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st: "flat region resulting in a missing likelihood" in Stata 10 but not in Stata 9

From   Jon Schwabish <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: "flat region resulting in a missing likelihood" in Stata 10 but not in Stata 9
Date   Thu, 29 Oct 2009 08:45:14 -0700 (PDT)


I am running an ordered logit regression of hours worked (which are grouped into 7 discrete categories) as a function of a variety of demographic variables including age, sex, earnings, birth cohort, etc. 

When I run this regression in Stata 10, I get the following error: "flat region resulting in a missing likelihood". (I believe this error is suggesting there is no variation in one or more independent variables for one or more categories of the dependent variable; I haven't been able to determine where this is happening in my data, however.) 

When I run the same regression in Stata 9, it runs just fine. 

Does anyone know what changes were made to the ologit command in Stata 10 that would generate this error?

Jon Schwabish


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