Dear Martin & List,
Originally I ran this in a do file and thought I was getting the results I wanted, but I think this produces summary statistics for the entire dataset not "by year." For the land variable that I suggested in my original email it is not that important because the 75th and 25th percentile do not change much from year to year, but for other variables I am using, I need to be able to generate the dummies by year. The problem is that when I use by year before the summarize command it does not seem to be capturing the percentiles to use later.
After I summarize by year this is all I get when I type return list:
return list
r(N) = 0
r(sum_w) = 0
r(sum) = 0
When I just summarize, but not by year, I get:
return list
r(N) = 6972
r(sum_w) = 6972
r(mean) = 685537.7666594951
r(Var) = 3463911718862.249
r(sd) = 1861158.703298096
r(skewness) = 5.396472941659592
r(kurtosis) = 36.57465730018304
r(sum) = 4779569309.15
r(min) = 1.95
r(max) = 16389950
r(p1) = 60
r(p5) = 430
r(p10) = 720
r(p25) = 25680
r(p50) = 121400
r(p75) = 527970
r(p90) = 1280000
r(p95) = 2381740
r(p99) = 9327420
Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?
sysuse auto, clear
su pr,d
loc pc75=r(p75)
loc pc25=r(p25)
g biggerthanp75=pr>`pc75'
g smallerthan25=pr<`pc25'
g inbetween=( biggerthanp75==0 & smallerthan25==0)
sort pr
l price biggerthanp75 smallerthan25 inbetween
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Lektzian, David
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 6:29 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: using saved values
Dear Statalist,
I know this is a pretty simple question, but I was wondering if somebody
could tell my how to get the 75th percentile of a variable and then use it
for a future calculation. So, specifically, using a cross-sectional time
series data set organized by country and year, I want to do the following:
By year, generate a variable with the 75th percentile value for
Then generate another variable =1 if the current value for a country of
SqMilesOfLand > 75th percentile.
Then I want to do the same thing for less than the 25th percentile, and
another dummy for being between the 25th and 75th percentiles.
A more general question is that I can't figure out how to call out saved
values from something like summarize and use them in future calculations.
Any help/instruction would be greatly appreciated.
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