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Re: Re: st: Using the 2008 American National Election Study with Stata v.11

From   Peter Wielhouwer <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: Re: st: Using the 2008 American National Election Study with Stata v.11
Date   Fri, 16 Oct 2009 08:54:24 -0400

centered at 1, rather than zero. Sorry for the mixup.

Nick and Austin: Thanks for your advice on pweights and using geographic ID for clustering. I'll try those.

All, sorry for sending that last one in html, rather than plain text.


Peter W. Wielhouwer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Political Science
Western Michigan University
Executive Director, Southwestern Social Science Association

Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 08:53:24 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Re: st: Using the 2008 American National Election Study with  Stata v.11

It states that "comprehensive instructions will accompany the full
release of the Panel Study Data."

 I'm not familiar with ANES, but neither the paper Bob found nor the
user guide have anything about weights centered at zero. (The paper
does recommend that weights be scaled so that they sum to 1.)  In
fact, weights<0 would be rejected by any survey program.

- -Steve

Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 09:22:30 -0400
From: Nick Winter <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: st: Using the 2008 American National Election Study with 	Stata v.11

The ANES weights should be used as pweights.

In recent studies (eg, the 2004 dataset), ANES supplies a variable that indicates "strata" and "psus" that can be used for BRR or Taylor-series approaches to variance estimation. (They don't release the complete sampling information to prevent possible identification of individual respondents -- this is discussed, eg, in the introductory materials for the 2004 study documentation:

So until the final,complete release of the 2008 data, you are stuck with just using the appropriate pweight.

(As an aside, in my experience, taking proper account of the stratification and clustering in the ANES datasets has not had dramatic effects on standard errors. But of course my prior experience doesn't guarantee your future performance....)

- - NW

Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 12:19:03 -0400
From: Austin Nichols <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: st: Using the 2008 American National Election Study with Stata  v.11

Peter Wielhouwer <[email protected]> :
You can also use a geographic id as a clustering variable if PSU is
unavailable--or even if PSU is available and PSUs are nested within
geography and you think there is clustering by geography.

. u anes2008_2009panel_dataset, clear

. svyset [pw=wgtbase]

     pweight: wgtbase
         VCE: linearized
 Single unit: missing
    Strata 1: <one>
        SU 1: <observations>
       FPC 1: <zero>

. svy:ta w10p4, ci
(running tabulate on estimation sample)

Number of strata   =         1  Number of obs      =       619
Number of PSUs     =       619  Population size    = 610.10636
                               Design df          =       618

- -------------------------------------------------
w10p4.    |
Favor or  |
oppose    |
raising   |
taxes on  |
incomes   |
over      |
200k/yr   | proportions           lb           ub
- ----------+--------------------------------------
1, Favor |        .381        .3393        .4245
2, Oppos |       .0682        .0496        .0931
3, Neith |       .5508        .5066        .5943
   Total |           1
- -------------------------------------------------
Key:  proportions  =  cell proportions
     lb           =  lower 95% confidence bounds for cell proportions
     ub           =  upper 95% confidence bounds for cell proportions

. egen c=group(stratum cdstate), mi label

. svyset c [pw=wgtbase]

     pweight: wgtbase
         VCE: linearized
 Single unit: missing
    Strata 1: <one>
        SU 1: c
       FPC 1: <zero>

. svy:ta w10p4, ci
(running tabulate on estimation sample)

Number of strata   =         1   Number of obs      =       619
Number of PSUs     =        81   Population size    = 610.10636
                                Design df          =        80

- -------------------------------------------------
w10p4.    |
Favor or  |
oppose    |
raising   |
taxes on  |
incomes   |
over      |
200k/yr   | proportions           lb           ub
- ----------+--------------------------------------
1, Favor |        .381        .3383        .4255
2, Oppos |       .0682        .0513        .0903
3, Neith |       .5508        .5098        .5912
   Total |           1
- -------------------------------------------------
Key:  proportions  =  cell proportions
     lb           =  lower 95% confidence bounds for cell proportions
     ub           =  upper 95% confidence bounds for cell proportions

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