Dear Statalist,
I have two questions I am hoping you could help me with.
1) I would like to draw scatter lines (Y: value, X: time), for difference countries. I have inputed the country_name (string) and also the country_code (float).
However, my scatter line by country works only when I type:
twoway line value time, by(country_id)
but although in the help section, it says that the by option may be use with numeric or string variables, I can't draw any scatter lines when I type:
twoway line value time, by(country_name)
And instead I have the following error message: "option Dem. not allowed
Could you please help me with what I am doing wrong here?
2) my second question is: I would like to use the reshape long command, but instead of years, I would have quarterly data(for example q1_2005 q2_2005..etc). So I am not sure what to put after the "j" in reshape long command: long value, i(id) j(?)
Thank you very much in advance for your help. It is very much appreciated.
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