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st: The reason why too much time was needed to draw a graph.

From   "Shoji Tokunaga" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: The reason why too much time was needed to draw a graph.
Date   Wed, 21 Oct 2009 23:02:18 +0900 (JST)

Dear Statalist

A few hours ago, I posted a mail entitled "Too much time to draw a graph".  I could draw a histogram in a second by dropping the value label for the variable.  I have not experienced the phenomenon before verion 11.

Thank you for comments on the problem.


. desc value

              storage  display     value
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
value           float  %10.0g      value      value

. label list value
          -1 minus
   999999999 plus/minus

. histogram value if itemcode==4
(bin=23, start=3.5999999, width=2.2782609)

*** The graph did not appear. ***********

. label drop value

. histogram value if itemcode==4
(bin=23, start=3.5999999, width=2.2782609)

**** The graph appeared in a second. ************


Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 11:17:40 +0900
From: Shoji TOKUNAGA <[email protected]>
Subject: st: Too much time to draw a graph

Dear Stata users,

I have a problem on drawing a graph with my Stata.  It takes too much time.

I am running Stata 11/MP on Japanese version of Windows XP.
After I input a line of histogram command on the command window, I cannot get the graph even after 10 minutes. The data has only 4445 records with around 10 variables. 

Do someone share a similar problem?  Is it a unique problem to Japanese version of Window XP, or common to "slow" PC?  My note PC has a dual core CPU (Centrino system) of 1 GHz.

. histogram value if itemcode == 3
(bin=23, start=7.8000002, width=.38695655)

.... long time passing .....

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