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st: using another variable as a label

From   Ashim Kapoor <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: using another variable as a label
Date   Wed, 28 Jan 2009 16:06:45 +0530

Dear all,

I have a question. My dataset is like this.

Matchscore   order             ymonth
200                 1                 1990m1
280                 2                 1990m1
290                 3                 1995m7
300                 4                 2000m3
251                 5                 2000m4

This is just a small part of the dataset, but it kind of gives the
message that ymonths are not evenly spaced and can be repeated ( this
is the reason I would not graph this by ymonth). So I want to graph
this by order but I want the corresponding values of ymonth displayed.

I want to do  something like : -
twoway ( line matchscore order )  , xlabel ( using ymonth in place of
order for the xlabel )

There is a clumsy way of pulling out the order values and ymonth
values and making a numlist but I was hoping there is something better
than this because I have to automate this process.

Thank you,
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