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st: RE: re: creating a variable from many variables

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: re: creating a variable from many variables
Date   Tue, 6 Oct 2009 19:26:36 +0100

Thanks for the various plugs. 

A more elegant method than is implemented in -egen, rall()- is 

gen byte four = 1 

foreach v of var var* { 
	replace four = 0 if !(missing(`v') | `v' == 4) 

An alternative for the middle line is 

	replace four = 0 if !inlist(`v', 4, .) 

However, note the implication that any observation on which all values
are missing is also tagged 1. Rajaram might want to exclude any such
observations. It's not clear from the original post as there is no such

[email protected] 

Martin Weiss

Also note Nick`s recent column

Kit Baum

ssc install egenmore    (Nick Cox's grab bag of egen fns)

. egen four = rall(var*), c(@ == 4 | mi(@))

. l

      | var1   var2   var3   var4   var5   var6   four |
   1. |    4      .      4      4      4      .      1 |
   2. |    2      4      .      .      .      .      0 |
   3. |    4      4      4      4      4      4      1 |
   4. |    2      3      4      4      4      4      0 |
   5. |    4      4      4      4      4      4      1 |
   6. |    4      .      .      .      .      .      1 |
   7. |    3      3      3      3      3      3      0 |
   8. |    4      3      .      .      .      .      0 |
   9. |    2      3      1      4      3      .      0 |
  10. |    1      1      .      .      .      .      0 |

Rajaram Subramanian Potty

I have about 6 variables and I want to create a variable based on all
these variables. If the all the variables take a particular value, I
want to generate the variable as 1 otherwise 0. The problem is that for
some of the cases some variables will not be applicable. The following
is an example of the data for 10 cases. In the follwing example if the
value of all the applicable variables is 4 then a created variable is 1
otherwise it is 0 as shown below.

var1	var2	var3	var4	var5	var6	createdvar
4	.	4	4	4	.	1
2	4	.	.	.	.	0
4	4	4	4	4	4	1
2	3	4	4	4	4	0
4	4	4	4	4	4	1
4	.	.	.	.	.	1
3	3	3	3	3	3	0
4	3	.	.	.	.	0
2	3	1	4	3	.	0
1	1	.	.	.	.	0

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