Given an integer between 0-255 and the desired bit to be retrieved
(counting from the left or high-order bit), this routine will give you
the binary form of the integer and the bit as locals:
mata: mata clear
void bit(real scalar v, real scalar w)
string vector d, b
d=("0000","0001","0010","0011","0100","0101","0110","0111", //
for(i=1;i<=cols(d);i++) {
dd = d[i] :+ d
b = b, dd
if( v>0 & v <= 255 & w > 0 & w <= 8) {
st_local("v" , b[v+1] )
st_local("w", substr(b[v+1], w, 1))
. mata: bit(128,1)
. di "`v' `w'"
10000000 1
. mata: bit(128,3)
. di "`v' `w'"
10000000 0
Kit Baum | Boston College Economics & DIW Berlin | http://ideas.repec.org/e/pba1.html
An Introduction to Stata Programming
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