): estpost summarize price
weight mpg
esttab descr*, label nodepvar cells( mean(fmt(2)) sd(par fmt(2)) )
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 4:07 AM, Bert Jung <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Statalisters,
> I am using the ever helpful -estpost- with -bysort- to post summary
> statistics for subgroups. I need to give specific names the stored
> estimates in this setup so that I can output them later. In the below
> examples there is already a stored estimates (named "regression") that
> I want to keep for later use. Before that I want to output the
> summary statistics by themselves.
> If I specify a name for the stored estimates (first attempt below)
> only the summary statistics for the last subgroup are saved. But I
> want all subgroups.
> If I don't specify a name -estpost- will assign one with stub "est"
> and numbers that depend on how many previous estimates are already
> stored (in my case the names are est2 and est3, see second attempt
> below). So one solution is to use $eststo_counter to get the last two
> estimates for the two subgroups. But I wonder if there is a more
> direct way?
> Thanks,
> Bert
> *** First attempt, with name ***
> eststo clear
> sysuse auto, clear
> eststo regression: reg price weight mpg
> quietly bysort foreign: eststo summarystats: estpost summarize price weight mpg
> * This outputs all stored estimates but only want summary statistics
> esttab, label nodepvar cells( mean(fmt(2)) sd(par fmt(2)) )
> * Stored estimates called "summarystats" but only the last -by- group
> is available
> eststo dir
> *** Second attempt, without name ***
> eststo clear
> sysuse auto, clear
> eststo regression: reg price weight mpg
> quietly bysort foreign: eststo: estpost summarize price weight mpg
> * This outputs all stored estimates but only want summary statistics
> esttab, label nodepvar cells( mean(fmt(2)) sd(par fmt(2)) )
> * Stored estimates are called est2, est3
> eststo dir
> *
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> *
> *
> *
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