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RE: st: FW: ICC and loneway
The ICC calculated by the -loneway- command assumes the two observers are exchangeable, ie that for each observation, you're recruiting two random person to evaluate the pain. If you only have two observers, you should want to take into account that there are just two people. Your ICC should be calculated differently. See McGraw and Wong (1996). Forming inferences about some intraclass correlation coefficients. Psychological Methods 1(1):30-46. I don't know of a Stata command that gives you the correct ICC, but perhaps others would know. Choosing the right ICC, however, is quite simple with SPSS. (One of the very few advantages of SPSS over Stata!)
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of JOHN ANTONAKIS
Sent: 15 January 2009 15:20
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: FW: ICC and loneway
You should have the data in the long format for this to work, with dummy
(indicator) variable for x1 (=0) and x2(=1), not in the wide format as
you do now. Type -help loneway- to see the example they use. To reshape
the data look at the -reshape- command.
Prof. John Antonakis
Associate Dean
Faculty of Business and Economics
University of Lausanne
Internef #618
CH-1015 Lausanne-Dorigny
Tel ++41 (0)21 692-3438
Fax ++41 (0)21 692-3305
On 15.01.2009 13:56, Sham Lal wrote:
> Dear Statlisters
> I am looking to compare the ratings of pain between two observers x1 x2 and am using the loneway command to produce ICC's. However, I don't completely believe that loneway is producing what I require. My data is organised as follows:
> Idno pain_x1 pain_x2
> A1 53 74
> A2 62 23
> B3 15 12
> B5 86 52
> The output after running loneway pain_x1 pain_x2 is as follows:
> One-way Analysis of Variance for pain_x1:
> Number of obs = 203
> R-squared = 0.9025
> Source SS df MS F Prob > F
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Between pain_x2 135346.15 68 1990.3846 18.25 0.0000
> Within pain_x2 14613.739 134 109.05775
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Total 149959.89 202 742.3757
> Intraclass Asy.
> correlation S.E. [95% Conf. Interval]
> ------------------------------------------------
> 0.85839 0.03899 0.78197 0.93481
> This is comparing the variation between just pain_x2, I fear this is not correct?
> Any help would be appreciated
> Sham
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