I'd appreciate advice on this problem which although apparently simple
is somewhat vexing.
Note that for:
sample 30.1 only y is true,
sample 34.3 only x is true,
but sample 34.1 both x and y are true,
sampleid x y
30.1 0 1
34.1 1 0
34.1 0 1
34.3 1 0
What I'd like to achieve is only one entry for 34.1, where both x and
y ==1.
I can identify 34.1 with -duplicates-, but can't figure out the next
step of concatenating observations for that sampleid such that x=y=1.
Michael McCulloch
Pine Street Foundation
124 Pine Street
San Anselmo, CA 94960-2674
tel: 415-407-1357
fax: 206-338-2391
[email protected]
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