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st: How to interpret and summarize adjusted medians

From   I M <>
To   <>
Subject   st: How to interpret and summarize adjusted medians
Date   Wed, 14 Jan 2009 10:30:58 -0800


I have a multivariate model (quantile regression, qreg) with a set of covariates.

I have run the quantile regression model, then generated predicted values (values adjusted according to the covariates in my model).

Essentially, these predicted values are the predicted medians.

How do I summarize these predicted medians?  i.e. if I want to report the predicted median by gender, how would I do this?

---begin example---
/*quantile regression model*/
qreg [outcome] [predictor variable 1] [predictor variable 2, i.e. gender]

/*generate predicted medians based on estimates*/
predict [predicted medians], xb

/*summarize the predicted values*/
sum [predicted medians], detail

---end example---

The sum, detail command would give me the percentiles and the mean (and some other statistics).

If I want to summarize the predicted medians, would I state the mean from the "sum" command, or would I state the median from the "sum" command?

In other words, do I want to report the mean of the 'predicted median', or the median of the 'predicted median'?

Thank you immensely!

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