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st: RE: RE: Tsgraph with multiple y axis

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: Tsgraph with multiple y axis
Date   Sun, 11 Oct 2009 18:42:44 +0100

Martin gives good advice here. However, the relationship between -tsgraph- and -tsline- is not so much that the latter is a more up-to-date version of the former. I've no evidence that StataCorp in writing -tsline- were consciously imitating or updating -tsgraph-. Rather, -tsgraph- is an old user-written program that has never been updated given the essentially overlapping aims of -tsline- and -xtline-. 

[email protected] 

Martin Weiss

-tsgraph- sounds like you are using an old -version- of Stata? Note you are meant to disclose this from the FAQ. See , section 2.4., for more info (though I cannot access the archives today for some reason...)

The modern implementation is -tsline- which is a -twoway- and can thus be given a second axis...

set obs 100

gen x=1
gen x1=3+.6*x[_n-1] + /*
*/ rnormal() in 2/l
gen x2=5+.6*x[_n-1] + /*
*/ rnormal() in 2/l
gen x3=50+.6*x[_n-1] + /*
*/ rnormal() in 2/l

gen time=_n
tsset time
twoway (tsline x1) (tsline x2)/*
*/  (tsline x3, yaxis(2))

Abhijit Sen Gupta

  I have three variables y1var y2var and y3var that I want to plot against time (in years). y3var has a very different scale than y1var or y2var so I was thinking if plotting it on a second y axis on the right with y1var and y2var on the left y axis. Is there a way of doing this using tsgraph?

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