Mart*n quite rightly both drew attention to `=`i' - 1'.
If that seems a little tricky, just spell it out:
forvalues i = 1/5 {
local j = `i' - 1
replace kat = `i' if hour > kat`j' & hour <= kat`i'
[email protected]
Florian Wakolbinger
I want to categorize the subjects in my dataset according to the number
of hours they work. I define say 5 kategories with kat0, kat1, kat2,...,
kat5 being the highest number of hours in each category.
Then I categorize using
gen kat = .
forvalues i = 1/5 {
replace kat = `i' if hour > kat`i-1' & hour <= kat`i'
the problem is I apparently cant write i-1 between ` and '
does anybody know how I can access i-1 while the loop is in state i?
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