Hi Arne,
I have encountered yet another challenge with the asclogit procedure.
As explained previously I model education choice where the covariates
are lifetime income and two types of income risk.
I have two competing measures of lifetime income and in order to illustrate a point
I would like to estimate the parameters using lifetime income measure 2
but then obtain the predicted probabilities using lifetime income measure 1.
That is, something along the lines of:
asclogit choice lifetime2 sigp sige, case(id) alt(edu) noconst
predict xb
where x = [lifetime1]
Do you have suggestions on how to do this?
> Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 12:43:23 +0000
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: A logit approach that allows alternative specific variables
> Hi Peer,
> Some responses below:
>> I would like to specify the values at which the marginal effects are calculated.
>> However when I use the at () option I specify the same life_earnings for all educational groups,
>> is it possible to specify different levels for each group?
> I don't think so but I could be wrong. You'll probably have to
> calculate the marginal effects manually if this is what you want,
> Greene has the relevant formula for alternative-specific variables.
>> In addition, I was hoping to be able to produce a figure for each educational level depicting prob(edu=1) on the y-axis
>> and income on the x-axis. That is, similar to Greene fig. 19.2 (Econometric Analysis, Fourth Edition).
>> Do you know of any useful commands in that regard?
> I don't have my copy of Greene at hand but are you thinking about
> something like:
> webuse choice
> asclogit choice dealer, casevars(sex income) case(id) alternatives(car)
> predict p if e(sample)
> scatter p income if car == 1
> Arne
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