But it does depend on what you mean precisely by 'using panel data'.
[email protected]
Nick Cox
It does look like a case for -nl- to me.
Gili Greenberg
Thanks for the reply. Perhaps I didn't explain myself correctly. I am
looking to estimate an equation such as the following:
using panel data. I do not think that nlcom could solve this problem.
Quoting Maarten buis <[email protected]>:
> --- On Mon, 26/10/09, Gili Greenberg wrote:
>> I would like to perfrom a dynamic panel data regression
>> estimation of a model with non linear constraints of
>> coefficients. In particular, the coefficients will be
>> a multiple of a two parameters, one of which will
>> remain fixed while the other will rise exponentially
>> (decay rate).
> That doesn't look like a constraint but like a non-linear
> combination of paramters. See -help nlcom-.
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