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RE: st: date-time help

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: date-time help
Date   Sun, 18 Jan 2009 17:00:52 -0000

In addition, -ntimeofday- and -stimeofday- from the Stata Journal files
are written for Stata 8. 

[email protected] 

Svend Juul

Mariano wrote:
I have Stata 8, and I'm trying to generate a new variable which
the elapsed time (in minutes or seconds) between two events. The
I want to substract are stored as str24, and contain both date and time
the same cell

03/07/06 17:15:00, 000000
03/07/06 18:05:00, 000000
I would like to generate a numerical variable which indicates that the
elapsed time between the two events is 50 minutes. How is this possible?
Martin answered, but his suggestion requires Stata 10. To combine date
and time-of-day information in prior versions requires some -egenmore-
functions (unofficial -egen- functions); it includes quite a few
date-and-time functions. To get them:
    ssc install egenmore
Having done that, try this:
    input str17 sdatetime
    "03/07/06 17:15:00" 
    "03/07/06 18:05:00"

    gen str8 sdate = substr(sdatetime,1,8)
    gen str8 stime = substr(sdatetime,10,8)
    * assuming that your date format is month, day, year: 
    gen date = date(sdate,"mdy",2010)
    egen seconds = seconds(stime)
    gen double minutes = date*24*60 + seconds/60
    gen elapsed = minutes - minutes[_n-1]
    list , clean

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