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st: RE: combination foreach forvalues

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: combination foreach forvalues
Date   Tue, 20 Oct 2009 11:16:56 +0100

This doesn't require either -foreach- or -forvalues-. -encode- does
precisely this. 


bysort stringvar : gen newvar = _n == 1 
replace stringvar = sum(stringvar) 


egen newvar = group(stringvar) 

There is not much to explain about combining -foreach- and -forvalues-,
as you just do it if and when you need it, typically by nesting one
inside the other. But that's not the case here. 

[email protected] 

John Bunge

I have a string variable x1 with a list of values. I want to create a
numerical variable x2 in which the numbers correspond to the string
values in x1 in an ordered fashion (as a counter).

To illustrate, lets assume x1 contains all letters of the alphabet, and
I want x2 to contain a counter that corresponds to the position of the
letter in the alphabet, i.e. x1=a > x2=1, x1=b > x2=2, x1=c > x2=3,

This seems to me like a combination of foreach and forvalues, but I
cannot find information on whether and how such thing is implementable
in Stata.

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