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Re: st: RE: saving local macros

From   "Ashim Kapoor" <>
Subject   Re: st: RE: saving local macros
Date   Thu, 8 Jan 2009 00:01:17 +0530

okay, I need some time with this Austin.

Thank you,

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Austin Nichols <> wrote:
> Ashim Kapoor --
> You can add all the requisite strings to the data by adding
> characteristics to the data (-help char-), or -notes-, or new
> variables, or use a variety of other tricks, but in order to have
> those objects returned to the local and global macros you want in a
> new Stata session, you would have to write a do file that does
> that--it's much more straightforward just to write a do file defining
> the locals and globals directly.  Let's assume for the purposes of
> argument you can't do that because you don't know what the locals and
> globals are--then you can write a program to write the do file for
> you, but it can only save the globals, because any locals will be
> invisible to a program you run. So you would need to switch from
> locals to globals for all your code leading up to the saving
> procedure.  Here's a program that saves all extant globals to a
> do-file that recreates them in a new Stata session, assuming they are
> fairly short strings (less than 240 characters or so):
> prog logmac
>  syntax using [, replace]
>  cap log close
>  tempfile t
>  cap log using `"`t'"', text
>  ma li
>  cap log close
>  tempname f fh
>  file open `f' `using', write `replace'
>  file open `fh' using `"`t'"', read
>  file read `fh' line
>  while r(eof)==0 {
>  gettoken n line: line
>  if !inlist(substr("`n'",1,1),"_","-") {
>   loc n=substr("`n'",1,length("`n'")-1)
>   file write `f' `"glo `n' `"`=trim(`"`line'"')'"'"' _n
>   }
>  file read `fh' line
>  }
>  file close `fh'
> end
> I can't see that it is of much use, though...
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