Thanks so much for your response Scott.
I see. I did not know the null hypothesis for the Fisher was that
"ALL the panels have unit roots". Yes, I could conclude what you
And then, even if some panels have unit roots but not all, would it be
fine if I run the regression in first-differences to address the issue
of unit roots? Or is this not advisable when not all panels have unit
Thanks again
On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 7:09 PM, Scott Merryman
<> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 2:39 PM, Carlos Rodriguez
> <> wrote:
>> Dear Stata users,
>> I am a bit confused and I'd very much appreciate your advice and clarification.
>> I wish to test for unit roots in my time-series cross sectional data
>> (20 countries, 30 yearly observations for each), but the tests
>> available in Stata10 provide opposite answers so my question is:
>> what's the criteria I should follow for choosing among these tests?
>> According to the xtfisher and the ipshin tests, the null hypothesis of
>> unit roots is rejected.
> In all the panels
>> But, if I use the Hadri test, instead, the null hypothesis of *no*
>> unit roots is rejected.
> In all the panels.
> That is in the Fischer test:
> Ho: All panels contain unit roots
> Ha: At least one panel is stationary
> and in the Hadri LM test:
> Ho: All panels are stationary
> Ha: Some panels contain unit roots
> So couldn't you conclude that some panels, but not all, contain a unit root?
> Scott
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