Statalist archive (ordered by date)
(last updated Sat Jan 31 23:50:03 2009)
- Re: FW: AW: st: AW: I want to obtain Tables with all categories of every variables
- Re: FW: AW: st: AW: I want to obtain Tables with all categories of every variables
- FW: AW: st: AW: I want to obtain Tables with all categories of every variables
- Re: st: AW: Question about "testparm"
- st: new package sheafcoef available from ssc
- AW: st: AW: Question about "testparm"
- Re: st: AW: Question about "testparm"
- st: AW: Question about "testparm"
- RE: st: AW: I want to obtain Tables with all categories of every variables
- Re: st: AW: I want to obtain Tables with all categories of every variables
- AW: st: AW: I want to obtain Tables with all categories of every variables
- RE: st: AW: I want to obtain Tables with all categories of every variables
- st: Question about "testparm"
- st: AW: I want to obtain Tables with all categories of every variables
- st: I want to obtain Tables with all categories of every variables
- Re: st: "smart programmers do use them..."
- Re: st: "smart programmers do use them..."
- st: re: GEE with multiple within subject factors
- st: GEE with multiple within subject factors
- R: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- Re: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- R: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- st: "smart programmers do use them..."
- Re: st: simulated annealing
- RE: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- st: simulated annealing
- Re: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- st: re:Several endogenous dummies, one instrument for each, in a binary model
- Re: st: estout matrix - super column names
- st: RE: Several endogenous dummies, one instrument for each, in a binary model
- st: Several endogenous dummies, one instrument for each, in a binary model
- RE: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- RE: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- st: finding roots in Mata
- st: RE: Mixed Model for Couples
- st: errors with reoprob
- st: estout matrix - super column names
- st: RE: Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-ranks Test also for groups?
- Re: st: Mixed Model for Couples
- RE: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- RE: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- RE: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- RE: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- AW: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- Re: st: Interval censored data in survival analysis
- st: RE: st: Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-ranks Test also for groups?
- Re: st: Question about -esttab- and its macros
- Re: st: Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-ranks Test also for groups?
- Re: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- RE: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- Re: st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- st: Question about -esttab- and its macros
- RE: st: Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-ranks Test also for groups?
- Re: st: PSPLINE: panel data and confidence intervals
- st: AW: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- st: PSPLINE: panel data and confidence intervals
- RE: st: Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-ranks Test also for groups?
- st: Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-ranks Test also for groups?
- st: estimation of series of OLS regressions based on t-values from previous regression
- Re: st: Blinder-Oaxaca
- Re: st: Mixed Model for Couples
- Re: st: Mixed Model for Couples
- Re: st: Mixed Model for Couples
- Re: st: Blinder-Oaxaca
- Re: st: Blinder-Oaxaca
- Re: st: Blinder-Oaxaca
- st: RE: data management - converting string HH:MM to actual numeric integer values
- st: data management - converting string HH:MM to actual numeric integer values
- st: Mixed Model for Couples
- Re: st: Blinder-Oaxaca
- Re: st: Blinder-Oaxaca
- st: command pergram
- Re: st: Are the standard errors from my -logistic- output wrong?
- st: Blinder-Oaxaca
- Re: st: Are the standard errors from my -logistic- output wrong?
- Re: st: Interval censored data in survival analysis
- re: : st: Interval censored data in survival analysis
- Re: AW: st: OR and logit command
- AW: st: OR and logit command
- st: AW: OR and logit command
- Re: st: OR and logit command
- st: AW: Are the standard errors from my -logistic- output wrong?
- st: OR and logit command
- st: AW: Are the standard errors from my -logistic- output wrong?
- st: Interval censored data in survival analysis
- st: Are the standard errors from my -logistic- output wrong?
- st: Mixing mlogit and gaussian in -gllamm-
- Re: st: using another variable as a label
- Re: st: RE: using another variable as a label
- Re: st: esttab or estout table format
- st: AW: get ado files
- st: get ado files
- Re: st: Stata's ml stucks
- st: re: Stata's ml sticks
- Re: st: statistics for impact of treatment on a single school
- Re: st: Stata's ml stucks
- RE: st: RE: RE: "if and &" expression in edit
- Re: st: Stata's ml stucks
- st: esttab or estout table format
- st: Re: xtabond2
- st: xtabond2
- st: Update to -logitcprplot- available from SSC
- st: Update to -oaxaca- available from SSC
- Re: st: Stata's ml stucks
- st: RE: RE: "if and &" expression in edit
- st: RE: re: Stata's ml sticks
- st: re: Stata's ml sticks
- st: re: Stata's ml sticks
- st: RE: "if and &" expression in edit
- st: RE: "if and &" expression in edit
- Re: st: "if and &" expression in edit
- st: "if and &" expression in edit
- RE: st: Stata's ml sticks
- RE: st: Stata's ml sticks
- RE: st: Stata's ml sticks
- Re: st: Stata's ml sticks
- Re: st: Stata's ml sticks
- st: statistics for impact of treatment on a single school
- Re: st: Stata's ml sticks
- Re: st: RE: Recoding consecutive rows of data
- Re: st: Stata's ml sticks
- st: RE: Recoding consecutive rows of data
- Re: st: Display spline knots with xline?
- st: Recoding consecutive rows of data
- st: RE: using another variable as a label
- Re: st: SV: some problems with gllamm
- RE: st: Display spline knots with xline?
- RE: st: Stata's ml stucks
- Re: st: using another variable as a label
- Re: st: Stata's ml stucks
- st: SV: some problems with gllamm
- st: Time effect in panel fixed and random effect model
- RE: st: Stata's ml stucks
- st: RE: using another variable as a label
- Re: st: using another variable as a label
- st: some problems with gllamm
- Re: st: Display spline knots with xline?
- st: Display spline knots with xline?
- st: using another variable as a label
- RE: st: comparing dates: keep if dates<d(DDMMYYYY)
- st: Re: nested xtmixed variance component model syntax
- Re: st: Stata's ml stucks
- st: panel root tests of Choi(2001)
- st: Stata's ml stucks
- st: Re: nested xtmixed variance component model syntax
- st: nested xtmixed variance component model syntax
- Re: st: RE: surprising behaviour in -lookfor-?
- st: RE: RE: Set decimal places for var-cov output
- st: RE: Set decimal places for var-cov output
- st: Set decimal places for var-cov output
- st: RE: create a new time variable from an old one
- st: create a new time variable from an old one
- RE: st: comparing dates: keep if dates<d(DDMMYYYY)
- RE: st: RE: Stata version in user ados
- RE: st: comparing dates: keep if dates<d(DDMMYYYY)
- RE: st: RE: surprising behaviour in -lookfor-?
- st: nl log3
- RE: st: Correspondence analysis for crossed - stacked variables
- Re: st: RE: surprising behaviour in -lookfor-?
- Re: Ang. Re: st: Robust SE and svy
- Re: Ang. Re: st: Robust SE and svy
- RE: st: subpop question
- Ang. Re: st: Robust SE and svy
- Re: st: Robust SE and svy
- Re: st: RE: surprising behaviour in -lookfor-?
- Re: st: Multiple Kaplan Meier graphs for PFS and survival
- Re: st: Robust SE and svy
- st: Re: total
- RE: st: RE: 3200 conformability error: XTIVREG2 versus XTIVREG
- st: Correspondence analysis for crossed - stacked variables
- st: RE: RE: RE: re: the future of statistical computing
- Re: st: Multiple Kaplan Meier graphs for PFS and survival
- st: Multiple Kaplan Meier graphs for PFS and survival
- Re: st: RE: 3200 conformability error: XTIVREG2 versus XTIVREG
- st: Robust SE and svy
- Re: st: RE: Stata version in user ados
- Re: st: RE: surprising behaviour in -lookfor-?
- Re: st: RE: Stata version in user ados
- st: re: total
- Re: st: RE: Stata version in user ados
- Re: st: RE: surprising behaviour in -lookfor-?
- Re: st: RE: minor bug in -lookfor-?
- RE: st: RE: minor bug in -lookfor-?
- Re: st: RE: minor bug in -lookfor-?
- RE: st: RE: Stata version in user ados
- st: RE: minor bug in -lookfor-?
- st: AW: minor bug in -lookfor-?
- Re: st: RE: Stata version in user ados
- st: minor bug in -lookfor-?
- st: RE: SV: Comparing ZINB Models with clustering by subject
- RE: st: regex-syntax error: "regexp: unmatched []"; no possibility to stop the do-file
- st: RE: Stata version in user ados
- st: tobit postestimation
- Re: st: regex-syntax error: "regexp: unmatched []"; no possibility to stop the do-file
- RE: st: comparing dates: keep if dates<d(DDMMYYYY)
- st: RE: RE: re: the future of statistical computing
- RE: st: RE: re: total
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- Re: st: RE: re: total
- AW: st: total
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: RE: re: total
- Re: st: total
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- Re: st: Long legend text spanning two columns
- Re: st: Long legend text spanning two columns
- st: re: total
- Re: st: Long legend text spanning two columns
- st: re: long legend test spa
- st: Long legend text spanning two columns
- Re: st: regex-syntax error: "regexp: unmatched []"; no possibility to stop the do-file
- Re: st: RE: re: the future of statistical computing
- st: regex-syntax error: "regexp: unmatched []"; no possibility to stop the do-file
- Re: st: RE: re: the future of statistical computing
- st: cluster() added to xtabond2
- st: RE: re: the future of statistical computing
- Re: st: total
- st: New package -xgroup- on SSC
- st: AW: re: total
- st: re: total
- st: re: the future of statistical computing
- st: total
- Re: st: Fwd: graphing piecewise linear functions
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- RE: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- RE: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: SV: Comparing ZINB Models with clustering by subject
- Re: st: Declare and class field initialisation with an r()-value
- st: Declare and class field initialisation with an r()-value
- Re: st: exchanging the outcome and exposure in logistic reg
- st: Update to -pspline- available from SSC
- st: RE: graphing
- st: Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology
- Re: st: RE: Mixing mlogit and gaussian in -gllamm-
- RE: st: comparing dates: keep if dates<d(DDMMYYYY)
- RE: st: subpop question
- RE: st: subpop question
- Re: st: endogeneity in duration models
- Re: st: endogeneity in duration models
- legend placement within graphs [was: RE: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing]
- Re: st: RE: Mixing mlogit and gaussian in -gllamm-
- [no subject]
- st: a question on indirect comparisons
- Re: st: subpop question
- Re: st: Importing dd.mm.yyyy. date into stata date format
- Re: st: RE: Re: Data Envelopment Analysis in STATA
- st: Importing dd.mm.yyyy. date into stata date format
- st: Re: mlogit mfx table
- Re: st: mlogit mfx table
- Re: st: subpop question
- st: subpop question
- Re: st: Statistically Significant Increase in R-Squared
- st: mlogit mfx table
- st: endogeneity in duration models
- Re: st: Re: compound outcome variables (not specifically Stata-related)
- st: exchanging the outcome and exposure in logistic reg
- Re: st: Statistically Significant Increase in R-Squared
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- Re: st: Re: compound outcome variables (not specifically Stata-related)
- st: Stata version in user ados
- Re: st: Statistically Significant Increase in R-Squared
- st: Re: compound outcome variables (not specifically Stata-related)
- Re: st: Statistically Significant Increase in R-Squared
- Re: st: Statistically Significant Increase in R-Squared
- Re: st: comparing dates: keep if dates<d(DDMMYYYY)
- st: Statistically Significant Increase in R-Squared
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- Re: st: Comparing ZINB Models with clustering by subject
- st: Update to -fre- available from SSC
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- RE: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: Running SAS code from STATA do files
- Re: st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- RE: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: graphing
- st: Comparing coefficients from mlogit versus coefficients from listcoef
- st: RE: compound outcome variables (not specifically Stata-related)
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- Re: st: Mean
- Re: st: merging in panel
- Re: st: merging in panel
- RE: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: merging in panel
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- Re: st: RE: RE: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- RE: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: compound outcome variables (not specifically Stata-related)
- RE: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: chunky.ado, a large text file chunking utility, now available on SSC
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: Mean
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: RE: Mean
- st: RE: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- Re: st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: RE: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: Comparing ZINB Models with clustering by subject
- st: Mean
- Re: st: Convergence with Mata -optimize()-, bfgs
- st: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing ( statalist-digest V4 #3314 )
- Re: st: RE: comparing proportions
- Re: st: Q: GLLAMM SEM with a latent DV
- RE: st: RE: comparing proportions
- st: Libby Holden is out of the office.
- Re: st: mean centering and interaction effects
- st: Q: GLLAMM SEM with a latent DV
- st: mean centering and interaction effects
- st: AW: xml_tab
- RE: st: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: xml_tab
- Re: st: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: RE: The Future of Statistical Computing
- st: The Future of Statistical Computing
- RE: st: RE: comparing proportions
- st: RE: Mixing mlogit and gaussian in -gllamm-
- Re: st: Partial Correlation Kendall's Tau (or Somers D)
- RE: st: RE: lorenz curve
- Reply to [st:using saved values]
- Re: st: RE: 3200 conformability error: XTIVREG2 versus XTIVREG
- st: Re: AW: Re:code for R-Squared and p
- st: AW: Re:code for R-Squared and p
- Re: st: Bug in Stata's -syntax- command
- st: AW: Re:code for R-Squared and p
- Re: st: Re:code for R-Squared and p
- st: Re:code for R-Squared and p
- Re: st: svy and pweight postestimation tools
- Re: st: RE: lorenz curve
- Re: st: svy and pweight postestimation tools
- RE: st: RE: lorenz curve
- st: eViews "model solving" in Stata?
- RE: st: RE: Data management for survival analysis with time-varying covariates
- Re: st: RE: lorenz curve
- RE: st: RE: lorenz curve
- RE: st: RE: Data management for survival analysis with time-varying covariates
- Re: st: RE: lorenz curve
- st: RE: lorenz curve
- Re: st: RE: comparing proportions
- st: lorenz curve
- st: lorenz curve
- st: lorenz curve
- RE: st: Partial Correlation Kendall's Tau (or Somers D)
- Re: st: Fwd: graphing piecewise linear functions
- st: Bug in Stata's -tempname- command
- Re: st: Partial Correlation Kendall's Tau (or Somers D)
- st: RE: RE: comparing proportions
- Re: st: Expanding single observation data to create unbalanced panel data set-up
- st: RE: comparing proportions
- st: comparing proportions
- st: Bug in Stata's -syntax- command
- st: Mixing mlogit and gaussian in -gllamm-
- Re: st: suppress Stata logo in log file?
- Re: st: Expanding single observation data to create unbalanced panel data set-up
- Re: st: How can I compare two Cox models - can I use Harrell's C/ROC curves?
- RE: st: Partial Correlation Kendall's Tau (or Somers D)
- st: RE: Data management for survival analysis with time-varying covariates
- st: Fwd: graphing piecewise linear functions
- st: Expanding single observation data to create unbalanced panel data set-up
- RE: st: Problems in load large data or read several fields from CSV data
- st: R: Data management for survival analysis with time-varying covariates
- Re: st: Problems in load large data or read several fields from CSV data
- st: Data management for survival analysis with time-varying covariates
- RE: st: Partial Correlation Kendall's Tau (or Somers D)
- Re: st: Partial Correlation Kendall's Tau (or Somers D)
- RE: st: Problems in load large data or read several fields from CSV data
- st: Partial Correlation Kendall's Tau (or Somers D)
- Re: st: Problems in load large data or read several fields from CSV data
- Re: st: Problems in load large data or read several fields from CSV data
- RE: st: Problems in load large data or read several fields from CSV data
- st: RE: How can I compare two Cox models - can I use Harrell's C/ROC curves?
- Re: st: How can I compare two Cox models - can I use Harrell's C/ROC curves?
- st: R: How can I compare two Cox models - can I use Harrell's C/ROC curves?
- st: Update to -estout- available from SSC
- Re: st:three-way panel data estimation
- Re: st: How can I compare two Cox models - can I use Harrell's C/ROC curves?
- st: How can I compare two Cox models - can I use Harrell's C/ROC curves?
- Re: st: suppress Stata logo in log file?
- Re: st: suppress Stata logo in log file?
- st: suppress Stata logo in log file?
- st: Updates to packages on SSC: -njc_stuff-, -domdiag-, -multencode-
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: using saved values
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: using saved values
- st: RE: RE: RE: using saved values
- st: RE: RE: using saved values
- RE: st: RE: 3200 conformability error: XTIVREG2 versus XTIVREG
- Re: st: RE: Testing for Significance Between Poisson Reg Lines
- Re: st: Set more off
- st: RE: RE: using saved values
- Re: st: Set more off
- RE: st: Set more off
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Set more off
- Re: st: Problems in load large data or read several fields from CSV data
- Re: st: Set more off
- Re: st: How do I summarize and report predicted medians after qreg command?
- st: RE: Testing for Significance Between Poisson Reg Lines
- Re: st: RE: using saved values
- st: RE: using saved values
- st: RE: Testing for Significance Between Poisson Reg Lines
- Re: st: using saved values
- st: RE: using saved values
- st: Fitness measures to score model quality in Stata
- st: RE: using saved values
- st: RE: using saved values
- st: How do I summarize and report predicted medians after qreg command?
- st: using saved values
- st: RE: Confidence intervals differ between Predict, Adjust, and T-test, which to use?
- Re: st: Set more off
- st: Confidence intervals differ between Predict, Adjust, and T-test, which to use?
- RE: st: RE: 3200 conformability error: XTIVREG2 versus XTIVREG
- Re: st: Problem
- Re: st: RE: 3200 conformability error: XTIVREG2 versus XTIVREG
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Set more off
- st: RE: RE: RE: Set more off
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: Set more off
- st: RE: 3200 conformability error: XTIVREG2 versus XTIVREG
- Re: st: RE: RE: Set more off
- st: RE: RE: RE: Set more off
- Re: st: RE: RE: Set more off
- st: RE: RE: Set more off
- st: 3200 conformability error: XTIVREG2 versus XTIVREG
- Re: st: Problems in load large data or read several fields from CSV data
- st: RE: Set more off
- st: Problem
- st: Set more off
- st: RE: RE: RE: Fractional Median
- st: 2008 Italian Stata Users Group meeting
- st: Problems in load large data or read several fields from CSV data
- st: RE: RE: additional cluster effect in GEE
- st: Testing for Significance Between Poisson Reg Lines
- st: RE: additional cluster effect in GEE
- RE: st: graph query
- Re: st: additional cluster effect in GEE
- Re: st:three-way panel data estimation
- st: additional cluster effect in GEE
- st: RE: RE: Fractional Median
- Re: st: Fixed-effects time-varying variable interpretation
- st: clogit, initial values not feasible
- Re: st: weights and ssm
- Re: st:three-way panel data estimation
- st: -multencode- available on SSC
- st: -iquantile- available on SSC
- st:three-way panel data estimation
- st: RE: RE: problems with abbrev()
- Re: st: weights and ssm
- st: weights and ssm
- st: quantile censored regressions
- st: Nested Multinomial Logit
- Re: st: Multilevel parametric survival analysis
- Re: st: Multilevel parametric survival analysis
- Re: st: Poststratification
- Re: st: Poststratification
- Re: st: graph query
- st: Poststratification
- st: Convergence with Mata -optimize()-, bfgs
- st: RE: graph query
- st: graph query
- st: RE: problems with abbrev()
- st: problems with abbrev()
- Re: st: conditional and mixed logit
- Re: st: conditional and mixed logit
- Re: st: Fixed-effects time-varying variable interpretation
- Re: st: Fwd: Smoothed ROC Curves
- Re: st: conditional and mixed logit
- Re: st: conditional and mixed logit
- st: conditional and mixed logit
- Re: st: Multilevel parametric survival analysis
- st: Multilevel parametric survival analysis
- Re: st: Fixed-effects time-varying variable interpretation
- Re: st: Fwd: Smoothed ROC Curves
- st: Fixed-effects time-varying variable interpretation
- Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- st: Calculating inflection points using centered data
- Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- st: RE: Fractional Median
- Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- Re: st: svy and pweight postestimation tools
- Re: st: Re: RE: i and i-1 in forvalues command
- st: RE: Re: RE: i and i-1 in forvalues command
- st: Re: RE: i and i-1 in forvalues command
- st: RE: i and i-1 in forvalues command
- Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- st: R: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- RE: st: date-time help
- Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- st: Re: Cameron and Trivedi's book from Amazon
- Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- st: SSC Archive
- Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation
- Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- st: Monte Carlo Simulation, help!
- [no subject]
- Re: st: graph color
- st: Re: Cameron and Trivedi's book from Amazon
- Re: st: graph color
- Re: st: graph color
- st: graph color
- Re: st: date-time help
- Re: st: Cameron and Trivedi's book from Amazon
- st: Cameron and Trivedi's book from Amazon
- RE: st: svy and pweight postestimation tools
- RE: st: Fractional Median
- RE: st: Fractional Median
- Re: st: Fractional Median
- st: Re: i and i-1 in forvalues command
- RE: st: Fractional Median
- Re: st: i and i-1 in forvalues command
- st: Re: date-time help
- st: i and i-1 in forvalues command
- Re: st: Fractional Median
- st: Fwd: Smoothed ROC Curves
- st: Fractional Median
- st: date-time help
- Re: st: Trouble creating a--by group--cumulative variable
- Re: st: predict after nested probit
- st: AUTO: Harmen Oppewal is out of the office.
- st: Trouble creating a--by group--cumulative variable
- st: predict after nested probit
- Re: st: Bounded dependent variable by ordered categories of independent in survey setting
- st: xtmixed and unstructured covariance uncovergence
- st: multiple use of -encode-
- RE: st: Wild character in variable names?
- st: RE: catplot
- st: RE: PCA
- RE: st: RE: How to compare performance (goodness-of-fit) of very different modelling approaches?
- Re: st: How to compare performance (goodness-of-fit) of very different modelling approaches?
- Re: st: RE: How to compare performance (goodness-of-fit) of very different modelling approaches?
- st: RE: comparing dates: keep if dates<d(DDMMYYYY)
- Re: st: comparing dates: keep if dates<d(DDMMYYYY)
- Re: st: How to compare performance (goodness-of-fit) of very different modelling approaches?
- st: comparing dates: keep if dates<d(DDMMYYYY)
- st: Re: interaction between an exogenous random variable and an endogenous regressor
- st: How do I interpret the output after gologit2?
- RE: st: FW: ICC and loneway
- st: PCA
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- st: Exact logistic regression
- Re: st: Wild character in variable names?
- Re:st:catplot
- Re: st: Help with predicting medians using quantile regression
- st: AUTO: Harmen Oppewal is out of the office.
- st: catplot
- Re: RE: RE: RE: st: panel data- assigning rank by country and year- THANKS
- Re: st: interaction between an exogenous random variable and an endogenous regressor
- Re: st: interaction between an exogenous random variable and an endogenous regressor
- st: interaction between an exogenous random variable and an endogenous regressor
- Re: RE: RE: st: panel data- assigning rank by country and year- EXAMPLE
- RE: RE: RE: st: panel data- assigning rank by country and year- EXAMPLE
- st: RE: RE: Poisson Rates
- RE: RE: st: panel data- assigning rank by country and year
- Re: RE: st: panel data- assigning rank by country and year
- RE: st: Pie Chart Color Scheme
- RE: st: panel data- assigning rank by country and year
- Re: st: Draw splines after Cox-regression
- RE: st: RE: quick question on "unrecognized command" error
- Re: st: Draw splines after Cox-regression
- Re: st: RE: quick question on "unrecognized command" error
- st: RE: quick question on "unrecognized command" error
- st: RE: How to compare performance (goodness-of-fit) of very different modelling approaches?
- Re: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- Re: st: Re: question about ordering of independent variable entry during testing
- Re: st: question about ordering of independent variable entry during testing
- st: Re: question about ordering of independent variable entry during testing
- Re: st: question about ordering of independent variable entry during testing
- st: quick question on "unrecognized command" error
- Re: st: quick question on "unrecognized command" error
- Re: st: Which output is best for ordered logit?
- st: question about ordering of independent variable entry during testing
- Re: st: Which output is best for ordered logit?
- Re: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- Re: st: How to compare performance (goodness-of-fit) of very different modelling approaches?
- Re: st: How to compare performance (goodness-of-fit) of very different modelling approaches?
- Re: Re: st: matsize & variables,
- Re: st: How to compare performance (goodness-of-fit) of very different modelling approaches?
- Re: Re: st: matsize & variables,
- Re: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- st: How to compare performance (goodness-of-fit) of very different modelling approaches?
- Re: st: Which output is best for ordered logit?
- st: clarification on asclogit command
- Re: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- Re: st: FW: ICC and loneway
- Re: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- Re: st: FW: ICC and loneway
- st: Which output is best for ordered logit?
- st: Re: FW: ICC and loneway
- Re: st: Draw splines after Cox-regression
- st: Draw splines after Cox-regression
- Re: st: Bounded dependent variable by ordered categories of independent in survey setting
- st: FW: ICC and loneway
- st: RE: RE: Analysing expenditure data
- st: Bounded dependent variable by ordered categories of independent in survey setting
- st: RE: Analysing expenditure data
- st: RE: Analysing expenditure data
- st: Analysing expenditure data
- Re: st: mfx with ivprobit and ordinal variable
- Re: st: constrained estimation with fmlogit
- Re: st: matsize & variables
- st: intefff command
- Re: st: constrained estimation with fmlogit
- st: RE: matsize & variables
- Re: st: panel data- assigning rank by country and year
- st: matsize & variables
- st: RE: Re: Data Envelopment Analysis in STATA
- st: panel data- assigning rank by country and year
- st: constrained estimation with fmlogit
- st: Anderson-Hsiao Estimator
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: Pie Chart Color Scheme
- st: Re: Data Envelopment Analysis in STATA
- Re: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- RE: st: How to interpret and summarize adjusted medians
- Re: st: How to interpret and summarize adjusted medians
- RE: st: How to interpret and summarize adjusted medians
- RE: st: How to interpret and summarize adjusted medians
- Re: st: How to interpret and summarize adjusted medians
- Re: st: How to interpret and summarize adjusted medians
- RE: st: RE: saving local macros
- st: How to interpret and summarize adjusted medians
- st: Help with predicting medians using quantile regression
- Re: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- RE: st: Re: (no subject)
- RE: st: Reshape-like procedure - help!
- st: RE: follow-up
- st: Re: follow-up
- Re: st: mfx with ivprobit and ordinal variable
- st: mfx with ivprobit and ordinal variable
- Re: st: Reshape-like procedure - help!
- RE: st: RE: RE: Using While Loops to Sample Decimal Values and Stata Programming Support?
- RE: st: Reshape-like procedure - help!
- RE: RE: Re: st: RE: kolmogorov-Smirmov Output
- RE: st: Pie Chart Color Scheme
- st: RE: RE: Re: categorical variables
- st: RE: RE: kolmogorov-Smirmov Output
- st: RE: Re: categorical variables
- st: Discrete choice analysis
- Re: RE: Re: st: RE: kolmogorov-Smirmov Output
- st: Random effects and partial-regression plots
- RE: RE: Re: st: RE: kolmogorov-Smirmov Output
- RE: Re: st: RE: kolmogorov-Smirmov Output
- RE: Re: st: RE: kolmogorov-Smirmov Output
- Re: st: RE: kolmogorov-Smirmov Output
- Re: st: RE: kolmogorov-Smirmov Output
- Re: st: Pie Chart Color Scheme
- st: RE: kolmogorov-Smirmov Output
- st: Re: categorical variables
- Re: st: Pie Chart Color Scheme
- st: kolmogorov-Smirmov Output
- st: Re: k-s test
- RE: st: (no subject)
- Re: st: Re: (no subject)
- Re: st: (no subject)
- Re: st: (no subject)
- Re: st: (no subject)
- RE: st: Trouble with outreg2 and Stata 10- filepaths that include spaces
- st: Re: (no subject)
- st: building GLM vce(options) relating to modified unbiased sandwich
- st: (no subject)
- st: Upcoming NetCourses
- st: RE: RE: Poisson Rates
- Re: st: Creating Tables
- Re: st: Reshape-like procedure - help!
- st: Pie Chart Color Scheme
- Re: st: Trouble with outreg2 and Stata 10- filepaths that include spaces
- st: Trouble with outreg2 and Stata 10- filepaths that include spaces
- Re: st: RE: Calculating binomial probability distribution of cumulative outcomes of independent events with differing values and probabilites
- Re: st: RE: RE: Using While Loops to Sample Decimal Values and Stata Programming Support?
- RE: st: Reshape-like procedure - help!
- st: RE: RE: Using While Loops to Sample Decimal Values and Stata Programming Support?
- st: RE: deleting duplicate observations by date
- RE: st: RE: loops question- solved!
- st: analyzing paired choice data with asclogit!
- Re: st: Rwg
- Re: st: Re: Re: Parks-Kmenta for system of equations
- Re: st: Creating Tables
- Re: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- RE: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- Re: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- RE: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- Re: st: Reshape-like procedure - help!
- st: RE : Overlay stcurve graphs from different models
- Re: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- Re: st: Reshape-like procedure - help!
- Re: st: Reshape-like procedure - help!
- Re: st: Reshape-like procedure - help!
- st: Reshape-like procedure - help!
- RE: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- st: Re: Re: Parks-Kmenta for system of equations
- st: Overlay stcurve graphs from different models
- Re: st: RE: loops question- solved!
- Re: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- RE: st: RE: loops question
- Re: st: deleting duplicate observations by date
- st: RE: deleting duplicate observations by date
- Re: st: deleting duplicate observations by date
- Re: st: deleting duplicate observations by date
- st: deleting duplicate observations by date
- Re: st: RE: loops question
- Re: st: RE: loops question
- RE: st: RE: loops question
- Re: st: RE: loops question
- Re: st: RE: loops question
- Antwort: RE: st: Field Widths and Delimiters
- st: RE: loops question
- st: loops question
- Re: st: kolmogorov-Smirmov Output
- st: 2009 German Stata Users Group Meeting -- Call for Papers
- st: Creating Tables
- st: PS: UKSUG 2009: call for presentations
- st: kolmogorov-Smirmov Output
- st: kolmogorov-Smirmov Output
- st: RE: Poisson Rates
- st: RE: Using While Loops to Sample Decimal Values and Stata Programming Support?
- st: RE: Using While Loops to Sample Decimal Values and Stata Programming Support?
- st: RV: re: three dimensional panel data
- st: Using While Loops to Sample Decimal Values and Stata Programming Support?
- Re: st: lrtest equivalent for svy?
- Re: st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- st: lrtest equivalent for svy?
- Re: st: Debug mode in Mata
- RE: Rephrase of earlier post: how might one calculate such things as cross-product matrices without storing Xs as matrices?
- Re: st: Debug mode in Mata
- Re: st: RE: Calculating binomial probability distribution of cumulative outcomes of independent events with differing values and probabilites
- RE: st: generating new var using principal components eigen
- Re: st: RE: Calculating binomial probability distribution of cumulative outcomes of independent events with differing values and probabilites
- Re: st: RE: Calculating binomial probability distribution of cumulative outcomes of independent events with differing values and probabilites
- Re: st: Debug mode in Mata
- Re: st: RE: Calculating binomial probability distribution of cumulative outcomes of independent events with differing values and probabilites
- RE: st: Field Widths and Delimiters
- Re: st: Debug mode in Mata
- st: UK Stata User Group meeting 2009: first call for presentations
- st: Standard error of a ratio of two random variables
- Re: st: newbie request for advice regarding matrix
- Re: st: RE: Calculating binomial probability distribution of cumulative outcomes of independent events with differing values and probabilites
- Re: st: copying graphs in Mac
- RE: st: generating new var using principal components eigen
- st: RE: Poisson Rates
- st: Poisson Rates
- Re: st: copying graphs in Mac
- st: Re: Running SAS code from STATA do files
- st: Running SAS code from STATA do files
- st: RE: newbie request for advice regarding matrix
- Re: st: newbie request for advice regarding matrix
- st: newbie request for advice regarding matrix
- RE: st: generating new var using principal components eigen
- RE: st: generating new var using principal components eigen
- st: Re: RE: Data sets for Hamilton.
- st: RE: Creating Tables
- st: Creating Tables
- st: RE: Data sets for Hamilton.
- st: Data sets for Hamilton.
- Re: Rephrase of earlier post: how might one calculate such things as cross-product matrices without storing Xs as matrices?
- Re: st: Re: roctab sensitivity specificity for each cutpoint
- Re: st: fix for (gr)log2html
- st: Re: Parks-Kmenta for system of equations
- st: RE: explanation of earlier email: generating new var using principal components eigen
- [no subject]
- st: RE: Parks-Kmenta for system of equations
- st: Parks-Kmenta for system of equations
- st: fix for (gr)log2html
- RE: st: Debug mode in Mata
- st: fix for (gr)log2html
- st: explanation of earlier email: generating new var using principal components eigen
- st: Re: copying graphs in Mac
- Re: Rephrase of earlier post: how might one calculate such things as cross-product matrices without storing Xs as matrices?
- Rephrase of earlier post: how might one calculate such things as cross-product matrices without storing Xs as matrices?
- st: RE: Re: Wild character in variable names?
- Re: st: RE: Calculating binomial probability distribution of cumulative outcomes of independent events with differing values and probabilites
- Re: st: RE: Calculating binomial probability distribution of cumulative outcomes of independent events with differing values and probabilites
- Re: st: RE: Calculating binomial probability distribution of cumulative outcomes of independent events with differing values and probabilites
- st: Re: Wild character in variable names?
- Re: st: Wild character in variable names?
- st: Wild character in variable names?
- RE: st: RE: Calculating binomial probability distribution of cumulative outcomes of independent events with differing values and probabilites
- Re: st: RE: Calculating binomial probability distribution of cumulative outcomes of independent events with differing values and probabilites
- Re: st: RE: Calculating binomial probability distribution of cumulative outcomes of independent events with differing values and probabilites
- Re: st: A logit approach that allows alternative specific variables
- st: RE: Calculating binomial probability distribution of cumulative outcomes of independent events with differing values and probabilites
- st: RE: generating new var using principal components eigen
- Re: st: Re: roctab sensitivity specificity for each cutpoint
- st: RE: roctab sensitivity specificity for each cutpoint
- Re: st: RE: R: discrete choice experiments
- st: generating new var using principal components eigen
- Re: st: bootstrapping a user programmed estimator
- st: Re: roctab sensitivity specificity for each cutpoint
- Re: st: RE: PCA and panel data
- st: bootstrapping a user programmed estimator
- st: binary estimation via gllamm with mlogit
- RE: st: A logit approach that allows alternative specific variables
- st: roctab sensitivity specificity for each cutpoint
- st: Calculating binomial probability distribution of cumulative outcomes of independent events with differing values and probabilites
- Re: st: A logit approach that allows alternative specific variables
- Re: st: Appropriate Use of Two Way Fixed Effects
- RE: st: A logit approach that allows alternative specific variables
- Re: st: Graph bar question
- st: RE: Appropriate Use of Two Way Fixed Effects
- Re: st: Creating a help file of consolidated errorcodes (return codes)
- st: Appropriate Use of Two Way Fixed Effects
- st: Poisson -Multinomial Logit in gllamm
- Re: st: Creating a help file of consolidated errorcodes (return codes)
- st: Re: standard errors for marginal effects for multiple outcomes in ordered models
- st: Creating a help file of consolidated errorcodes (return codes)
- Re: st: macro for all arguments after the first
- st: macro for all arguments after the first
- Re: st: Field Widths and Delimiters
- RE: st: Field Widths and Delimiters
- Re: st: standard errors for marginal effects for multiple outcomes in ordered models
- Re: st: Issue with log file
- Re: st: assign values of a variable to a macro
- st: standard errors for marginal effects for multiple outcomes in ordered models
- Re: st: Issue with log file
- Re: st: Field Widths and Delimiters
- RE: st: Field Widths and Delimiters
- Re: st: Issue with log file
- Re: st: Debug mode in Mata
- Re: st: Issue with log file
- Re: st: RE: writing out numbers ("two" instead of "2")
- Re: st: Graph bar question
- Re: st: Graph bar question
- Re: st: Graph bar question
- Re: st: Re: Issue with log file
- st: Graph bar question
- st: Debug mode in Mata
- st: RE: Issue with log file
- st: RE: Issue with log file
- st: Re: Issue with log file
- st: Issue with log file
- Re: st: RE: writing out numbers ("two" instead of "2")
- RE: st: NYTimes article about R
- re: st: NYTimes article about R
- st: R: RE: R: R: Forthcoming Stata Press Book
- st: RE: PCA and panel data
- Re: st: RE: how to deal with a censored and skewed regressor?
- st: RE: How domatrix accum and related commands work?
- Re: st: assign values of a variable to a macro
- st: RE: writing out numbers ("two" instead of "2")
- st: RE: writing out numbers ("two" instead of "2")
- Re: st: writing out numbers ("two" instead of "2")
- Re: st: copying graphs in Mac
- Re: st: RE: copying graphs in Mac
- st: RE: R: R: Forthcoming Stata Press Book
- Re: st: RE: how to deal with a censored and skewed regressor?
- st: R: R: Forthcoming Stata Press Book
- Re: st: RE: copying graphs in Mac
- st: writing out numbers ("two" instead of "2")
- st: RE: R: discrete choice experiments
- Re: st: RE: copying graphs in Mac
- st: R: discrete choice experiments
- st: RE: copying graphs in Mac
- Re: st: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: how to deal with a censored and skewed regressor?
- st: discrete choice experiments
- Re: st: RE: disregarding duplicate observations in a variable list
- RE: st: Problem with command after update
- Re: st: Problem with command after update
- st: RE: Problem with command after update
- st: Problem with command after update
- Re: st: Update to -estout- available from SSC
- RE: st: printing colorful smcl files
- st: Update to -estout- available from SSC
- st: RE: Loop & estout
- st: How domatrix accum and related commands work?
- st: PCA and panel data
- st: Loop & estout
- Re: st: printing colorful smcl files
- Re: st: copying graphs in Mac
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- RE: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- st: RE: how to deal with a censored and skewed regressor?
- RE: st: RE: saving local macros
- st: Suggestions for Stata Books
- Re: st: copying graphs in Mac
- Re: st: copying graphs in Mac
- Re: st: copying graphs in Mac
- Re: st: copying graphs in Mac
- Re: st: copying graphs in Mac
- Re: st: Negative value for explained portion
- st: copying graphs in Mac
- Re: st: re: Problems importing a (Mac) stata output file into MySql
- RE: st: RE: saving local macros
- st: RE: RE: display a local macro mixing text and numbers
- Re: st: re: Problems importing a (Mac) stata output file into MySql
- RE: st: RE: disregarding duplicate observations in a variable list
- st: autocorrelation in panel-based poisson regression
- st: RE: display a local macro mixing text and numbers
- st: RE: Handling Play-by-Play Basketball Data
- Re: st: Field Widths and Delimiters
- RE: st: Field Widths and Delimiters
- st: re: Problems importing a (Mac) stata output file into MySql
- Re: st: saving local macros
- Re: st: Field Widths and Delimiters
- st: Field Widths and Delimiters
- st: Handling Play-by-Play Basketball Data
- st: RE: Controling formats
- Re: st: re: Problems importing a (Mac) stata output file into MySql
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: how to deal with a censored and skewed regressor?
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: re: Problems importing a (Mac) stata output file into MySql
- RE: st: Launching Stata 10 from do files as -doedit- in Windows Vista
- st: re: Problems importing a (Mac) stata output file into MySql
- st: re: Problems importing a (Mac) stata output file into MySql
- st: RE: IV testing with ivreg2
- st: SSC Archive
- Re: st: saving local macros
- st: Problems importing a (Mac) stata output into MySql
- st: Problems importing a (Mac) stata output file into MySql
- st: Negative value for explained portion
- SV: st: Error in -monotone- of the Manski Bounds package
- Re: st: Error in -monotone- of the Manski Bounds package
- st: Error in -monotone- of the Manski Bounds package
- Re: st: Launching Stata 10 from do files as -doedit- in Windows Vista
- Re: st: Launching Stata 10 from do files as -doedit- in Windows Vista
- st: Pesaran (2004) Cross dependence test
- Re: st: NYTimes article about R
- st: Launching Stata 10 from do files as -doedit- in Windows Vista
- st: Adjusted generalized r-squared, anyone?
- st: Re: Adjusted generalized r-squared, anyone?
- Re: st: Controling formats
- Re: st: saving local macros
- Re: st: NYTimes article about R
- Re: st: RE: disregarding duplicate observations in a variable list
- Re: st: NYTimes article about R
- Re: st: Re: Heckman specification
- Re: st: RE: IV testing with ivreg2
- st: Re: Heckman specification
- st: RE: IV testing with ivreg2
- Re: st: saving local macros
- st: IV testing with ivreg2
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: how to deal with a censored and skewed regressor?
- st: Heckman specification
- st: Controling formats
- Re: st: NYTimes article about R
- st: Re: NYTimes article about R
- Re: st: NYTimes article about R
- st: RE: RE: RE: how to deal with a censored and skewed regressor?
- st: RE: NYTimes article about R
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- st: NYTimes article about R
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- st: RE: RE: how to deal with a censored and skewed regressor?
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- RE: st: RE: saving local macros
- st: RE: how to deal with a censored and skewed regressor?
- RE: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- st: how to deal with a censored and skewed regressor?
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- RE: st: RE: saving local macros
- RE: st: RE: saving local macros
- RE: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: new string variable which has the formatted value of a variable
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- RE: st: RE: saving local macros
- RE: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: new string variable which has the formatted value of a variable
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- RE: st: RE: saving local macros
- RE: st: RE: saving local macros
- RE: st: new string variable which has the formatted value of a variable
- Re: st: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: saving local macros
- SV: st: Multinomial transition model with unobserved heterogeneity
- Re: st: new string variable which has the formatted value of a variable
- Re: st: new string variable which has the formatted value of a variable
- RE: st: saving local macros
- Re: st: RE: saving local macros
- Re: st: Stata Mac question :
- st: RE: saving local macros
- st: RE: disregarding duplicate observations in a variable list
- Re: st: saving local macros
- RE: st: new string variable which has the formatted value of a variable
- Re: st: cross classification xtmixed
- Re: st: cross classification xtmixed
- Re: st: new string variable which has the formatted value of a variable
- st: saving local macros
- Re: st: saving local macros
- st: cross classification xtmixed
- Re: st: disregarding duplicate observations in a variable list
- Re: st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- Re: st: xtmixed & PROC MIXED
- Re: st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- Re: st: new string variable which has the formatted value of a variable
- Re: st: new string variable which has the formatted value of a variable
- st: new string variable which has the formatted value of a variable
- st: interaction effects after xttobit
- Re: st: comparing beta after fitting regression models using the cluster option
- Re: st: descogini but with weights.
- Re: st: lengthening a panel
- Re: st: descogini but with weights.
- st: descogini but with weights.
- st: lengthening a panel
- st: RE: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- Re: st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- Re: st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- Re: st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- Re: st:Why fixed effect estimates are different using Stata and SPSS?
- [no subject]
- st: disregarding duplicate observations in a variable list
- RE: st:Why fixed effect estimates are different using Stata and SPSS?
- Re: st:Why fixed effect estimates are different using Stata and SPSS?
- Re: st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- Re: st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- Re: st:Why fixed effect estimates are different using Stata and SPSS?
- Re: st:Why fixed effect estimates are different using Stata and SPSS?
- st:Why fixed effect estimates are different using Stata and SPSS?
- RE: st: data management - string function
- RE: st: RE: RE: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- st: RE: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- RE: st: RE: RE: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- st: RE: RE: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- Re: st: RE: Fw: wtmean in egen
- st: RE: Fw: wtmean in egen
- Re: st: RE: characteristics after reshape can hang around and bite you
- st: RE: RE: RE: What is the best way to handle embedded spaces
- st: RE: characteristics after reshape can hang around and bite you
- st: characteristics after reshape can hang around and bite you
- st: -eofplot- available on SSC
- RE: st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- st: RE: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- Re: st: Stata Mac question :
- Re: st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- RE: st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- Re: st: Stata Mac question :
- st: RE: truncated regression added to -cmp-
- st: RE: RE: What is the best way to handle embedded spaces
- RE: st: Creating id number by subgroup
- st: RE: What is the best way to handle embedded spaces
- Re: st: What is the best way to handle embedded spaces
- st: RE: RE: Creating id number by subgroup
- st: What is the best way to handle embedded spaces
- Re: st: assign values of a variable to a macro
- st: RE: Creating id number by subgroup
- st: assign values of a variable to a macro
- Re: st: Creating id number by subgroup
- Re: st: Creating id number by subgroup
- st: Creating id number by subgroup
- Re: st: xtmixed & PROC MIXED
- Re: st: Stata Mac question :
- Re: st: Stata Mac question :
- Re: st: testing equality of proportions?
- st: How to do a basic task in MATA that I cannot explain in English
- st: Upcoming NetCourses
- Re: st: Stata Mac question :
- Re: st: Stata Mac question :
- st: comparing beta after fitting regression models using the cluster option
- RE: st: N way fixed effects
- Re: st: regression diagnostics ado
- Re: st: testing equality of proportions?
- Re: st: testing equality of proportions?
- Re: st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- Re: st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- Re: st: calculate and display medians of varlist
- Re: st: xtmixed & PROC MIXED
- Re: st: calculate and display medians of varlist
- st: calculate and display medians of varlist
- st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- st: Stata Journal 8:4 and Cumulative Author Index
- st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- st: data management - changing every 1st encountered of a str data content of a var
- st: Fw: wtmean in egen
- Re: st: xtmixed & PROC MIXED
- st: truncated regression added to -cmp-
- st: RE: display a local macro mixing text and numbers
- st: display a local macro mixing text and numbers
- RE: st: simple scripting and formulas
- st: Stata Journal 8(4) 2008 -- and Stata Journal 5(4) 2005 free to all
- RE: st: testing equality of proportions?
- RE: st: data management - string function
- RE: st: regression diagnostics ado
- RE: st: testing equality of proportions?
- RE: st: data management - string function
- RE: st: data management - string function
- RE: st: simple scripting and formulas
- Re: st: testing equality of proportions?
- st: Stata Mac question :
- Re: st: RE: Formated correlation table
- Re: st: Formated correlation table
- st: RE: Formated correlation table
- st: Formated correlation table
- RE: st: printing colorful smcl files
- st: RE: How to do a basic task in MATA that I cannot explain in English
- st: RE: regression diagnostics ado
- Re: st: advanced censored regression models
- st: advanced censored regression models
- Re: st: re: How to do a basic task in MATA that I cannot explain in English
- Re: st: regression diagnostics ado
- Re: st: testing equality of proportions?
- st: testing equality of proportions?
- st: re: How to do a basic task in MATA that I cannot explain in English
- Re: st: regression diagnostics ado
- Re: st: regression diagnostics ado
- st: regression diagnostics ado
- Re: st:Hausman test in Stata vs.SPSS
- st: How to do a basic task in MATA that I cannot explain in English
- st: marginal effects after xttobit, re
- st: re: Create a variable containing the means of subgroups
- Re: st: xtmixed & PROC MIXED
- st:Hausman test in Stata vs.SPSS
- Re: st: simple scripting and formulas
- st: xtmixed & PROC MIXED
- Re: st: simple scripting and formulas
- st: simple scripting and formulas
- st: re: Create a variable containing the means of subgroups
- Re: st: Create a variable containing the means of subgroups
- st: Create a variable containing the means of subgroups
- Re: st: Understanding graphs
- Re: st: Understanding graphs
- st: Understanding graphs
- Re: st: Meaning of || and ///
- Re: st: Meaning of || and ///
- Re: st: Meaning of || and ///
- Re: st: Meaning of || and ///
- Re: st: Meaning of || and ///
- st: Meaning of || and ///
- st: Using -mim- with -oneway- (or equivalent)
- Re: st: Re: XTMixed / Repeated Measures
- st: R: Mahalanobis Distance and Clustering
- Re: st: Re: XTMixed / Repeated Measures
- Re: st: Re: XTMixed / Repeated Measures
- st: Mahalanobis Distance and Clustering
- st: Rwg
- Re: st: Re: XTMixed / Repeated Measures
- Re: st: Survival Analysis Comparing Younger and Older
- Re: st: RE: Sargan and Hansen tests
- st: estat phtest
- Re: st: survival
- Re: st: Re: XTMixed / Repeated Measures
- st: RE: R: Estimating peak points from regressions
- st: survival
- Re: st: Re: XTMixed / Repeated Measures
- st: R: Estimating peak points from regressions
- st: R: Survival Analysis Comparing Younger and Older
- Re: st: Estimating peak points from regressions
- st: desparate attempt at penalized likelihood with d2
- st: Estimating peak points from regressions
- st: Fractional Polynomial Plots
- st: Survival Analysis Comparing Younger and Older
- st: SSC Archive, Dec 2008
- Re: st: RE: row joining matrices in a loop
- st: RE: Sargan and Hansen tests
- st: RE: row joining matrices in a loop
- st: row joining matrices in a loop
- st: R: Thanks - Statalist - 2009
- Re: st: survival
- Re: st: Is there a combination of a rare event logit and a survey-weighted logit model?
- st: R: Panel Data Tests: Can Some one suggest good reference for order of testing Poolability, RE, FE, Hausman
- st: Re: Thanks - Statalist - 2009
- Re: st: Thanks - Statalist - 2009
- st: Thanks - Statalist - 2009
- Re: st: printing colorful smcl files
- st: Re: Have you received your copy of Cameron and Trivedi's Applied Econometrics Using Stata?
- Re: st: Have you received your copy of Cameron and Trivedi's Applied Econometrics Using Stata?
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