Just wanted you to know someone made it to the bottom.
You have explored the heart of an issue that has tripped up many a
Stata programmer and, in my case, I've been bitten too many times to
count. Working with, for want of a better expression, "safe"
situations (numerical variables, cleaned strings) one might never hit
situations like you have posed above. However, sometimes we input
strings from other data sources or through -file read- situations and
may snag an errant {`} or {"} only to find out later that Stata has
ingested a hairball. When compound double quotes don't work,
sometimes -macval(mymacro)- can save you but I don't believe there is
a bombproof method to handle all cases.
I am hoping that other folks will jump in here with examples of
situations where people have had troubles and solutions they may have
employed. I realize this slightly veers your original intent which
was to discuss how Stata parses lines, macro expressions, and the
error-messages (or lack thereof) associated with each of your special
For my own part, I would be very interested in the manner in which
programs are parsed. Somewhere in that process, for example, is the
reason why non-Mata program code is interpreted and not compiled - but
that is best left to another thread.
David Elliott
Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.
Progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things.
-- Robert A. Heinlein (American science-fiction Writer, 1907-1988)
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