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RE: st: -joinby- doesn't recognize -using- dataset

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: -joinby- doesn't recognize -using- dataset
Date   Mon, 26 Oct 2009 11:39:29 -0000

Yes, the do-file editor is a text editor, which is growing steadily from
release to release in what it can do. But it is not a fully-fledged text
editor such as Vim or Emacs. 

Remember that you can use the -hexdump- command to look for strange
characters in your files. 

It's a bad idea ever to pass any kind of code through a word processor,
for precisely this reason, and others. You can copy code into a word
processor if a report requires quoting of code segments, but you should
never copy it out. 

[email protected] 

Michael McCulloch

Problem solved, but reason unknown! Although the following two lines  
of code appear visually identical to you astute Statalist members,  
they are not functionally identical in my Stata10's do-file editor:

. joinby group using a.dta
. joinby group using a.dta

I discovered this accidentally when comparing the command I sent in my  
. joinby group using a.dta

to what appears below as received from the Statalist server:
> . joinby group

and then manually retyped the line in the do-file editor, where it  
works splendidly.

Notice the missing "using a.dta"! Must be some display/format code  
lurking in the text. So now my question becomes: isn't the Stata do- 
file editor a text editor that doesn't copy display/format code with  
text copied and pasted from another application, such as a word  

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