No luck with any reply so far, so let me stick my neck out on this one: The
fact that there is no facility in Stata to do this could be due to the fact
that there is a one-to-one mapping between the coefficients and the marginal
effects? Which would render a separate -test- command for marginal effects
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Elaina Rose
Sent: Montag, 12. Oktober 2009 21:34
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Test equality of marginal effects in multinomial logit
I have found how Stata allows me to test the equality of coefficients in
mlogit and calculate the marginal effects. Is there some way to test the
equality of the marginal effects within and across options?
Thank you.
* Elaina Rose *
* Associate Professor phone: 206-543-5237 *
* Department of Economics fax: 206-685-7477 *
* Box 353330 *
* University of Washington *
* Seattle, WA 98195-3330 *
* [email protected] *
* http://www.econ.washington.edu/people/detail.asp?uid=erose *
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