Hi Statalisters,
I find the results I got from estimating a simple fixed effect model
using Stata are quite different from what using SPSS. I was quite
confused that since SPSS estimates fixed effect using linear mixed
model (LMM), while in Stata when estimating LMM, I should use
-xtmixed- command instead of --xtreg--command.
I'm thinking I must have misundertood something. Could anyone give me
some clue ?Thanks so much!
Best wishes,
[The commands and outputs I used are as follows.]
. xtset id
. xtreg lnhr lnwg kids ageh agesq disab,fe
lnhr | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95%
Conf. Interval]
lnwg | .1647719 .0189379 8.70 0.000 .
1276448 .2018989
kids | -.0011805 .0062019 -0.19 0.849 -.
0133391 .0109781
ageh | .0142179 .0063804 2.23 0.026 .
0017095 .0267263
agesq | -.0001676 .0000814 -2.06 0.039 -.
0003272 -8.10e-06
disab | -.0628007 .0185922 -3.38 0.001 -.
09925 -.0263514
_cons | 6.945659 .1258117 55.21 0.000
6.69901 7.192308
MIXED lnhr WITH lnwg kids ageh agesq disab
E(0.000001, ABSOLUTE)
/FIXED=lnwg kids ageh agesq disab | SSTYPE(3)
Parameter Estimate Std. Error df t Sig.
Intercept 7.467766 .083797 5314.000 89.117 .000
lnwg .082290 .009305 5314.000 8.844 .000
kids .007982 .003652 5314.000 2.186 .029
ageh -.000745 .004363 5314.000 -.171 .864
agesq -1.681402E-6 5.407029E-5 5314.000 -.031 .975
disab -.095341 .016312 5314 -5.845 .000
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