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st: "if and &" expression in edit

From   "b. water" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: "if and &" expression in edit
Date   Wed, 28 Jan 2009 18:53:23 +0000

Dear all,

Stata 8.2,

I wanted to do this:

edit if plannedsx!="" & modalit==""
i.e. i wanted to edit those where plannedsx are not missing but where modality are missing
and received this message:
type mismatch

The variables descriptions are:

              storage  display     value
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
plannedsx       float  %9.0g       planndsx     
modalit         byte   %1.0f       electrosx
Questions are:
1. How I can achieve what I wanted to do?
2. I would appreciate confirmation of this situation: I tried another edit with if and & using another conditions and variables, these few attempts returned the same type mismatch error r(109) - so I presumed edit with if and & is not a legal syntax.

Thank you for advice & help,
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